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[雅思写作] 雅思写作模板:关于明星拿高薪的现象

发表于 2012-8-14 21:56:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
+ F" f0 E# U1 Z& L* p7 x3 G 明星拿高薪
. L1 O' a# l* g9 C  1. 承认明星给人们带来pleasures,他们提供的娱乐使人们在工作之余放松,有一个健康的lifestyle.但是they are definitely overpaid. / F& R! |) Y6 [! }9 l3 `( N9 a! T% j
  2. Wealth should be allocated according to the contribution to the society. 与明星相比,很多ordinary people在医学,教育和科研领域工作的人,对社会的贡献更大,但是他们的薪水要低很多。获得Nobel prize的科学家甚至都没有明星拿的多,这是inequitable。 转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]7 R; y3 S: \7 s$ p- ~8 k0 l  u7 h
  3. 虽然从事体育娱乐的明星也需要有skills and talents,但是其他'ordinary' professions也require special skills,而且很多职业years of education and special training.这样的收入不公使得人们are doubtful of接受教育的作用,这对培养下一代是很不利的,他们可能会give up school study and pursue to get money much easier like the sports star. 8 J& x) j* O) U) U. a# G
  4. Things should be done to make salaries fairer. Government should impose heavy taxes upon 明星 who earn excessively high salaries, greater amount of money should be given to 贡献更大的公民who deserver the earning.

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