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[历年真题] 托福考试:托福考试历年写作真题汇总2

发表于 2012-8-14 22:34:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
31. Some people are always in a hurry to go places and get things done. Other people prefer to take their time and live life at a slower pace. Which do you prefer?   32. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Games are as important for adults as they are for children.! K4 y, y$ m8 D' R- U6 v
  33. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents or other adult relatives should make important decisions for their older (15 to 18 year-old) teenage children.8 ~/ Y  i8 f7 c4 i/ l9 F- C7 O2 P
  34. What do you want most in a friend ?someone who is intelligent, or someone who has a sense of humor, or someone who is reliable?
: ?8 L+ |/ J. K! H  35. Which one of these characteristics is most important to you?
) z: j  N4 L) Y! U% N7 ^# I  36. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Most experiences in our lives that seemed difficult at the time become valuable lessons for the future.* x; L( o2 s, g, ^  ?& |
  37. Some people prefer to work for themselves or own a business. Others prefer to work for an employer. Would you rather be self-employed, work for someone else, or own a business?
6 ]1 I- Z4 q7 b; I* G: _' F  38. Should a city try to preserve its old, historic buildings or destroy them and replace them with modern buildings?
+ g9 p" A! ?" F3 g( Q( ]/ i  39. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Classmates are a more important influence than parents on a child's success in school.& m* J" }! |* ^7 `: o
  40. If you were an employer, which kind of worker would you prefer to hire: an inexperienced worker at a lower salary or an experienced worker at a higher salary?
5 _+ J6 ~# L' R2 r) @% a  41. Many teachers assign homework to students every day. Do you think that daily homework is necessary for students?
. E8 V. O. Y. A$ r! [  42. If you could study a subject that you have never had the opportunity to study, what would you choose?/ e  k- i+ o( N1 |# E* ^* ?0 ~
  43. Some people think that the automobile has improved modern life. Others think that the automobile has caused serious problems. What is your opinion?. b$ f" _+ ^8 c- }  F9 a
  44. Which would you choose: a high-paying job with long hours that would give you little time with family and friends or a lower-paying job with shorter hours that would give you more time with family and friends?# J# B+ m. K, y) C* L# E
  45. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Grades (marks) encourage students to learn.. O# k! J- c, a4 |
  46. Some people say that computers have made life easier and more convenient. Other people say that computers have made life more complex and stressful. What is your opinion?
! k- N0 N) e5 W  47. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide.
% [1 ^8 \4 z2 G" \& L% H  48. Some universities require students to take classes in many subjects. Other universities require students to specialize in one subject. Which is better?
/ \3 B4 [% n+ a. `0 @% I3 s  49. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school.; O. N' U1 \4 a2 E2 P  U
  50. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Boys and girls should attend separate schools.. U) z% Q/ E# r3 B6 F' Z
  51. Is it more important to be able to work with a group of people on a team or to work independently?
# x9 K4 `' ^$ p  52. Your city has decided to build a statue or monument to honor a famous person in your country. Who would you choose?) b4 ~. j2 \9 j  y
  53. Describe a custom from your country that you would like people from other countries to adopt. Explain your choice, using specific reasons and examples.: B4 @8 p% R- D; P, d) u6 Z
  54. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Technology has made the world a better place to live.
8 @( Q2 P9 b0 S7 d: a  55. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Advertising can tell you a lot about a country.
& s( I" H  Z- f  56. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Modern technology is creating a single world culture.. t2 o- ^2 l3 q3 q$ ]( w" h
  57. Some people say that the Internet provides people with a lot of valuable information. Others think access to so much information creates problems. Which view do you agree with?" [# n( q" g# t# p! M3 a
  58. A foreign visitor has only one day to spend in your country. Where should this visitor go on that day? Why?
( Y, ?6 V9 a- r+ u  59. If you could go back to some time and place in the past, when and where would you go? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.+ k5 H, K2 V9 i) G& l  z. L

# x( ~0 k+ J0 i, O! a5 |2 r  60. What discovery in the last 100 years has been most beneficial for people in your country? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

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