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[托福词汇] TWE常见疑难词汇纠错实例分析(中)

发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
21.had better, would rather 后跟不带to的不定式。
- r% q$ w8 L" I7 L, T4 RF:You had better to pay attention to the details.
) P% f4 e4 r; g) l7 J! CT:You had better pay attention to the details. 5 f6 J7 K6 j+ H$ u, V# ~, p
F:I had better not to play tennis this afternoon. ' A" w! Q. U& P! Z! D) _7 d
T:I had better not play tennis this afternoon. ' b, T; s( s" g- d8 l
F:Which movie would you rather to see? # x8 w$ k) d) N, X
T:Which movie would you rather see? ( U! t# }3 L& I1 g" [7 \6 F0 R% u- t
F:She says that she would rather not to have dessert. & ^2 u( w5 k: ]2 B4 E. T! B
T:She says that she would rather not have dessert. , X( l  |0 r! A, F( [9 `
22.In,into,In意指location within.Into指motion or direction。 8 T3 {) U$ y5 \3 B2 d
F:She stepped carefully in the car. " i4 m1 g0 ?; G8 M) k
T:She stepped carefully into the car. % S; }: V* m' w) E; V: }" J
F:He jumped off his bicycle and ran in the library.
; }& U5 r  p* I9 Z! P3 t; sT:He jumped off his bicycle and ran into the library. 6 p  D2 l) f5 C$ b# F
23.in regards to为误用, 应说in regard to,as regards, 或 regarding. 2 O, b3 O8 s' C  j
F:I am writing in regards to your letter of May 10.
8 R( j4 i6 `, NT:I am writing in regard to (or as regards, regarding) your letter of May 10. " y2 G& l5 z" e" D
24.in spite of,despite都是介词,后面不跟从句。 " U; B. A. F& G) h
F:I was able to concentrate despite the room was noisy. 5 t0 r' k  {% C3 n% x: \
T:1 was able to concentrate despite the noisy room.
* V& g; m, I, [F:Tn spite of it was cold, he didn‘t wear a coat.
$ n: P3 u3 R- D% O- QT:In spite of the cold, he didn‘t wear a coat.
- Y3 P8 ~: l( f1 ]# k# [3 h- r3 @25.Its,it‘s;Its是代词所属格,It‘s 是 it is的缩略式。 # k; K) i# U. Y% A& K& Z. A
F:Us essential that we leave on time.
& ~- ?% m/ [# @' _T:It‘s essential that we leave on time. 7 m6 @( C& s  Y  k( L, A
F:The human body and it‘s organs are interesting to study.
5 O, K) z3 p0 G& |- A& `/ L$ fT:The human body and its organs are interesting to study.
! J8 x  j5 Y: A; ?# I! q8 L' FF:The dog wagged -it‘s tail when it saw the food. ! X' x- [9 h$ h; J7 S
T:The dog wagged its tail when it saw the food.
/ O& [( u9 L+ W0 `# ]  X, k26.kind,sort,和type都是单数,只能被单数形容词修饰,其复数形式分别是kinds,sorts,和types. 1 t5 k$ A  [: G8 o8 \
F:You should avoid making these kind of mistakes. * \) {+ E5 V3 G# w' F3 ?. a
T:You should avoid making these kinds of mistakes.
7 ]' {' o+ Z& u& b6 W$ @9 D, ROR & s" }; h3 m/ w; n  S) |) }, X
You should avoid making this kind of mistake. , I: z* _3 V4 d+ A- |
F:Those kind of insects are harmful to man. 2 v( i4 k! X' H- H  C
T:Those kinds of insects are harmful to man. 5 Y/ _: I" k, R5 m# r( k
OR , Y' W7 H9 x# _8 ]% E1 K
That kind of insect is harmful to man.
$ ~4 G6 x2 ^  ]/ N7 p. s3 I27.kind of a,sort of a,type of a.省略a。
' b, }$ L4 l; O! k/ ~F:What kind of a telephone did the company install?
" E+ P! V( c/ E' s; oT:What kind of telephone did the company install? 1 a; A2 u0 `/ F
F:The vicuna is a shy type of an animal.
1 ^. F- B9 K% X: C+ c  zT:The vicuna is a shy type of animal. # j8 c1 C$ T5 W4 V1 V# J# {
28. later, latter. Later是late 的比较级,指两个人或两件事物其中的后者
3 x% q& e2 t& lF:Jefferson and Lincoln are two famous presidents. The later was assassinated while in office. 6 F5 @7 H6 \2 a) P4 I6 K: O1 q# ]
T:Jefferson and Lincoln are two famous presidents. The latter was assassinated while in office. ( Q  _! }# O! C3 W2 _0 ~: M+ q
29.lay,lie.lay带宾语,lie 不带宾语。
9 S$ G( H; e! i! U% ?$ R" WF:I always lay down after I eat dinner. 6 c$ \- Z9 r6 }
T:I always lie down after I eat dinner, (present tense) ! z. H+ _9 g6 K- h
F:He laid down because he had a headache. # D" M0 v+ l( a0 z' A
T:He lay down because he had a headache, (past tense)
3 E/ o6 e: N, H( U3 \, }F:The books are laying on the table. ! \1 j3 S! ]) M: \" U% D
T:The books are lying on the table, (present participle-) * ^* A' Z0 b6 z& `6 J8 I1 Q
F:The teacher lay her books on the table when she entered the room. 7 g+ k' i/ @$ J) g1 i* U8 B+ R
T:The teacher laid her books on the table when she entered the room, (past tense)
6 R" x$ v* G8 ^* v" ^' RF:The boys have laid under the trees for hours. 0 b8 z/ a# g. t2 E# d. x; r
T:The boys have Iain under the trees for hours, (present participle)   w1 j0 `; u4 @/ g" }8 b
! G, h& M$ Z! t. YF:Would you mind loaning me your pencil?
1 @/ `: V% o+ N* ^T:Would you mind lending me your pencil? 8 \* P) C& \) O7 Z
F:I needed money, so John loaned me some. T:I needed money, so John lent me some.3 K. Y; @7 j4 e1 K- f
8 F) ^2 H. h+ o; u5 W1 f
     31.little,a little.Little意为not much.A little意为some.   ]! x3 [3 {; U5 S3 @
F:He has had difficulty in finding a job because he has a little education.
& c$ O+ K& F% v9 I/ v0 \* _7 IT: He has had difficulty in finding a job because he has little education.
8 M( H) A1 w; YF:This machine is easy to operate; you need a little skill.
) C, N" O+ Z& O: JT:This machine is easy to operate; you need little skill. 0 g( g. k+ U8 f3 \. c6 t) L- Q- G
F:Learning to ski is difficult; little effort is required.
3 l# z0 N+ R9 E, H5 CT:Learning to ski is difficult; a little effort is required. % H* q  h/ D6 q3 t" H( Y
F:Please give me little more time to finish writing. . D* N, [6 @, R: c$ e
T:Please give me a little more time to finish writing, $ \4 y6 q' K6 L2 ]  w0 g
32.like,as, as if.Like 是介词;as, as if(或 as though) As做in the capacity of解时也是介词。 1 h7 @2 j" I6 ^, ], q8 O5 Q
F:She doesn‘t study like she should. - t; E( \, q! ?* L  K8 B
T:She doesn‘t study as _she should.
5 \0 \9 F# B1 ^7 u4 A3 ^/ s7 lF:You ought to write as me.
% B8 o6 m7 d3 h- `" U5 B0 I* P! FT:You ought to write like me. 7 ]: Z7 W/ Q2 ^8 N# u
F:Like the coach said, the team performed well.
/ s; Z  Q% L0 vT:As the coach said, the team performed well.
0 B: Z) m+ O2 @4 _8 }8 ?4 h, I& qF:She acts like she doesn‘t understand. ; D( ?- [* N- O0 o: q% m5 C  V; S
T:She acts as if (or as though) She doesn‘t understand. 8 a# V+ e; n0 `5 j2 d
F:Like a full-time student, you must register for at least four courses a semester. - v1 b; k0 ?2 }
T:As a full-time student, you must register for at least four courses a semester.
! G4 R0 d/ W1 z5 e& |& n2 b7 x33.lose,loose.Lose是动词,其过去式为lost.Loose是形容词,意为not tight。
2 p  y$ J  W0 i* s- {F:She will loose weight if she goes on a diet.
: b+ \9 `1 w7 ]  n% D  \7 l. {T:She will lose weight if she goes on a diet.
- Q/ D: t7 q5 a% c8 n; O  t7 `F:One of the knobs on the drawer is lose. 7 Z7 l$ X4 i6 C; N) A9 Y" B
T:One of the knobs on the drawer is loose, (meaning "not tight")
+ c) ^+ o$ s$ z- c/ v* n# I$ ?* EOR
$ Q. z& G" r  H  h6 Z5 ^4 XOne of the knobs on the drawer is lost, (meaning "missing") , [4 X& x% M6 L- i6 ~5 L' j
34.maybe,may be.Maybe意为perhaps;May be是动词。   d' s4 D! |$ R9 T+ S, c, i7 s
F:May be the sun will come out tomorrow.
3 u. S8 B2 R; iT:Maybe the sun will come out tomorrow.
# W. t4 M# M" o% d1 ]7 s3 PF:The secretary maybe out to lunch. 8 k9 g& T. h8 x/ n6 l! y* v8 f
T:The secretary may be out to lunch.
& L! a% T9 o3 H* L' M& a! W8 a35.myself,himself,herself,yourself,ourselves, themselves,和yourselves是反身代词,用于动词的主语同时接受该动词的动作时,或用为强调。
8 K8 m- B. V$ E0 b4 iF:Only Bill and myself witnessed the accident. 4 L  O, F+ q: b9 t
T:Only Bill and I witnessed the accident.
. h( V4 i  o0 K+ @& m* w$ W& q" PF:The tires of the car are bad, but itself is in good  condition.
$ W( J9 E2 u8 \0 M6 D3 GT:The tires of the car are bad, but the car itself is in good  con-dition. 5 [8 V6 m9 e* U& @! q+ o
F:They did the work by theirselves.
6 z4 y& U0 V( ~! _: X. t4 vT:They did the work by  themselves.
0 f5 y4 u& n  q4 {0 y: I( {F:The little boy was extremely intelligent; he taught him to  read. 1 t$ H+ {+ o) }7 @3 b# }
T:The little boy was extremely intelligent; he taught himself  to read.
0 R7 C# j) q+ V+ G7 X+ l( C36.passed,past.Passed是pass的过去式,Past既可作形容词也可做名词。 " H' v' v. N! O. W
F:When I asked, she past me the sugar. : [8 @8 I! m6 D4 b. \) X
T:When I asked, she passed me the sugar. 2 r2 [2 E' ?+ L3 Q
F:I past his house on the way to the post office.
- v- l; g7 S3 U+ j- L- sT:I passed his house on the way to the post office.
: g; r, q6 @' q( Z& i2 iF:In passed times, salt was often used as money. 4 d, @9 o, j7 ]* n; {
T:In past times, salt was often used as money.
# p6 ?1 I7 i9 b# |4 I9 n, VF:One can learn from passed experiences.
! b# C  q" B7 Q( ?+ S- J" ?T:One can learn from past experiences.
! j- `* l* z5 ~* ~3 mOR
, L$ ]! m' P, q' ^One can learn from experiences in his past. . a% Z. B' J- ~2 Y6 N% {
37.percentage,percent,percent跟在数字之后 2 i. o1 @1 G- n, |
F:A large percent of his salary is spent on food. + y* F% M3 b! H. E- ~# O( X
T:A large percentage of his salary is spent on food. 2 g, K& M8 F  z& E7 T' Q$ y- {: |
F:Almost fifty percentage of our energy resources come from abroad.
" G, `+ d& e! `6 ?, AT:Almost fifty percent of our energy resources come from abroad.
) D; f6 J% F% N# f* V+ j  A38.prefer和superior后面不跟介词than。
1 }% [8 l7 L2 A' j+ t% m, cF:Many students prefer history than mathematics.
: ]# j3 V8 {6 |T:Many students prefer history to mathematics.
7 q4 T$ c' R3 n. c0 |/ cOR + D: m7 ^" D; M; y* C  K8 b
Many students prefer history rather than mathematics. % i. a5 k( z& r( v5 f9 c3 S
F:I believe that a microwave oven is superior than a conventional oven. ! }1 _6 d2 k+ w" `  W
T:I believe that a microwave oven is superior to a conventional oven. : A3 ?0 C; _( z2 t# ?' l2 s  \1 ~
38.principal,principle.Principal可作名词或形容词,意为 chief official or main.Principle仅作名词,意为fun-damental truth 。
% p. f" B6 l3 x& ^3 i) nF:In his research he followed basic scientific principals.
) F9 p, R: N  i  w$ A' Z4 VT:In his research he followed basic scientific principles. 0 S( a4 \' P# D* k- i( z& {3 W* `
F:The principle side effect of decongestants is drowsiness.
) k8 W1 ]' _& l1 [/ n) O; X7 p0 {8 B7 I1 FT:The principal side effect of decongestants is drowsiness.
& c  m$ H9 C2 g3 R3 _2 _F:The chairman pointed out his principle objections. # y' E2 H! E" f& |7 g8 }- N& R
T:The chairman pointed out his principal objections. 6 t& f; V+ @' K7 ]1 V0 f
0 K& W5 A/ v# U( r) n! X6 S5 jF:We must be quite inside the library.
/ j, v* F* t, z9 ]T:We must be quiet inside the library.
9 P5 Q2 j- p) P0 V+ v( [F:Your answer was quiet wrong. T:Your answer was quite wrong.

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