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[历年真题] 历年托福考试语法真题全面解析49

发表于 2012-8-14 22:34:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Resin is a substance that ---in water.
. }+ O$ [6 J7 M: x9 _(A) does not dissolve 7 q8 H6 L# s) U) Y; w
(B) do not dissolve * G" t1 y3 N9 V0 s
(C) not dissolving 3 _# |; z, i- W, H/ Q1 z
(D) not dissolved
/ S$ D- D' E* X) `# m" l, Q  
# K6 F/ t2 d- v' X答案:A
, t$ Q2 |: m* O测试点:谓语. ! ^( I6 n4 e- W1 W1 }& w
分析:that从句有主语而缺谓语.应在答案中选择可作谓语的动词形式,即(A).(B)动词的数与主语不一致;(C)、(D)是分词,不可作谓语. 1 s0 `& p4 s. F. V  F* h
) L3 Z0 l3 q; Z3 w6 G2. ---hardiness, daylilies can be cultivated particularly easily.
, s2 s' }* \# Y' P(A) Their / r; J9 n" f: b6 K3 x8 g1 v
(B) Since their
" V8 f% S! z: \, _(C) It is their 7 o7 T7 b0 |2 V( o' C; R
(D) Because of their + ^1 Y/ `. A- h: H) ]# ]8 ^- d+ q
" Z; G: O4 A, ^  `4 p# q6 c答案:D
* g' Q2 ]  O- C" C% g% v测试点:介词短语。
! T6 }7 a4 I4 q分析:逗号后是一完整的句子,逗号前常常是状语,由分词短语或介词短语充当.答案中无分词,只有(B)(D)是介词结构.since作介词时不表示原因,而是“自从…”的意思.(D)是正确答案。Because of是介词短语。
) F& n2 {3 ]& R0 V! \  
  B! H8 I6 [9 N' P( ]9 g3.A biologist does not merely describe organisms, but tries to learn ---act as they do.
) |; M/ F. q- h/ y0 ~( C  i(A) what cause them to
+ J1 t& B7 o1 q, Q& z# ]4 g(B) causes them to what 2 U" G0 F' i- U+ e, ~% T! W
(C) what to cause them
+ |% @: O. p. @5 @) _(D) what does to them 7 Y. D8 C$ G9 L
  ( Q6 z3 l" ~8 u" f; X
答案:A ; n  `/ M% _8 O
) F2 T( E" ?  D" E6 L9 Z分析:1earn后的宾语从句主谓语均缺,应选择主语+动词+…的形式.(B)缺主语;(C)to cause不能作谓语动词;(D)what为单数意义,动词应当用第三人称单数形式.(A)正确. " h& w6 G0 R  i, h
4 H3 T  ]) ]( m: P8 L9 W4.Vaporization in connection with general --- has a marked effect on long – term climate.
  A2 {5 K: J; P! p1 S(A) atmospheric conditions that 6 V( i# R+ A2 Z8 Y  n
(B) conditions are atmospheric
( B; M6 j& n8 w' c6 B6 `" a% ~. ](C) are atmospheric conditions
: J8 X: h6 d1 M( i9 q(D) atmospheric conditions ' |5 {5 l2 T/ B$ C6 y
2 U/ J# W$ c1 p+ p! @答案:D
5 u# p9 n, M7 G% J测试点:介词宾语. & j8 \  i0 m! n, \2 B: b
分析:介词with要求名词性的成份作宾语,而4个答案中只有(D)是名词词组.(A)后接从句;(B)(C)均含有动词. % H. w- ^/ y( @' v! R
6 ?$ i; o. z; j6 j5. The oldest city in the state, --- .
/ T* R3 N2 y, D! v! B(A) the Hudson’s Bay Company founded Vancouver, Washington, in the early nineteenth century
  c/ ]& [: m0 @* e' A7 Y0 i: B# m9 l( N(B) the founding of Vancouver, Washington, by the Hudson’s Bay Company in the early nineteenth century 0 v$ Q% C# a) |  G" E% {
(C) Vancouver, Washington, was founded by the Hudson’s Bay Company in the early nineteenth century 3 g* ]& W& X1 V2 |8 r/ q) x
(D) In the early nineteenth century with the founding of Vancouver, Washington, by the Hudson’s Bay Company 9 Q, @4 G, x7 F
  3 f6 `- c+ ?( K/ x$ X- m
. A8 `) C# P. E2 n$ [8 p3 K+ I: a测试点;主语一致。
: ?" N7 h. Y8 P4 o( q分析:逗号前是名词性短语,为同位语,逗号后应是完整的句子。句首的同位语说明的是句子的主语,故主语应与city同义.答案中(C)是完整的句子,且以城市名为主语.(A)虽是句子,但主语是company,与同位语不一致;(B)(C)不是句子.
' M8 o, ?% ^+ M0 G1 h( b解题要点:这类含有同位语的考题,通常有冗长复杂的4个答案.简捷的方法是快速浏览各答案的第一个单词,寻找与同位语相同含义的词语,如此句中的Vancouver(温哥华)即是city.

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