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[托福词汇] 2012年新托福词汇记忆:cave

发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
* `9 C2 Z& [, i cave  / keɪv; kev/ n$ b7 t" G0 t  x/ z: ]' j6 t  D
  hollow place in the side of a cliff or hill, or underground 洞穴.中华考试网, }$ A+ N: M+ I& v
  > cave v( M' M: Q$ Y# G( n9 s9 C
  [I] (usu 通常作 go caving) explore caves as a sport 洞穴探险运动: He likes caving. 他喜欢洞穴探险运动.
$ j  d+ C2 t& O/ `  (phr v) cave in fall inwards; collapse 塌陷; 坍方; 坍塌: The roof of the tunnel caved in (on the workmen). 隧道顶坍塌(压住工人). * (fig 比喻) All opposition to the scheme has caved in. 所有反对这一计划的意见都否定了.; Q9 {+ f0 Y6 d  \/ ?
  # `cave-dweller n = caveman.
% k! n4 L7 D: r; U* B: \9 D. Y# k  `cave-in n sudden collapse of a roof, etc (屋顶等)突然坍塌.3 Z/ u  J% s; ~8 A3 G
  caveman / ˈkeɪvmn; ˋkevˏmæn/ n (pl -men / ˈkeɪvmen; ˋkevˏmɛn/)8 ^2 D$ O' d: m( Q8 ?7 j8 N
  1 person living in caves, esp in prehistoric times 穴居人(尤指史前时代的).6 c8 n3 S# l! Q/ T$ c1 E
  2 (infml 口) man of crude or violent feelings and behaviour 野蛮人; 粗野的人.

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