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[托福词汇] 托福考试辅导:中学生怎样学习托福词汇(5)

发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2. 抽象派的   She achieved an abstract simplicity in her paintings.(真题)
, ?' O5 T: i8 @) U  她的绘画有抽象派的简洁风格。
& p: g& |$ M- _5 x  Representational motifs largely replaced the earlier abstract decorations.(真题): a/ {& ~! B! W
1 {- i& @% x! b& n& a  【扩展】abstracted adj. 抽象的,心不在焉的2 J& r6 ^# D' ^/ ^" [2 q. N" I& g
  abstraction n. 抽象化,抽象概念
0 L  d0 @% v* I( V$ l  The issue had to be discussed in detail and not in abstraction.
8 L& `9 r' `9 U, M) [  【同义】unconcrete, conceptual; nonrepresentational
5 r0 ]6 R! x8 N3 H9 d  absurd [ ?b's?:d ]. w& T; _  @' K. s0 n
  adj. 荒唐的,可笑的
0 g0 I) h7 r& X! [2 `2 d* w: X  It was an absurd situation that no one understood.- i" g7 Z$ x  q  X
  Don Quixote makes chivalry seem absurd.(真题)
  s# g! q6 J. @2 x7 A" Z: e  堂吉诃德让骑士精神看起来很荒唐可笑。+ g5 V7 f6 J( S% l, R
  【扩展】absurdity n. 荒唐,谬论www.Examw.com
0 _6 `5 S6 A4 Z  The absurdity of having a five year old comment on the news was comic. 把对一条新闻的评论保存了五年,这个荒唐的事实是很可笑的。
$ t0 L; P' S- U% z  【同义】ridiculous, nonsensical, ludicrous4 V5 w0 b; m+ y2 j4 y- r8 U: U* k
  abundant [ ?'b?nd?nt ]
) ^5 H: v; ]. z- b2 F  adj. 丰富的,充裕的
7 K. R7 ^! g3 C  There was an abundant supply of iron ore in the ground.
! U3 y( A8 O* p' ^) ~  "In Europe", said, Thomas Jefferson, "the object is to make the most of their land, labor being abundant."(真题)"在欧洲,"托马斯·杰佛逊说,"目标是最大限度地利用他们充裕的土地和劳动力"。

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