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[雅思写作] 雅思写作辅导:范文118篇(含小作文)-18

发表于 2012-8-14 21:56:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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5 w$ w" @. i( A) u  范文:1
: E. t5 a2 U- a3 F8 v( b# }  some people think visitors to others countries should imitated local custom and behaviors. some people disagree, they think the host country should welcome culture different.nowadays, giant jumble jets carry millions of people each day to and from almost all corners of the globe, giving most people the chance of visiting distant countries. however, many of us are sometimes troubled by unfamiliar customs and traditions and are puzzled by the way foreigners behave. in
$ [% f2 O9 @6 T0 A  my essay, both sides of the argument would be presented and analyzed as to whether we should follow the customs of the visited country, or should all nations be more willing to embrace exotic culture. some people maintain that it is better for one to adopt host countries'culture for the following reasons. first of all, as the old saying goes, when in rome do as the romans do,by observing and following their particular way of doing thing, travelers can greatly reduce the chances of misunderstanding and embarrassment. for instance, it is advisable not to ask a western lady personal questions such as her age or her marital status on the first meeting, which is common practice in china. secondly, a nation’s customs and traditions
# y& {$ U  F4 I" e  are often fascinating and offer a unique insight into that very country. Obviously, people travel in order to broaden their h-orizon or merely to relax and enjoy themselves. but these aims could not be satisfactorily fulfilled if they have no idea about a country’s culture. moreover, your interest in and understanding of their ways of life could help to establish a rapport with the local people, because people feel respected when their customs and behaviors are understood and imitated. and by doing things in their way, you become unconsciously a member of them and thus will no long experience culture
. q* Z4 {+ p4 F- P# ?3 I  shocks. however, others also have strong reasons to believe that a country should tolerate and embrace foreign culture. in the first place, no country should cling to its old customs and traditions at all cost and expect others to followsuit. culture sh-ould also be subject to changes brought about by advances in science and technology and the process of globalization. like everything else, numerous traditional practices have been abandoned and people are forming/creating new customs all the ti-me. besides, instead of challenging and damaging the local traditions, the customs brought by international visitors3 J- D2 N3 X7 V# S# `. c
  actually help to enhance our awareness of our own culture, by pointing out that what we took for granted is really not universally praised but rather unique characteristics of our own. in china, for instance, the spring festival is being celebrated wit-h ever more enthusiasm despite the popularity of Christmas. moreover, it is unjustifiable and unrealistic to expect visitors to alter their ways of doing things,to while they have a right, and pick up some new behaviors and customs on short notice. many chinese americans,for example, still live exclusively in china towns and celebrate all the traditional chinese holidays. like a religious belief, one should be allowed to follow their own customs whenever and wherever they like. as far as i a-m concerned, i agree with the latter view that people can keep their own customs and nations should welcome culture differences and integrate the positive aspects from other culture to update their own. apparently, if all are open-minded about different traditions and behaviors, the idea of a global village could come true in corner of the earth, with people living in
2 @5 L  ~5 c5 a& i, j3 I  harmony and each enjoy his own cultural heritage.+ q. i8 x% R3 J$ ^$ T' v
2 ^3 B" n1 C- M! k/ {3 S0 C: c  =================================================
% m2 p6 O3 x; ]  t' }  另: z- p3 O) z  |) D8 q* o
  [原创dadafangfang]v121a正反理由20条(英文)2 Z: D& p5 w2 d0 ^$ l) S$ ^
  注意:使用的语言有一定难度, 对于那些只要靠六分的同学来说, 完全可以用更简单的语言加以表达。仅供参考。
" x; m/ ^/ s; S  for:
( C; z( m, P/ h  1. if we observe the local customs and rules we could reduce the chances of offending the locals and misunderstanding consciously or unconsciously.7 h: }0 h9 z* E5 ~7 d# D/ D
  2. many embarrassments and conflicts are results of differences in custom and traditions between the tourists and the locals, the solution to which would be for the visitors to appreciate and imitate local culture and behaviours.
9 ]; q  `3 a0 c  D& t, m  3. for instance, many a time, american ladies are embarrassed by repeated questions about marriage, age, weight, and salary raised by chinese visitors who are only trying to be friendly by showing concerns over personal matters, which, by the way, is the right thing to do in china.& _3 C. t) Q7 n# Y' t
  4. understanding and following their way of life shows our respect for the local people and thus makes it easier to establish good relationship with them.; l  }1 e7 Q3 Y/ v
  5. odd as some of the customs seem, they enable us to better appreciate that country’s culture and traditions, the very thing that sets up apart.
& d0 b1 A! O+ l1 c2 Q) P0 i  6. experiencing and appreciating others culture and custom are the purpose for travelers, but one could never fully understa-nd a nation’s tradition until he has gained first-hand experience through following and practicing it’s unique custom.& V  y- R2 v( S8 G, _
  7. when in rome do as the romans do.# p& }4 e4 `( U: x/ T! I/ e
  8. it gives you insight into another culture, brings you better understanding of the countries that you visit.2 B" y, i- e3 v) g3 j! ^
  9. by doing things according to their custom, we can better understand them and become more tolerant toward differences, t-he very quality that enable us to live in harmony.% d- J! k8 ~( r+ X2 [
  10. through accepting and practicing other custom, we broaden our minds
* Y4 V8 s, ]1 _  and become more open-minded toward everything else.5 W6 V) Y; D6 I9 C3 f
  11. though natural to the local people, their custom and tradition always seems fascinating to visitors from other parts of the world, the imitating of which makes the travelers life more colorful. against:中华考试网(www.Examw。com)
* ^8 y2 c" K) q: A$ g) d  1. like religious belief, people are entitled to their traditions and custom, and should not be forced to forsake/abandon the-m when they travel to a different place.
1 N. I! ]' R% U7 B+ |( T  2. it is unrealistic to expect visitors coming afar to readily pick up the local custom for their own culture are deep-rooted an-d dearest to them.
' S  U: f1 V/ d1 w  3. take many chinese americans for example. although they have spent dozens of years in the states, it is still hard for them to celebrate the Christmas instead of the traditional chinese spring festivals.7 s- P+ G' M6 f1 l& d% x9 Z
  4. like anything else, culture can’t remain static, especially in light of the profound technology revolution taking place worldwide; it should have the resilience to embrace culture differences so as to appeal to larger numbers of people, especially the younger generation, who stands at the forefront of changes and take up new things readily.# ^( Y' F; \7 w1 t
  5. as a kind of unofficial ambassadors, travelers bring different culture to the destination country, which not only enriches their lives but promote mutual understanding as well.
7 B/ t4 ~+ s8 @* M: I+ z/ O1 l: H  6. nowadays, we are experiencing a kind of cultural integration, whose advantages far outweigh its disadvantages.
2 y! G/ I/ m8 A/ w, w# p4 t; R5 z  7. had it not for the tolerance of chinese people toward foreign culture, people in china would have stick to the rigid system of wearing long robes on all occasions for women and men alike, which is cumbersome and wastef-
0 s8 W& V: Q" O- s" Z+ j  ul of cloth.; ?+ o- G8 a+ e
  8. culture understanding and exchange can promote world’s economy because there have been numerous cases in which the failure to take into consideration of another culture had lead to great economic losses.
$ o! q+ n; h. Q/ B* _  9. paradoxically, for any nation to preserve its unique culture heritages, she has to first embrace cultural difference in order to increase the awareness of its own culture for its citizens.. X% R! B2 P# \9 t
- a9 s4 J1 G; Z4 d$ N  I
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 21:56:25 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  范文28 A6 {4 {5 J* }1 d
  travelling to a different culture can be an overwhelming,indeed,even an intimidating experience.it is very easy for misunderstandings to occur,and tourists are often deterred from places of cultural interest through fear of offending the indigenous people.therefore,some would argue,it is up to the locals to accomodate visitors by speaking their language,serving their cuisine,and generally making them 'at home'.without doing this,local perple can be considered as unfriendly and viewed with suspicion by travellers.consequently they are dissuaded from staying,which is ultimately detrimental to the local community,as the tourists take their spending-money with them.$ J# a! Q1 p1 q$ b7 `) V
  the counterview argues that acting naturally does not necessarily equate with being unfriendly.if a local person wishes to live their life as his or her ancestors have done for centuries then visitors should show respect and allow them to do so.in fact,many would argue that immersing one's self in a different culture is vital in order to truly appreciate it.nothing is gained by travelling,potentially,thousands of miles to experience the same language,food and culture that could have been found a few miles down the road from one's house.ultimately,it is a waste of money,nothing is learned from the experience,and the memories saved will be less vivid.0 `. a! ]7 [. y, n/ }
  this is the point of view i take.although it is vital for many countries' economies to welcome tourists,it does not have to imitate them so as to encourage their stay.if travellers have the right mind-set and show respect,all they need to do is to let the locals carry out their day-to-day lives to gain many insights into the culture.in this way,visitor and host can mutually benefit each other,through an increased income,and an enriching experience,respectively.
' q4 M+ V! u1 {4 R; T" L  范文3
$ P" i9 ^' @8 b" d$ W4 t  nowaday,the culture shock exists between the tourists and host country.therefore,some people consider should try to model themselves on the local culture and convention.personally,i totally agree with the above point.
& p2 x: r8 W) c1 k, h  firstlly,by abserving and understanding of local culture,the tourists can reduce the chance of offending the locals and misunderstanding consiously and unconsiously.in manchu area of china,people think the dog is their anticedent.if you come there,you must always show respects and love to dog,otherwise it will lead to the embarrassment and conflict.4 R1 z( p% k. R! g4 j9 a. s
  secondly,understanding and following the activites of local people can show our respects to them.by doing things with their way,we will be easy to establish the good relationship with them.the local residents often feel friendly when their culture are imitated and understood.they are unconsiously bring us into the members of them.# n+ \: v! t$ }4 ?9 i# B

  @. t& Z) [, G9 }7 l) Y5 p  in addition,imitating can let us gain insigts into other countries.we not only can know whats people's life is like in other counties,we also can be enlarged our knowledge and broaded our horizon,which will be cherish wealth in our life.1  2 尾页
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