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[托福词汇] 第23期托福英语学习:托福词汇25

发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Lesson 25 Winter Suprise 惊喜在冬季' L: c' {7 Z4 r$ S) I/ D
  Words:7 ?% U6 x6 f0 B% O' D( F% O
   bleach vt. 去色,漂泊, u* G* ?& U1 t  R' G' J8 G
   bleak adj. 荒凉的,凄凉的
) l8 g/ I; ~9 R% }$ @: ~$ w   blemish n. 缺点,污点;vt 玷污/ h& Y! d1 ?! y: u3 V" U
   blend vt. 混合,掺混;n. 混合(物)
- [' d- X% c* `6 J( U4 N   blessed adj. 神圣的;降福的,幸运的;带来愉快的,使人舒服的
5 ~' a* {7 y, I5 C& F   blessing n. 祝福,恩赐
3 g( ?+ i$ n0 G& {" _   blink v. 眨眼  d9 x% T3 g/ _. w$ r4 w6 ?/ f* d
   bliss n. 幸福,极乐* c3 y3 |+ l6 ~. _
   blizzard n. 暴风雪' \4 i9 h/ m- a" H, J8 A
   block n. 一块(木或石等);街区;vt. 障碍,阻止+ ?! ?. u+ ~* I# E! g' Z
   bloom n./vi. 花/开花
" J" g1 y9 B9 o, H   blossom n./vi. 花/开花
+ Y3 J+ E1 n) {, i9 W0 j; D" W   blues n. 抑郁,沮丧;忧郁布鲁斯歌曲(蓝调音乐)
8 s6 m+ `, V" e) V   bluff n. 陡峭的悬崖绝壁;虚张声势,吓唬8 x! M/ k, j; l3 r6 c5 }" Q) a/ y
   blunt adj. (说话)直言不讳;(刀、铅笔等)钝的,不尖的, U* k! v4 @! A$ H
   blush vi. 脸红,羞愧: V2 S5 s4 k( T  k: ?2 Y( j" i
   board n. (薄而平的)木板;委员会;膳食费用;vt. 上(船、飞机等)2 ^* ~  N" {+ l6 p& I
   boarder n. 寄宿人;搭伙人
1 V7 H! x; x+ ^! _# O   boarding-house n. 寄宿公寓
4 `0 P( ?' z6 L7 i' ^. [3 m$ P$ G1 C) G9 y
   boast v./n. 自夸,以有。。。而自豪

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:06 | 显示全部楼层


</p>   I live in a boarding-house during the school year. My room is rather large, but I share it with another boarder.+ }# v1 r3 q; F+ b$ X% @4 ]6 T
  It’s already November, but the autumn flowers are still in bloom. Just yesterday, I saw some lovely red blossoms along the roadside. These blessed flowers were perfect. They didn’t have a single blemish. Seeing these flowers in the fall created a feeling of bliss. I had no idea that it would be the last I’d see of them.
( Q1 U" E" Y4 ^& ~% ~) U  Yesterday, my roommate had told me that there would be a blizzard today. He’s always boasting that he knows the weather. I though it was just a bluff to get me to stay home from school. I was rather blunt in my reply. 1 |) m; x& b) O; [# c- g
  However, I blushed when I looked out of the window this morning and saw that he was right. I had to blink my eyes several times just to be sure. An overnight storm had bleached the ground with seventeen inches of snow. Because the roads were blocked by the snowfall, I wouldn’t be able to board my usual bus to school. My outlook seemed rather bleak. ; z) z  p  x1 [. N$ J
  Then my roommate said, “Hey, you really need to take a break from your studies. Why don’t you just rest your brain, blend some fruit drinks, and listen to blues music?”
" T6 u4 d+ s* K8 i  “It’s true, I’m probably in need of a rest, ” I replied. 7 H$ [  Y* K. `) H5 J' U2 F; v
  Well, it turned out to be the most relaxing day I’ve had all year. I guess the sudden storm was really a blessing in disguise!+ G5 q7 f. a1 T& h! T
  我读书时住在一栋寄宿公寓,房间颇大,但我得跟另一个寄宿者合住。- i3 Y) T3 {& i. x8 e
1 i3 _0 O! K; X0 n  h7 N  昨天,我的室友告诉我今天会有暴风雪。他总是吹牛,说自己能预知天气。我想这不过是虚张声势,想让我逃课。我的回答相当直言不讳。
( ~' K8 e2 `4 ~1 T, Z  然而,今天早晨我朝窗外望去,不禁脸红了:他居然说准了。我使劲眨了几下眼睛,才确信没有弄错。一夜的风雪把大地给漂白了,地上的积雪深达17英寸。由于下雪,道路被阻断,我也没法乘班车上学了,前景惨淡。( G$ H. x# i+ _* n* a! a1 D9 p; p2 L
1 u. t) K, A4 {+ O  “是啊,我也许需要休息一下了。”我回答到。5 Z8 _5 G. D; n  I
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