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[雅思写作] 雅思写作辅导:雅思写作中被动语态的使用

发表于 2012-8-14 21:56:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
# ^5 |2 R( M2 E: k* F  i* s  To broaden vocabulary, we should read more native materials.9 ]  ~$ w( \) l; Y% Q* r; p
  可以更换为:To broaden vocabulary, more native materials should be read.
0 ]' Y) u& R! B4 e  Most people think that we should read more native materials to broaden vocabulary.
( o9 h$ _9 X+ p( J  可以更换为:It is widely believed that we should read more native materials to broaden vocabulary.
' _) O& O5 J* B  被动语态在从句、非谓语动词短语中都有可能用到,比如:' d0 E0 H9 V+ d' Z+ n; o
  It is important for nations all over the world to work hard together to control the environment pollution.9 [8 W- ]2 f( I8 q9 z/ t
  可以更换为:It is important for nations all over the world to work hard together to control the environment pollution.5 l: B  N+ p5 @" c) ~# Z# j3 Q
  I am not sure whether all the college graduates can find jobs after graduation." i- m* [& e- k4 k' G& X! D/ ]
  可以更换为:I am not sure whether the college graduates can get employed after graduation.
1 ?+ O1 C: u: H. Q3 C- ^  被动语态是中文英文的一个显著区别,中文中本来是没有被动语态的,所以受汉化思维的影响很多考生不会想到这一点。这就要求我们对此要引起足够的重视,并且在平时写作文的时候多加练习以培养对被动语态的敏感度,以达到语法的本土性目的,在雅思写作中取得较高成绩。

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