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[雅思写作] 雅思写作辅导:应先支边还是自由工作?

发表于 2012-8-14 21:56:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  In this day and age, it can be generally observed that thedisparitybetween cities and the country has been aggravated by relentle ssurbanization. With respect to educational and medicalfacilities, ayawning gap has emerged between those in cities andthe rural ones.This manifest chasm has prompted some to suggestthat teachers anddoctors fresh out of university work in thecountry for a fewyears.Yet many are opposed to this view on thegrounds that itinfringes upon individual freedom to choose wheretheywork.Personally, I think both these two views have meritanddemerit.Granted,assigning new teachers and doctors tothecountryside may create certain benefits.To begin with,thispracticecan help foster a strong sense of obligation in manyteachers anddoctors.They can experience first-hand how therural residentsare held back by the out-moded teaching and medicalfacilities andthis, in turn, can inspire a host of professionals tocommitthemselves to the alleviation of this disturbingsituation.Moreover,the inferior living and working conditions inthe countrycan temper many of these young professionals’ soul.Theyare verylikely to be more tenacious and determined and hencemoresuccessful than their urban counterparts inlatercareers.However,there are even more drawbacks that thispracticecan engender.In the first place,many young teachers anddoctorswill feel unmotivated or frustrated if they are sent torural areasagainst their own will.They may have a hard time gettingaccustomedto the shabby housing and primitive facilities and slackoff atwork.In the second place,if new teachers and doctors arecoerced towork in the countryside, a considerable proportion ofthem may findit daunting when it comes time for them to relocate tocities aftera few years in the country.They will feel intenseoccupationalstress when they cannot operate efficiently equipmentmuch moreadvanced than the devices they are used to back in thecountryschool or hospital. Last but not least, given theinferiority ofthe rural educational and medical facilities,it ishighly probablethat the inexperience of new teachers and doctorswill lead tounsatisfactory job performance in rural schools andclinics.Wereally cannot expect fresh recruits to work wonders withoutdatedtools.In the final analysis,I concede that sending teachersanddoctors fresh out of college to the countryside mayproducespecific advantages. However,if we enforcethisindiscriminately,that will surely generate even more banes.Onbalance, I am convinced that we should optimize our workforceandhonor the individual freedom in determining wheretheywork .

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