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[托福词汇] 托福考试辅导:中学生怎样学习托福词汇(4)

发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【扩展】absent adj. 缺席的,缺少的   【同义】lack
# f3 _/ y* G# X4 y  absolutely [ 'bs?lu:tli ]: Z$ E' F- _( y; h% r* m
  adv. 完全地,绝对地
! m+ h. X9 C7 @; C* ~8 S6 n  These new rules are absolutely ridiculous.( ^4 R  C$ M; q% B8 F' W# X( Z7 i
  We have absolutely no way to confirm what he said. 我们完全没有办法证明他所说的话。
8 ]3 U8 y! s7 Y: i( e  M/ p  The beaver is absolutely industrious.(真题)
/ r" p) i. v) o. _' V3 f% I  水獭是一种非常勤劳的动物。
  a- |# i4 u3 V' e  【同义】completely, utterly, totally8 R1 e+ P; ]6 I6 _6 ^+ E6 l& O
  v. 1. 吸收
( E) `1 X, `) q& @! h" S  One adaptation is to be light in color, and to reflect rather than absorb the Sun's rays.(真题)
( V8 F, q8 v" ?! D  浅色的外表是一种适应方式,这样可以反射太阳光而不吸收其热量。& h( z5 g! A3 A' I* S- o# C
  This gamma radiation is absorbed by atoms.(真题)这种伽玛射线被原子吸收。
+ j8 Y! Q" ?/ r& l/ A  2. 使全神贯注 The little child was absorbed in that picture book.3 D$ k( v& i- q+ i( g0 {, T( C
  【同义】take in, sop up;engross, enthrall
, L. a* O" R6 e; I7 w  absorbent adj. 能吸收的 n. 吸收剂
9 l6 w: L; f3 C) r  The towel he used to clean up the mess was very absorbent.
$ F2 R, G3 n7 X5 T  absorbed adj. 全神贯注的
$ G! H5 i; a  B  He stopped and watched with amusement to see the child so absorbed in a crowd of ants.
- M3 u4 ~" Q2 O5 T  他停下来,饶有兴趣地看那个正全神贯注盯着一群蚂蚁的小孩。* }0 h& y2 Y% Q( t6 ^, U
  abstract [ 'bstrkt ]
: m4 N7 [8 u' L& F  adj. 1. 抽象的. _+ S# R( W) X: H# B0 D3 w/ O
  He could not understand the abstract ideas presented in the theoretical course.

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