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[托福词汇] 托福词汇学习:通过阅读记单词十二

发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 aphorism n. 警句,格言% b8 ]/ W3 U' D+ z/ ]
  apology n. 道歉,歉意: t5 C5 D/ a7 j" r$ M5 `: ^
  apotheosis n. 神化,典范2 L; l! R, d  ]9 o" }
  appall vt. 使惊骇,使恐怖4 q. d& Z/ F  w1 n2 s: J) {/ ^6 w
  appeal n. 吸引力;vi. 呼吁,恳求;上诉,申诉
9 ]6 c3 q) e% [* H: N/ X8 Y6 v: u" n  appease vt. 使平静,满足, e) `1 I% G! ~' y
  appetite n. 胃口,食欲! N; M" ~' k/ u1 D
  applaud vi. 喝彩,欢呼;称赞,赞成. D5 S( r* c; h; ~, I
  appliance vt. 用具,器具
8 @5 V. q" D/ K. _  applicant n. 申请人
1 f9 e( w. m% p' O  application n. 申请;施用,运用
* ]( c0 P+ o3 ?, x! S  apply vt. 应用,适用;vi. 申请
% g6 C! m; o8 m& G7 E, v! X  appoint vt. 任命,选派8 G5 v" o6 p! |: w8 @7 K$ c
  apportion vt. (按比例或计划)分配
5 K4 ^7 V8 z9 S/ K, c1 r; R  apposite adj. 适当的,恰当的0 V9 \! Y2 U1 J+ S8 U1 l
  appraisal n. 评估,评价
2 H! s( e: @4 v( y& l  appraise v. 估计,评价2 A' S/ i; W( y7 c
  appreciable adj. (数量或变化等)很大的,足以感受到或产生影响的,值得重视的
4 r) |( `5 ]1 o8 I  appriciate vt. 赏识,鉴赏;感激;(充分)意识到;领会,体会,觉察;充分理解3 J2 E/ k3 x7 m( {8 P) }
  appreciation n. 欣赏;口味,兴趣$ q2 w( x* i6 Y1 f# F
  apprehend v. 逮捕;领会,理解;忧虑,畏惧( y! M+ i2 W  h2 m2 S. H0 f' @

" K8 r, u5 j, E  [ 

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:06 | 显示全部楼层


 Have you heard of the aphorism, "Procrastination is the thief of time'? I think it applies to me. I need to thinking about a job for which I have apposite skills. I think it would appease my parents if I do so this summer. Otherwise, I'll have to make an applogy to them for brrowing money again.</p>  Should I be a chef? It would be fun to appease the appetite of hungry people. But I don't even know how to operate the simply appliances in my kitchen!
2 a+ G/ f9 A, `, N( T. r! r' ~  Maybe I can appraise property for a real estate company. How hard can it be to make an appraisal? But I'd have to be good at observing the appreciabledifferences between various properties.: u6 s/ b1 M# ?( ]2 A% F$ \
  Perhaps I should be a criminal lawyer. I could use my big sad eyes to appeal to the judge for mercy. However, I don't think my parents would appreciate my choice. Defending murderers and thieves would appall them.& H, R; W* w9 D+ k" l+ p
  What about being a pliceman! I could apprehend crinimals and put them in prison. I can imagine the warm feeling of appreciation I would get for saving someone's life. On second thought, I don't think I can be an applicant for a position that involves guns.3 F+ `* {& R2 R9 r3 ?1 P
  I could be a politician. I'd have the power to appoint people to positions of importance. But then I'd have to make really difficult decisions like how toapportion our limited water supply.
8 W8 a. F$ S' T1 a  What I'd really to be is an NBA basketball player like Michael Jordan. He's theapotheosis of athletes. Everyone applaunds his amazing skills. But I should be more realistic, shouldn't I?
; Y7 i) u- f' x) I% v; ?  I think I better start with a simpler job. This summer, I'll submit an application to McDonald!
  t2 W% W, n- m1 D  你听说过“拖延是盗窃时间的盗贼”这句格言吗?我想这句话对我来说是非常适用。我得开始考虑我能胜任的适当工作了。我想如果我今年夏天就开始考虑,父母一定会倍感宽慰。否则,我就得为再次向他们借钱而道歉。+ w6 S# `, a$ B* K) T4 s
* k- y) x: @" [9 T8 k" r  也许我可以为一家房地产公司做资产评估。做评估有什么难的?不过,我得有本事观察出不同财产间的明显差别。
# t& x; E# b3 o  n6 {4 I1 u8 j; [  也许我该做个刑事律师。我可以用我那双忧郁的大眼睛来恳求法官的宽恕。但父母不会理解我的选择。为杀人犯和小偷辩护会使他们吓得魂不附体。' F* a* n, Q1 o0 p) N
- ~7 N: {  K* a8 u: m  我可以做个政治家。我将拥有任命重要官职的权利。但我还得做出一些确实困难的决定,比如如何分配我们有限的水资源供应量。- T" d5 s8 ^7 m$ R9 |: ^: f
4 S; v& X0 @( h& S& \  我想我还是先干点容易的活算了。今年夏天,我会像麦当劳递一份求职申请.
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