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[托福词汇] 第30期托福英语学习:托福词汇30

发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
   Lesson The Dinner Guest 晚餐时的来客* X; E% I5 ]7 h, q, w
9 s5 Q* K7 h' ]7 `   calculate vt. 计算,估计( N1 M8 x# b5 U' x* z: u
   calibration n. 校准;规定;刻度
4 g  ~# [2 s( y. R. V. ~  `   camouflage n./v. 伪装2 `" @/ ^0 M" b% E
   campaign n. (政治或商业性)活动,竞选活动;vi.竞选;作战# U8 t" Q1 s/ a; [6 h1 @6 B5 _# _9 T& i- q
   cancel vt. 取消
# e0 g; c$ o6 n7 e5 t5 m% M5 p   cancellation n. 取消
8 K9 {! X7 e# r* t9 i   candid adj. 率直,坦白而诚实的
9 z) v! t9 V3 B0 T+ h, E& g   candidate n. 候选人: R+ J, G. F9 d% v/ |* {' L
   cannibalism n. 同类相食
/ n4 \+ v4 O6 ]0 o8 h% Y1 M   canny adj. 精明的,节约的
! W1 l0 ~4 Y+ ^; G( N7 ~   canopy n. 天蓬,遮蓬& b, K$ a$ d& y! P* C2 \" L
   canvas n. 帆布,画布
) t) S7 N! v/ ~0 R: `' x/ E( T   canvass v. 征求意见,游说拉票
* q" B1 Y+ D' y8 J) O$ I! Y   canyon n. 峡谷  n/ _3 ?2 o" u& V$ O+ \8 G4 f
   capability n. 能力4 {* ~9 D$ g. A' ~. O5 b
   capable adj. 有能力的) z7 o: ~6 l5 k4 y0 h
   capacious adj. 容量大的
" n) W5 K# g* i9 Y; |   capacity n. 容量,能力, |* v: K) c; y) B& J2 W( ?
   captivate vt. 迷惑,迷住
& F2 a9 B( r2 s: G- B" \, G0 I: I: U
   captivity n. 囚禁,拘留

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:06 | 显示全部楼层


</p>   My new employer told me that they needed someone with my capabilities to lead their unpopular forest clearing campaign. They said I was the best candidate for the job. I was a canny negotiator and a very capable speaker. To me, it was just a matter of being candid with the resident natives. I would captivate them with money before telling them that we needed to deforest their land. Then, I could easily calculate and negotiate a reasonable price. & e( u% d' A: `8 ~" a
   I got the job, rather easily I thought. The company directed me to travel into the wilderness by boat to canvass the resident natives. The night before the trip, I weighed myself. “Could the calibration on this scale the correct?” I said to myself. “I guess I better cancel my dinner plans. Otherwise the boat might sink.” But I knew that such a cancellation would make me too sad to travel, so I ate my usual meal.
0 v* p* K" C, v0 e+ W6 `& i7 H; b   The boat was capacious. The boat’s large canopy was made of green and brown canvas. It served as a nice camouflage for the boat. We floated down through the canyon for hours until we finally stopped. “You’ll travel by foot now, alone!” the boat captain said. He filled my water bottle to capacity and pointed the way with a strange smile.
$ A, c" h6 l0 M! t   Not long after, I ran into a resident native. He led me deep into the forest where I met their chief. He smiled and said, “You’ve had a long trip. My family would love to have you for dinner.” Expection a feast, I replied, “I’d be honored.”
# e: z* W, \5 \% w( d   Well, I’ve been in captivity for several hours now, awaiting the feast. What a pity. I was prepared for everything but cannibalism5 ?6 h) A( }; a4 I/ {
& m( P5 t% I* z0 r( U6 N! H  我轻而易举的争取到这份工作。公司指示我坐船进入一片荒野,去游说当地居民。出发前的那个晚上,我称了体重。“称的刻度会不会不准呢?”我自言自语道,“我想我还是取消晚餐计划好了。否则,那船没准会沉。”但我知道取消晚餐只会让我忧伤得无意出差,所以我一如平常地吃了晚饭。8 R4 c  D0 \5 p& t+ R( h
5 k* I$ R) v4 U% O  很快,我就遇上了一个当地人,他领着我往森林深处走去。在那里,我见到了他们的酋长。他微笑着说:“你经历了一番长途跋涉,我的家人会很高兴与你共进晚餐。”我料想会是一顿丰盛的晚宴,便回答到:“不胜荣幸。”
" E4 J! g! L( ^' B$ E  哎,现在我已被囚禁好几个小时,等待着那顿丰盛的晚宴。真可惜,我设想到了一切,除了同类相食的野蛮
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