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[托福词汇] 托福考试历年真题常见词汇小结3

发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Bounds 限制:limits
2 O: c1 x; ^; @6 H; S; p& k+ f  Chance 偶然的:unplanned9 _& V3 X) i/ h9 j
  Integral 必要的,基本的:an essential6 V  I( j* k* A- O
  Carry 承担:support' @" j3 b# K! K. v8 c
  Concentrated 集中:clustered  y# S  {1 f" c. |
  Effect 影响:influence
: N0 R1 `/ d9 u2 f1 p/ M9 G: q  Distinct 区别,不同:separate& d' G; W# @* @1 R7 `% K
  Setting 建立:establishing- a; G' Q( C; H! U4 D' _  z
  Ends 目标:goals
2 U9 Z- i0 ]" E/ A/ ]* m, O  t! }  Drastic 激进的:radical
3 h2 y( P; p$ m! I3 P  v  Extracted 提取:removed! L; J+ X- y6 i' O
  Instances 例子:cases
9 Z2 `3 f9 ?/ W3 e  Entombed 陷入:trappedwww.ExamW.CoM
0 `, A+ S# C4 t' v5 V  Marked 明显的:pronounced
$ a8 z5 ^# M& t. M+ _0 P& y  Ushering 开始,引入:beginning
) [0 Y7 E7 {2 m" z$ v  Execute 执行,创造:create
" f! W2 o$ G1 }, X  Domains 领域:fields
. z9 d0 L  _0 t  Fundamental 基本的:basic' r; H( `( }+ S6 N$ Q% X, J6 M
  Skilled 专业的:expert
3 A4 [" x2 s) b# |6 O6 R$ c2 q  Presided over 管理控制:managed
" x5 Q& C8 o* O0 D' _$ j! y: I4 W1 W  Celestial 天文学的:astronomical2 Z- i1 i, c) w
  Entities 物体:objects
  o! Q; N3 `5 d! S  Motifs 母题,图案:designs2 ?/ n: w# E# M9 }' F  B4 B; Q
  Rare 罕见的:infrequent
8 p$ Q/ a- R) t4 n) L+ G6 W) C  Maintaining 维持:preserving
; }# A- a0 c8 {: h( s0 |  Tolerate 忍耐:endure
9 l/ a7 V4 ]( v: J  a2 K  Obtain 获得 get* l& i$ |% j& W7 }6 P
  Roll back 减少 reduce# j9 ]( {  O2 B2 c
  Stimulating 刺激 encouraging
) G0 O. r, K& x8 @  Depressed 降低,使沮丧 lowered
% {; g6 p0 ~% T9 k+ M  Stringent 严厉的 strict

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:06 | 显示全部楼层


  Dictates 决定 determines
; C5 _5 `, q, L- Q  f4 ^  Witnessed 看到 observed
3 D9 y  n  H& q) s$ d- [. g! m  A break with 分开 a departure from0 }) c  Q: X+ H3 j& d
  Conserve 维持,保留 retain* T# w6 e1 O1 G! |% v9 |
  Magnified 加强,加剧 intensified, R0 D$ k2 b& N+ m4 h2 q! t
  Forage 觅食 feed4 \7 w# i; Y9 S: J
  Counteracted 否定,抵消 negated1 D/ j9 r/ P  G, C$ U  k
  In season 应季 a particular time of year4 z9 a! W, x# O2 j9 B
  Fixture 寻常物品 commonplace object6 e8 }2 ^7 q: u4 @% @  u0 O+ m
  Nevertheless 但是 however
( i/ v9 C& j8 O  Rotates 转动,改变 turns+ X6 ]% w$ n7 \8 o* R
  Readily 容易地,欣然地 easily
( @, m; h" c& k6 b  Constituting 组成 making up4 ^9 o8 ]/ N! ~% O8 W
  Pits 洞,坑 holes$ u1 h( x# p# W, I$ x
  Disputes 争论 arguments4 N# Z' N( E8 I. X
  Unrestricted 不受限制的 unlimited
4 L+ Q; [' |1 l7 a  Snap 折断 break0 E1 }$ b) U) z" H
  Fed 吃/放入 put' h$ D4 q7 p% `* u& ]5 Y. O
  Exposed to 易受影响的,受支配 subjected to
4 ?6 q" n' N3 ?! T  Exert 引起,导致 cause. C# g/ t7 c/ `  b) e4 V( h& f
  Diffuses 穿过,扩散 travels
3 y( ~) S4 s, j" Q$ S; d9 E  Rapture 破裂 burst- O* ?& q& V" g: T* c7 H% u% e
  Miniscule 微小的 tiny4 B- M) o" i5 b: R* o. F
  Enables 使能够 allows- s7 M: f: l% Z
  Aesthetically 美学的,艺术的 artistically
/ L8 c* t) ^$ Y; G& C* S, _  Refreshing 非同寻常的,耳目一新的 unusual5 ~, _% F% Q5 t+ Q. u) |
  Devote 奉献 dedicate
# L0 s: F+ h; r* g  Bound 系,绑 tied! y) i* J* `. P: x) B* h9 ~- |. {$ X
  Assembling 聚集 gathering
- i0 q3 `6 K# x! h6 p+ B  Adorned 装修 decorated
% `; g6 x' l" f0 [" F' }% f. `/ c  Attire 服装 clothing0 E  }4 T+ N2 @- v( C
  Unravel 揭露 discover5 J, l; ?7 q4 W: _3 _" L
  Mundane 平凡的 ordinary# v6 v* C+ \" A' h; c0 o
  Gap 空隙 opening
$ \/ ?) Z6 s8 _& j9 m( d  Discards 抛弃 gets rid of) x2 m5 D8 h: F( l# A" ?, {* {4 |6 e
  Deft 灵巧的 skilled
" H4 Q6 [$ x/ {1 `3 f, c  Robust 强壮的 strong
0 b; i) }; B0 j% T1 a8 [. x  Heralded 宣布 announced
; X; F% W' x( x8 G  Position 职位 job0 N8 Z/ E. q3 m7 z2 b+ H0 R8 a
  Major 主要的 principal& Y7 B% y% K( {  h: p
  Symmetrical 比例平衡的,对称的 proportionally balanced* m& o! |' s3 u& v
  Obvious 明显的 apparent4 ?% t2 Q( a! p" m2 f4 f
  Dominated 占支配地位的 were prevalent in
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