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[托福词汇] 备考词汇:托福考试研究-Unit5-1

发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  clumsy a.笨拙的;不好看的;粗陋的 [obs clumse be numb(麻木的)with cold] ! c. N4 F" w1 O2 i
  cluster n.串;束 [clyster: cf CLOT凝结]
: c, v; B. t" y  clutch v.抓紧 [18th c: prob SEngl var of cletch cleck to hatch klekja,assoc with CLUTCH(用手或指甲等)抓住,] [握]
* s3 [* E, o6 Z! y0 N" r- Y  clutter n.喧闹 [partly var of clotter coagulate, partly assoc with CLUSTER,CLATTER 嗒声;喧闹] & t$ x1 W1 R0 a7 \4 x
  coadjutor n.助手;伙伴 [ adjutor adjuvare -jut- help ADJUTANT副手;副官] , e( H2 F3 p% m" T
  coalesce v.联合;合并 [alescere alit- grow alere nourish coalition结合,合并] 6 {" q  n7 `5 s0 x$ I6 {
  coax v.甘言劝诱 : b! r# M0 f8 J' `4 v6 O
  coaxal a.同轴的 & s2 a; P  U, }5 c. s
  cockade n.帽章 [fem of obs coquard saucy傲慢的;活泼的coq COCK公鸡;耸立] 2 s* D5 G: L1 ~7 R
  coddle v.娇养;溺爱 [caudle invalids‘ gruel稀粥;使极度疲劳]
8 S6 H2 b6 o" ~6 U7 s6 ^' L- v  codicil n.遗嘱的附录 [ codicillus, dimin of CODEX法律;规则] 7 g2 j, a* w5 r& n6 U
  coerce v.强迫 [arcere restrain coercion 强迫;威压;高压政治] 1 j8 o8 p( Z( w. z) ?
  cog n.轮齿 [ prob of Scand orig] 9 R& O$ F; P* |- |
  cogent a.使人信服的 [agere act- drive cogency(使人信服的)力量,(理论等的)中肯] , g5 b" Z+ r4 F+ R0 Z2 i& K
  cogitate v.思考 [ cogitare think( AGITATE骚动)cogitation(常~s)(文语)思考(力),熟虑;深思 after much ~ 经过] [思熟虑之后 cogitable 可以思考的,可做思考题目的] 4 U: @# B1 |; R* s+ W# N
  cognate a.同源的;同性质的 [ cognatus(natus born)]
9 q3 p1 X2 Z, O  cognizance n.认知 [ conoisance  cognoscent-cognitio:COGNITION认识;知觉] / Y/ B7 x. [) K. {
  cognomen n.姓 [cognominal 同名的 姓的 cognoscente(美术品等的)鉴赏家 cognoscible可认知的;可辨识的] 7 w9 z4 W' C% O8 G
  cohere v.凝聚 [ cohaerere cohaes-( haerere stick)coherent 互相密合的;凝聚性的cohesion 团结;凝结力]
) C2 |5 [/ S( T2 h, y  coherence n.n.附著;凝聚;结合
" ?7 B2 d& Q7 t2 N8 A9 t  cohort n.一队兵;同事 [ cohorte or  cohors cohort- enclosure围绕, company]
3 I$ W9 v* h8 }0 M& x5 s1 l3 e4 G  coincide v.与...一致;符合;暗合 [med coincidere(INCIDENT 事件;附带的,外来的)coincidence 一致,符合;偶合,巧合] + V' o% ]" G; B  M7 x. I& o1 R
  colander n.滤器;漏锅 [ colare strain 拉紧] 3 r4 C# R, t5 c# Y' l4 X2 w
  collaborate v.合作 [collaborare collaborat-(laborare work)] ' @, {' j" B3 l4 b. X; ]" o8 H
  collate v.校勘;对照 [ collat- pp. stem of conferre compare]
1 n, t& m+ w2 w; N: ?  collateral a.并行的;旁系的 [ collateralis(侧面;旁边的)] + ^: g5 ]9 M: G# i& o) v
  collation n.便餐;核对 [Cassian‘s Collationes Patrum同 Lives of the Fathers)read by Benedictines(圣本铎修会的僧)and followed] [by a light meal]
, D5 |8 L& f# l' H$ B7 J* [/ f$ y& T  d  collide v.碰撞;冲突;抵触[collidere collis-( laedere strike, damage)collision 碰撞,猛撞(with,against)(利害、意见、目的 [的)对立,不一致,冲突] ; I! T8 m) T- N; s: @
  collier n.煤矿工人;运煤船
5 j: Q2 F1 r  t/ x/ B0 \- A  colloquial a.会话的;口语的 [ colloquium COLLOQUY(."谈话,会谈")(文语)(正式的)对话,会谈]
- ^  }) X$ A# k  n! [4 M) l  collusion n.共谋;骗串;勾结 [collusion or L collusio(COLLUDE共谋,串通,勾结 colludere collus-(COM-, ludere lus- play))] 8 m& K- Y% M% C+ K( a1 S3 p
  colorable a.似是而非的;貌似可取的
7 P6 o: h3 e7 t6 l# A  comatose a.昏睡的;无生气的 [coma 昏睡;彗核;种芒]
& Q% R% }" ^5 P: k+ P7 i) f% [9 T  combustible a.易燃的 [combust- burn up COMBUSTION 燃烧;氧化]
& r5 I$ q" _) K/ V) O. u( _  comely a.美丽动人的 [ cumelich, cumli prob becumelich BECOME]
$ n/ u! C* K. v0 s  comestible n.a.食品;可以吃的 [comedere comest- eat up] 0 E/ h5 B7 i1 s9 I' ?
  comity n.礼仪 [ comitas comis courteous彬彬有礼的]
& J& I2 \3 D/ ^% ?3 o$ R7 h  commandeer v.征募(兵役等);征用 [ commander COMMAND]
: d, Z; i" ~# v' X+ O: E# k2 L  commence v.开始;着手;得学士学位 [as COM-,  initiare INITIATE COMMENCEMENT开始;学士学位授与(日)] ; g9 c9 f) M3 ^8 f/ E5 ^* s
  commensurate a.同量的 [ commensuratus(COM-, MEASURE)]   commingle v.混合

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