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[托福词汇] 备考词汇:托福考试研究-Unit5-3

发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  condone v.宽恕;原谅 [ condonare(com-, donare give)] 8 h' ~3 G& ?' g* i' m
  conduit n.导管;水管[ conduit  conductus conduct)."共同引导")(文语)(从道德观点来看的人的)行为,品行经营,营运,管理;指挥,引导 the ~ of   T8 M+ j+ B9 q
  confiscate v.充公;没收 [ confiscare(com-, fiscare fiscus treasury)] 1 o, ?) a! z1 }
  conformity n.相似;一致 [ conformite or  conformitas(conform 适合;顺从,顺应)nonconformity 不适合,不一致;不服]从 [教]
3 ]; W. ^7 K3 C  J3 H5 e  congeal v.凝结 [ congelare(com-, gelare gelu frost)] 7 t& i, e- u) b& m0 C3 i2 H
  congenital a.天生的 [ congenitus(com-, genitus pp. of gigno beget)] 0 x6 K$ h, `; {7 g, |) f
  conglomeration n.聚集;凝聚 [conglomeratus pp. of conglomerare(com-,glomerare glomus -eris ball)] , V) _; e5 r' y' o0 t* ^
  congregate v.聚集 [ congregare(com-, gregare grex gregis flock)]
- c7 y' Y8 a& m1 y  congruence n.适合;全等 [congruentia(congruent符合的;一致;调和)congruity一致]
! ]: n8 K- w% w! [' i# o0 U  conifer n.针叶树;松柏科植 [(cone, -ferous)]
) G0 B$ x! l& H  conjecture n.推测;猜想 [ conjectura conjicere(com-, jacere throw) conjectural推测的,好推测的]
. t& S" S1 P, \( w& I& K' W  conjure v.恳求; 耍魔术 [ conjurare band together by oath(com-, jurare swear)] 1 [& N, k5 q4 ?; X* t9 E
  conjurer n.魔术师;极聪明的人 [conjure(."一起发誓")念咒语召灵魂耍魔术(自)取出(out of)] 8 d7 R4 i5 T+ u- z1 _0 Z
  connivance n.纵容;默许 [CONNIVE假装不见 connivere shut the eyes(to)]
3 a! x  U: g; S- L; z  connoisseur n.鉴定家;行家 [pres stem of conna re know+-eur -or: cf reconnoiter侦察,勘查,勘测;观察,探究] ( L! w6 r" z4 s* q8 T5 W
  connotation n.涵意;暗示 [CONNOTATIVE含蓄的;有涵义的暗示 (别的意思) 的,含有言外之意的(of)] 0 [1 [4 h1 u2 j6 a
  consanguinity n.血缘;亲族 [SANGUINE 血红色的;充满希望的 consanguineous 血亲的,血缘的,同族的]
# @, x! \( y$ @# S: G, o  conscientious a.正直的 [ conscientiosus(conscience良心;责任心)]
7 [* u: e- M/ y: |  consecrate v.奉为神圣;献身 [ consecrare(com-, secrare = sacrare dedicate sacer sacred)]
  \3 H4 ~7 w3 B  consensus n.一致 [ agreement]
+ E. x) Q5 D( P5 N) f6 ?' u/ c  consentaneous a.一致的;全场一致的
# W. e" p: O# Z! n% q  consign v.移交 [ consigner or  consignare mark with a seal(com-, sign)consignment 交付;寄销;寄送的货物]
; L2 L% [6 F. u  consistent a.始终如一的 [ consistere(consist组成;存在;一致)]
8 C4 R! b5 }6 Z7 K7 X0 j  consort v.n.相伴;结交;配偶;伙伴 [earlier form of concert]
& m+ W4 D1 y) r1 {3 C  conspicuous a.引人注目的 [ conspicuus(conspectus)] 1 L' U% I' l, d+ n$ c& v! J
  conspire v.阴谋;密谋 [conspirer conspirare agree, plot(com-, spirare breathe)conspiracy(结党)阴谋,共谋企图的]阴谋 ! @9 _' P0 ~3 I. `$ [% L. K
  consternation n.惊愕;惊恐 [ consternation or L consternatio(consternate使惊愕)] ( b& F  e2 F5 J+ s8 D& t2 K6 K
  construe v.诠释;翻译 [ construere construct misconstrue曲解;误解] % w; X& g7 P% W' X
  consummate a.完全的 [ consummare(com-, summare complete summus utmost)consummation 完成;极致;完婚,圆房]
7 }% H. c/ p. a, a  contaminate v.弄脏;污染 [ contaminare(com-, tamen- rel to tangere touch)] 3 `4 i. Z" D3 m9 k
  contemn v.轻侮;蔑视 [ contemner or  contemnere(com-, temnere tempt-despise)] 5 o5 s# q8 f% B+ x0 S
  contemplate v.凝视;沉思 [ contemplari(com-, templum place for observations)]
$ p4 T- B2 T" I# ^. e5 K  contentious a.好争吵的 [ contentieux contentiosus(contention争论;辩论)(contend奋斗;竞争)]
' y5 ~* Q2 \: A+ I  contiguous a.接触的;邻近的 [COM-, tangere touch]
  Y3 b5 f3 o( b! T5 D5 i9 j# |  continence n.自律;节欲 [continent大陆;自制的,禁欲的]
4 n( L7 Z2 i, a; M( y  contingent a.可能发生的 [COM-, tangere touch contingency偶然性;意外事故] $ V* h% y/ X/ E! }/ C, m- w
  contortions n.扭歪;弯曲 [COM-, torquere twist; contort扭,扭歪,曲解] ) t. ^# h) i, x6 P# e; F3 l
  contraband n.非法交易;走私 [ contrabanda It(CONTRA-, bando proclamation宣布,布告,发布 宣言,声明书,宣告书]   contract n.契约;婚约;收缩;皱眉[ contractus(COM-, trahere tract- draw)~ a marriage(with ┅)(与)缔结婚姻 ~one‘s eyebrows (forehead) 皱眉 (额头)

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