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[雅思写作] 雅思写作开头范文之technology and interact

发表于 2012-8-14 21:56:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
三个雅思写作开头范文之technology and interact   下面为大家提供了三个雅思写作的开头范文,都是关于科技和交流方式的。雅思写作开头对于雅思写作整篇文章而言是非常重要的,因为要起到点题,开门见山等作用,还要引起下文。下面我们来看看雅思写作开头的详细内容吧。
" u# V( R# Q( n1 I  The development of technology changes the way people interact with each other. In what ways does technology affect the types of relationships people make? Is it a positive or negative development?
% y  o7 b& n, V  开头段一
( |- o6 t0 p, }  c0 Y( B2 {  n  As a matter of fact, the issue on the effects of science and technology is a complex and controversial one. Different individuals can hold various opinions due to their distinct backgrounds, therefore, there is no universal answer to this question. In some areas, some people believe that technology has brought benefits on people's relationship, in other fields, others mountain that it has some side effects.
, _) _( M/ B" f3 x, R! G  开头段二考试用书$ s+ }! [& }8 x; r, P
  It is undeniable that science and technology has played an increasingly important role in modern society. The benefits brought by such trend are obvious, but problems have also been welled up. As for its influences on people's relationship, I believe the advantages brought by technology outweigh its drawbacks.
8 ^0 T% P4 E# z: o4 u) \  开头段三% B2 d3 g) s$ w: Q# X
  Even two decades ago, few people could have imagined that we can perform our daily tasks via computer. Now more and more people are choosing to do the shopping, banking and even work online. So how can such trend affect the interactions between modern-day people? I will give my answer in the following essay.
$ L* i1 s* @8 G+ \  H  以上就是雅思写作开头范文的全部内容,每一个都有自己不同的风格。大家在准备雅思写作开头的时候,一定要写出自己的特点,可以对上面的雅思写作开头范文借鉴一下。

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