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[雅思写作] 雅思写作辅导:七月雅思写作冲刺训练

发表于 2012-8-14 21:56:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Z! Q) k( u, Q' T! L/ n$ j  6/4 小作文(流程图罐头水果制作) 大作文(记者是否值得信赖)——抽象题' `9 Y. C1 N- f( e9 A7 c5 r
  6/11 小作文(饼图+表格) 大作文(政府是否应当资助公共服务设施还是艺术)——基础设施+抽象7 U& r1 |& H% T! A' E" a* b4 _
  6/23 小作文(曲线图) 大作文(传统食品是否会被国际快餐替代)——科技* X8 n% C' k! E% I' F+ x1 \
  6/25 小作文(柱状图) 大作文(广告的利弊)——抽象
; O: a$ e4 m% A  a5 t* p7 g  综上所述,小作文部分真的是五种题型全部考到,这也在考试史上并不多见,因此现在我们的7分飞跃/精品班早已提出题型失去了意义,关键是动静的区分,6月23日和25日都是动态的,6月11日是静态的,6月4日没有意义,总体上每月的动静态图的比例是2:2或者3:1,因此下月的第一次极有可能是一次静态图为主的考试,大家还不快最后看看“多少倍分”的描述和文字系统(commentative system),没有这个将在考场彻底石化。7月份相对来说流程图的可能性也不是太大,至少不如八月,反正九月几乎提前预定了一次,所以大家见机行事,多上博客和微博。 ' O  O6 p3 k5 @' p0 R
; v& k* b1 P3 ^$ m7 Y5 }' r! o; F
  大作文上个月是抽象和科技的天下,本月的主题将继续围绕科技、教育/基础设施,相比来说,科技仍然是头号准备话题,我在6月5日的新东方雅思中国行的峰会上已经告诫当时的与会朋友,由于上半年科技的频率太少,下半年一定不会低于7次,6月已考一次,那么还有至少6次,大家记着。其次教育类的话题还是看看,没有什么难度,最后是“缺东西,缺意识”的2号球,作为雅思第一号大球,希望你永远不要放弃。每月的点题班我都回来继续指点迷津,本月的是7.4~7.8在曹杨的点题班,写作是周四晚上18:40-20:405 b6 W' X% Y* C3 U4 X
  最后的几道题目可以冲刺练一练:$ ^2 O3 l( ]* u$ _4 V  m4 v
  1) People can perform everyday tasks, such as shopping and banking as well as business transactions, without meeting other people face-to-face. What are the effects of this on an individual and the society as a whole?9 p6 o( S6 l: n. w- T) l! r
  2) Some people think that personal happiness is directly related to economic success. Others argue that happiness depends on different factors. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
: P5 z8 J9 O% b$ N. R3 m6 w# A3 E  3) Some people think that good health is a basic human need, so the medical service should not be run by profit-making companies. Do you think the disadvantages of the private health care outweigh the advantages?/ _# l- R. Y1 m! O- _+ g
  4) Some people think that family life and parents have great influence on children's development, while others consider that external influence plays a more important role in children's life, discuss both views and give your own opinion.

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