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[托福词汇] 第27期托福英语学习:托福词汇27

发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
   Lesson 27 Where’s the Groom? 新郎在哪里?
$ W6 d2 I% M8 |9 ~! |( ~$ W   Words:
% _  ~- x; u7 x. E/ b, G   bouquet n. 花束+ |& \+ S) B% a1 w2 y
   bow n. (小提琴等的)弓子;弓形
" \2 d' D1 b2 ?+ E& ]6 ]   bowl n. 碗,碗状物3 \  R, n3 Q/ X$ b- p' `) M
   bowlegged adj. 弓形腿的,膝内翻的
# ?' |$ `( M7 T   brace n. 支柱,撑子;vt. 支撑,撑牢,振作5 C: A* f- ~' @" A7 g
   braid vt. 编织,编成辫子& y' R2 W* A8 c* J# t! \
   brawl n. 争吵
% z7 e- W) h' J/ j: a( P% r. ?   breach vt. 造成缺口,打破,突破;n. 违背,破坏
6 ]4 z3 T9 C+ Z1 f- m0 d   breakdown / break down n. 失败;鼓掌;分解;细目分类$ \+ b. E; c5 ]4 ~6 s) y
   breakup n. 分离,分裂0 ^; v" |" b( c
   breathe v. 呼吸,发出
3 t/ ^6 p4 ], x/ x1 `  x- _' N   breathing n. 呼吸
4 l- q1 i" g3 {# `% K( e' M   breathless adj. 无声息的,喘不过气来的  G( O2 |/ k' M5 I2 j+ w+ ]
   breathtaking adj. 惊人的;令人兴奋的;激动人心的;惊险的,令人毛骨悚然的;令人穿不过气来的
0 y& J( Y7 h% Q& c- j' b9 @   breed vt. 养育,繁殖
7 K& z9 T3 }0 g: i   breeze n. 微风
: v. `4 G$ g  j7 ]; l+ k. W' e   brew vt. 酿造,调制;泡茶;煮(咖啡等);调制饮料; 图谋7 @3 e& X' P: _2 }  V
   brighten vt. 使愉快;使乐观;vi. 使发亮,发光;生色;开颜,活跃
9 O5 s% \& R$ B9 }4 R! K   brilliance n. (人)聪明;(物体)辉煌
/ x3 b! ^+ S& \* p; e+ q# b! o' x  n; j7 ]: c- T- }7 A8 L
   brilliantly adv. 辉煌地,灿烂地;卓越地,杰出地,英明地;才华横溢地

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:06 | 显示全部楼层


</p>   It was Sunday, at 12:00 noon. The bridge waited patiently at the church door with her bouquet of flowers. Her lovely black hair, braided by her mother, blew gently about her shoulders in the breeze. Three violinists, with their bows in the air, stood ready to play the wedding song. The bowlegged priest was already at the uncooked rice from a bowl and were prepared to shower the blessed couple. It was a breathtaking sight. The wedding had been brilliantly planned. But where was the groom?1 G& H9 R$ T( Y. k& d
   The bride’s father was getting angry. His breathing was becoming more intense. He started to argue with groom’s father. “This is a clear breach of our wedding agreement”, he yelled. It looked like there might be a brawl. The guests were beginning to gossip. “Did the couple have a breakup?” some asked. It looked like the bridge was going to faint. Her brother rushed up and braced her with his body so she wouldn’t fall. “Breathe,” he whispered to her. “I brewed a pot of coffee to calm everyone down.”8 c. X- N& m& f) |
   Suddenly, a loud piercing scream filled the air. It was the bridge. Something had caused her face to brighten. It was the sight of her groom, racing towards the church on a strange-looking skateboard. In a matter of seconds, he arrived. He was breathless. He took her in his arms and side, “I’m so sorry baby, my car suffered a breakdown 5 kilometers away near that new barn where they breed cattle. I made a skateboard out of an old box with wheels and got here as soon as I could.”
% ~4 Q- m9 |2 Y8 ~1 q   “Don’t worry,” she laughed, looking down at his feet, “Your brilliance saved the day.”
: \* B3 J2 o7 J+ a4 b  星期日,中午12点。手持花束的新娘在教堂门口耐心地等着。她乌黑的秀发已被木青编成辫子,肩上的发丝在微风中轻轻飞扬。三位小提琴手已架好琴弓,随时准备演奏婚礼进行曲。弓形腿的牧师已站在婚礼圣坛前,他面前的《圣经》已打开。几位客人从一只碗里抓了把生米,准备洒给这对幸福的恋人。这一场面激动人心。婚礼设计的相当出色。但新郎在哪里?! n" o' U6 _' B1 |
0 B1 G5 O# _# ~6 D: a$ c6 P  突然,一声尖叫划破长空。是新娘,出了什么事让她面露喜色。她看见了新郎,他正踩着一块奇形怪状的滑板朝教堂冲来。几秒钟后,他到了。他几乎喘不过气来了。他拥抱住了新娘,说道:“宝贝,对不起,我的车在离这5公里的地方抛锚了,就在新建的养牛场旁边。我用一个带轮子的旧木箱做了个滑板,然后以最快的速度赶到了这里。”) d& I4 t, n1 o2 U3 h; n2 t
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