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[托福词汇] 第三期托福英语学习:托福词汇3

发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
   Lesson 3 A Writer's Method
2 e& }/ N! M" E. F0 s/ R# `   Words:
( p+ F, ]! C. I) V5 P& ^- N5 ?   accessible adj. 可接近的,可接触的;可得到的( Y% Z) ^6 G; M# Y
   accessibility n. 易接近;可到达1 F7 U; r$ r+ h6 R+ c) L
   accessory n. 附件,零件;小摆设
0 L) q2 q4 a) ~2 q8 P$ H! N' |   accidental adj. 意外的,偶然的: y- d% g5 @5 L5 c- M, Z, G
   acclaim n. 赞誉,赞许; vt. 喝彩,欢呼;称赞1 v, L( Z5 A1 Y0 i  ]( S; u7 k8 t
   acclaimed adj. 受赞誉的3 r# u% `' Y/ \4 N) D/ H( s$ V
   accommodate vt. 容纳,包含;供应(住宿);使适应;迁就,满足7 s" |1 \0 ]4 u
   accommodation n. 住处,膳宿8 `+ k/ z$ |! y  ^! }
   accompany vt. 陪伴,陪同;伴奏7 T5 l  [$ c. m& X
   accomplice n. 同谋者,帮凶& k2 B7 T4 X7 Y3 \
   accomplish vt. 完成,达到,实现
4 r% S) {8 k. Q+ T2 a; m1 A. e: u   accomplished adj. 精通的,熟练的
+ f* R# s1 D% x# J" `; K   accomplishment n. 成就
! u" {1 s, \0 b  u) U   accordion n. 手风琴, [5 }, n: R- B" \: a
   accost v. 向人搭话. n+ p: u% V& X$ j$ P& Y5 }
   account n. 记述,描述;报道,报告;说明,解释;户头,账目;理由,根据;考虑7 P) y3 G5 I1 Z8 P4 J
   accounting n. 会计学. Z2 s( H) n7 Z
   accountant n. 会计员,会计师% Z5 V) Y/ V. N% I* f
   accredit vt. 委派官员到国外,授权;鉴定....为合格,确认......达到标准
8 A* Y4 Q" N/ f$ A7 i$ `# f
4 \! J+ b* P2 F) B   accumulate vi. 堆积,积累;积聚

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:06 | 显示全部楼层


</p>   For the last ten years, I have written novels for a living. Through my work, I have been able to accumulate a fair amount of wealth. I have been lucky because many of my books have received acclaim from literary critics.1 @* G( z5 h- r$ q" W
   My latest accomplishment is a mystery novel. It is a fictional account of how a clever and accomplished thief, posing as an accountant, gain access of the computer of a large bank. Having extensive knowledge of accounting, ha and a woman accomplice use the bank's computer system to accomplish the biggest theft in history.8 f9 Z& q, c( ]- w% f
   To be a good writer, I think you must find a quiet environment where you can think, preferably one with limited accessibility. Some of my acclaimed work was written at an isolated island hotel off the coast of China. I highly recommend this place.
3 f1 o. R3 u2 l% g' i# }   The island is accessible only by boat and the hotel is accredited by the Asian Resort Association as a five-star accommodation. Upon arrival, the manager will accompany you to your room and show you how everything works. The staff was trained to accommodate your every need. Any errors in service are purely accidental. The security is excellent and there's little chance of being accosted by strangers.) w9 S- E! Y- a( N. |
   Each room has a balcony with a view of the ocean. On the balcony you will find a large leather chair and a study writting desk. The bathroom is very mordern and contains many unique accessories. The most useful bathtub accessory is their mini-desk, which allows you to write while soaking in a tub of hot water.3 r: I# o5 W. u# @/ m3 F, c7 P
   To continue being a good writer, you must find a way to relax your mind after a long day of writing. What's my secrets method of relaxtion? Playing the accordion!
! e5 `% y6 b" g* \, T  过去十年,我以写小说为生。我的写作为我积累了不少的财富。我实属幸运,因为我写的许多作品都得到了文学评论家的赞赏。4 ^3 i/ y1 X$ y7 c& ]
  我最近的成果是一部侦探小说。其内容实属虚构,讲述一个聪明又老练的小偷如何假扮一名会计、进入一家大银行计算机系统的故事。由于在会计学方面知识的渊博,那名小偷和他的女帮凶运用银行的计算机系统完成了历史上最大一桩盗窃案。, X. n: C' p0 @" @2 J. L6 \, ^
  要成为一名好作家,我想你必须找到一处你能思考的安静环境,最好是一处通达有限的地方。我有几本受赞赏的小说就是在中国海岸边一个孤岛上的酒店里创作出来的。我极力推荐此地。# n4 Y# i) z; O/ P+ x7 O8 G
8 y4 p0 t) G% q1 @; W* M  每个房间都有眺望大海的阳台。在阳台上你会看到一把大皮椅和一张结实的书桌。浴室相当现代,里面有许多独特的摆设。其中,浴缸里最有用的摆设是一张迷你桌,有了它你就可以一边泡热水澡一边写作了。- ?* {5 d& e% b4 \
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