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[托福词汇] 新托福词汇练习题06

发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 6.  Christopher Columbus was the first person to navigate under the patronage of the Queen Isabella of Spain.+ N. `& k, z4 B+ j& Y( n4 j
  [A] explore            [B] sail              [C] work               [D] circumvent
$ U3 P' ^8 t/ o( v) I  7.  Immigrants entering the United States at the turn of the century often encountered living conditions radically different from those they had left behind.
# U: Z1 J% K% N9 F0 _& U* _  [A] apparently          [B] drastically        [C] admittedly           [D] tragically
7 r  d& ?  J) v- H  8.  Steel expands in hot weather, so suspension bridges may sag a foot more on a hot day.
3 ^/ A7 e' t1 U! t  [A] shrink              [B] droop           [C] bounce              [D] rise
# a# O( n7 ?- G; ^0 j  9.  Many immigrants were prepared to work hard and in appalling conditions for the sake of their descendants.
/ C! l3 P3 H& Q/ e* k$ }  O7 z* Q  [A] benefit             [B] health            [C] property            [D] entertainment5 u8 K1 ?* o  A3 k( o6 I
  10.  Ships passing on the high seas exchange salutes by lowering and raising their flags once.4 H* \7 i* Y/ X8 c* M, t3 n
  [A] information          [B] ceremonies       [C] greetings            [D] privileges
/ m* w  ?3 ]# G& c7 R# y  Keys:    6-10 BBBAC

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