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[托福词汇] 美国权威托福参考词汇:S字头

发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
8 t) ^/ ^8 P, z& C& fscarcely % C# g% q$ i& ~5 [7 O# C+ o
adv.几乎不, 简直没有 almost not ; certainly not; probably not % L3 S$ P. f9 c/ G" d
* W, O1 T4 w* J. T2 T. d/ e& un.风景, 景色 a picturesque view or landscape
) Z. p" P5 e( \& ?" K- Gscrupulous
( a) C4 `, I; F! }& n2 ^adv.小心翼翼地, 多顾虑地acting in strict regard for what is considered right or proper & W  g; F# i' a7 ?3 H
# F+ @! r  p& Eadv.秘密地, 背地里
4 C0 j; i. I) P( i; k7 M; Gseek / l* Y7 K, o( x" Z& E
v.寻找, 探索 to go in search of : look for; 寻求 to ask for : REQUEST - }. J* ~2 N2 _, [2 G
sensible & `* D" z; r  S6 ^) A
adj.明智的, 有判断力的 perceptible to the senses or to reason or understanding + B# S* g! s5 ?/ E8 p
# O* {  v4 m/ m. A) j; z( W4 @n.荫, 阴暗 comparative darkness or obscurity owing to interception of the rays of light 1 j8 L( H! n6 ~5 m2 x+ K
$ L% f- @& i' F, P$ iadj.全然的 UTTER 峻峭的 marked by great and continuous steepness
% `" x! i2 a+ a0 j: f+ q透明的 of very thin or transparent texture
* Z6 W. Q2 N: t$ a- g5 a* i! ]v.使避开 to deviate from a course : SWERVE
( D. Q; ^- l9 k$ I5 Qshield % a- E7 J9 e# \( [" m( Z
n.防护物, 盾 one that protects or defends : DEFENSE
* H/ y5 x7 I4 g: h$ l# I, q+ Qvt.(from) 保护to protect with or as if with a shield : provide with a protective cover or shelter ! O8 k. T( e) G7 J0 f  b, D
silently 1 l) p6 h/ \$ C1 t, V& Q& }0 n
adv.默默地, 静静地 free from sound or noise : STILL
/ ~; ?# W9 L  ~- j( W6 k; wsite # g! h* q% \4 A3 r; z) b, r
n.地点, 场所 the spatial location of an actual or planned structure or set of structures
* b! d$ U: I- z  `- Psketch 2 \) k) Q" j- d3 N1 }; H; x
n .略图, 草图 a rough drawing representing the chief features
/ a* q; V: l* n7 ^- M7 G: Eslim
. y% W- t; a  y, ~8 ?6 Kadj.苗条的, 纤细的 of small diameter in proportion to the height or length : SLENDER 5 K& X2 \: v; u+ L
" s. F2 F% Z$ P7 ~0 J) wn. 孔, 插座, 糟 an opening or hollow that forms a holder for something ( y" |3 k& r/ h6 N, ?
  e* `: i, V7 P! p; radj.孤独的1being, living, or going alone or without companions 2saddened by isolation + h( a5 @" H* w# h5 v5 x8 t+ X! T
1 N" a- u' X' k) l; p8 u4 J3 L: Qadj.诡辩的, 久经世故的 not in a natural, pure, or original state : ADULTERATED 3 U, N; ~4 g: O! B8 `' ]" ]
  m$ }0 i+ L0 Vadj.广大的, 大规模的 : vast or ample in extent : ROOMY; large or magnificent in scale ! U6 i4 t/ C$ j# j' E/ ]1 M
split % I! @* K# c% i1 T* X
v.劈开, (使)裂开 to affect as if by cleaving or forcing apart 8 u# f) Q- }0 ?% F5 }) Y6 `: J: K
stain 8 q  U4 S0 b8 N- d' ^0 Y2 w" {+ `
n.污点, 瑕疵 a soiled or discolored spot ; v.染污, 沾污to suffuse with color ( v* w: v: p- G% v
: m/ b" \6 E) w2 Xadj.静态的, 静力的 exerting force by reason of weight alone without motion
1 t8 t7 c; ~: c( F" lstrengthen   c1 I9 @8 k% L; ~
v.加强, 巩固 to make stronger
2 N1 ^3 F" p$ @* B0 v$ Qstrict
# u; o/ Z8 V) M1 Eadj.(~ with) 严格的 stringent in requirement or control, , 精确的 EXACT, PRECISE
0 N5 L7 p* T: k. ~stripe ( F0 N' s0 ~. Z7 q
n.斑纹, 条纹 a stroke or blow with a rod or lash ) S* b  P, u1 b
stubborn % N+ ^" M& m- P* @
adj.顽固的unreasonably or perversely unyielding : MULISH * `: o$ f# A7 l, x
难应付的, difficult to handle ,manage, or treat : Z$ o3 h; `1 \' L6 ?9 k
6 V  S9 _( a& q3 H7 Mn.风格 a distinctive manner or custom of behaving or conducting oneself
, {5 f. h! _8 V" E8 _0 S文体 a distinctive manner of expression 1 w& w  w5 _3 u% G3 |* x: c4 z
subtle   x5 p$ C4 a0 _( }. a. m2 O8 C8 ^
adj.狡猾的highly skillful: EXPERT 微妙的 DELICATE, ELUSIVE; 精细的REFINED
$ b0 r3 K4 v5 v  s  T, Vsupernatural ! C& b) \8 }. Z1 I
adj.超自然的of or relating to an order of existence beyond the visible observable universe
9 m) ]+ P. w3 \, q8 E# M; x3 K# dsurpass
9 U9 A# A7 H% Jvt.超越, 胜过1 to go beyond : OVERSTEP; 2 to become better, greater, or stronger than : $ l+ [9 }6 B/ R0 j! j
- l# r6 S) m+ p* d4 h1 K, fadj.(~ of) 可疑的, 怀疑的 tending to arouse suspicion : QUESTIONABLE
5 [1 `( x7 T6 ]3 W3 rswift ( [: x% p3 I: j" n  r' G( F6 K+ Y
adj.迅速的, 快的, 敏捷的 in a swift manner : with speed : QUICKLY
" k+ x9 ~6 M5 k: \- }/ q" J( osymphony n.交响乐, 交响曲 a musical composition (as for organ) resembling such a symphony in complexity or variety

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