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[雅思写作] 雅思写作执导:谢绝信范文

发表于 2012-8-14 21:56:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 Your friend is getting married and he has invited you to his wedding. However, you can't make it for a certain reason. Now write a letter to explain why.(谢绝信)* ?5 i8 Q) C% V( ~5 I) p
! g; S; k5 z* V( r& W# S- N  Dear Steve and Monica,
  d* @" k! m' X, @& `* N1 j  Thank you very much for the invitation to your wedding. Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend.  |5 I  w. y# U+ z7 \- _5 i1 k
8 m6 G( \4 }" {$ J1 ]( G  谢谢你们邀请我们参加你们的婚礼。不幸的是,我们无法前来了。
6 \9 L& W1 p. d' _8 n' x  The reason, I'm pleased to say, is that Wendy is pregnantand the baby is due more or less on the day of your wedding! Although she said it'd be all right for me to come over alone, I feel it's the least I could do as husband, that is, to be by her side and to take of care her after the baby arrives.( F8 j0 p& D  j# N) {- |' B6 L
  原因嘛,我很高兴地告诉你们:Wendy怀孕了,孩子差不多就在你们婚礼那天降临。虽然她说我独自前往没事的,但我感到作为丈夫,我所能够做的也就是要在她身边,在孩子来到后照顾她。8 K) {4 w/ z. G& x9 |9 P! ]& x! A
  We're both hoping it'll be a girl and plan to name her Margaret, after her grandmother. But if it's a boy, we plan to name him Fredrick. No particularreason except that we both like the name." B% V# n. [5 ~+ D8 c
  我们都希望会是个女孩,并打算给她定名Margaret,和她祖母一样的名字。但如果是个男孩,我们就准备叫他Fredrick,没有特别的原因,就是我们俩都喜欢这个名字。( S: p& t7 f' O' Q- k
  Anyway, I would like to wish you both a long and happy life together and hope to come to see you as soon as Wendy is well enough.3 x% U/ t6 v; ]# P' M
  不管怎么说,我谨祝二位白头偕老、幸福美满,并希望Wendy情况一好就来看望你们。; g! ]6 v# {: j+ N7 Z
  Have a wonderful day and don't forget to send us some photographs.
& l4 {' I7 J, ^3 y  祝你们快乐,对了,别忘了给我们寄些照片。( `/ \) w4 ~5 |4 q3 U' `4 l
  Cheers for now,4 z. Z& N3 k+ o5 P  a
  Ken and Wendy: M' a5 T: P7 g- d4 p
/ L/ K& _  b2 Z4 ]$ o  Ken和Wendy

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