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[托福听力] 新托福听力词汇替换集合:实战篇(A)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
0 E. G3 Y3 M4 a/ E  (A) be just the formality ----> (B) be not essential; h0 T9 |+ i. P8 _
  (A) be on the way (B) ----> pass by (A)( U! I  Q" R6 A) S, }2 e" c
  (A) be worse ----> prefer (B) to (A)
! `: y( w! S" X6 z/ ^( I$ i0 n  (A) cast on sth. to (B) ----> (B) get sth. from (A)
0 H, H( g: C, h7 R; b# i8 B  (A) get sth. done ----> someone do for (A)
5 ]) D7 K* H) g  (A) is far more important ----> should (A) before (B)3 r/ F7 n/ S4 B' M# o
  (A) ride with (B) ----> (B) give (A) a ride
, \$ z5 }! Q, ]4 E$ Z: e  (A) send (B) to do sth. for (A) ----> (A) can use (B)'s sth. later( N3 P' R" Q' h& y0 B& l
  (A) tell (B) a day ahead of time what (A) need. ----> (A) request materials a day in advance。
# [0 z2 [% l% M  (A) will miss (B) ----> (B) won't be able to go someplace
; Z) B- N8 f- U( u% a  (A) wouldn't have gone to someplace ----> (B) doubt (A)'d leave for someplace
8 X2 N5 W* Z! F; J  (course) be cut // double the tuition ----> have financial trouble7 j/ e8 d0 Q# M, W0 `, N
  (every) once in a while // (every) now and then // every so often ----> sometimes // (only) occasionally( q7 k+ t% a2 J
  (parking) lot ----> (parking) place/ ]! C$ j' H, r0 A& V) x/ i
  ... and ..., too ----> several
1 `  ^9 R1 e* G+ ^  ~ not ...? // Have/Will/Sure/Is ...? // What if ...? // How/What about ...? ----> suggest // recommend // should // can // may // would like // Please ..。# c5 w: X" _, X+ Q& c
  3 quarters of a block ----> not too far
7 C; g5 x: o: J* ]% \3 s  O  48 hours ----> two days  O! c/ J! h0 t
  65 bucks ----> too expensive( F0 {- ]* M8 o* |
  a 2-ton trunk's lift off my shoulders ----> She is relieved that3 s. n6 g, Y2 x0 E
  a beach person ----> often to the beach. }4 i% r( k# d. d. O" n
  a certain thing // put up with ----> get used to  f3 [1 R2 k' a) c
  a couple of ----> a few // several; Y, V7 d9 ^, m5 _* U3 o" H
  a craft person and an artist ----> art and technology, J. T, j7 B; e6 @
  a few days late // out of question ----> must be in time
; K* ~  J' A( j: o  a few days to think about ----> time to decide( y' x; i! e( W
  a good change of pace ----> as a diversion

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:25 | 显示全部楼层


  a large size ----> not fit
. G- k. u- X' ?  R# h# N  a large waist ----> gain weight
- Y# c4 x& u7 ?$ m3 H  a later plane ----> another flight. _* ^- h( @, t: {2 `4 {% M
  a little forgetful ----> not remember
% r! D: q8 a" ~) ]  a little the worse for wear ----> worn-out- q( r& i$ P" c
  a lost cause // have one's heart on sth. ----> not be able to change one's mind7 V) ~1 W) o5 r; q
  a lot of courage ----> very brave/ x9 V% L# \: B; q6 ^9 [. c5 ?
  a lot of time // only every spare time ----> a large amount of time
. r1 T2 }4 ?, w# _% h4 \9 C' s3 j  a million things ----> too much
% ?6 S! G% `& ^+ I2 O" U  a million times ----> very well' E5 n" V  ~: R# b7 A
  A six-month membership costs as much as 5 individual months. ----> The membership fee is lower。
3 x* B# ]4 }# J( U  a small group ----> several
  R+ q" p  c8 I1 r& Y" @6 M# W4 d/ z  a specimen from the past // demise ----> an extinct bird6 j/ V2 x. n" G& w, \* l6 n
  a week from tomorrow ----> in eight days4 g4 d3 G5 T: f2 h+ R8 u& D
  a word I say ----> when I speak
" m9 g# \+ e+ E$ u  accept ----> get
) J! v* A( |! ~. T# K. {' n. U  accept any more excuses ----> listen to any explanation9 B8 w3 g* P# j6 I; E
  accept the charges ----> pay for sth。
! H+ i5 U  Z- o* ~/ Y  o: e  adapt ----> be used to
- g, f. N) w5 b7 x$ C, k  adding a new wing ----> addition. j3 _  G, Y+ {1 T# V$ s
  admiration ----> respect4 a' l- K+ ]# V6 j: G0 }4 T% b
  advisor ----> valuable experience
7 g5 Z7 P6 E2 W8 w% ~  afford ----> cheap
0 d+ I/ A7 c. J  d) Q  after all ----> previously
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:26 | 显示全部楼层


  again ----> often
& a( T! {& A  G+ [3 ?) R" V9 ~  agency ----> hire someone
) P/ T, D/ i( {# l* v7 J/ U4 _  agreement ----> contract
) |1 U8 g! L4 [) _+ p2 r& V  Ah, nuts. ----> Oh, no。
: |0 j6 y$ P3 X, B1 J  ahead of time ----> in advance, D* q! b) N. q) ]: X6 b
  air conditioning ----> cool- Q: s% |) n1 U# {  I2 P
  All I got was a sore foot. ----> He didn't buy anything。
5 `' [/ L, _1 r! h  all sorts of different things ----> various items# j  @/ S3 F) s' ]- l+ ^# q9 g
  all that in one sport ----> develop skills useful in other activities3 z) P- @$ J3 H0 W& z
  all those hours of practice ----> work hard
6 ?8 R0 q0 V* J. d& z$ v# {  all too often ----> always // frequently // many times // again and again // time and time again3 E  H" c2 A- H1 l
  almost everyone ----> only a few people
+ P4 I/ K8 {- q! R( @4 A4 G  alone ----> by oneself
- l% u# I9 r" h0 T  already ----> too
, o9 a" h& r) j. }4 N: B% ?- p  always come to ----> never miss
+ p5 x8 D8 q6 \( _$ f8 t  always put things off until the last minute ----> never do assignments early
, s, I( j+ v9 r9 R4 J% L3 V  always this deserted ----> usually so empty1 @, b( @$ y# ]$ y0 U
  American Indian Dance Theater ----> Native American dance troupe9 Z( \( g5 J! f* u* @# A, K( p
  an old colleague ----> used to work with
& o, \- N  ^% U; L- }4 m  angry ----> upset( u" d4 B  V* `
  another ----> next1 _1 H" N4 t1 `
  another delay ----> delay/late again
# S  i0 {' J1 J2 J: X+ _  answer the phone ----> take the call# V  Q8 X$ y. Q" g
  anxious // bear up well ----> fall into some trouble
7 ]5 l6 c! U. V+ D1 f; O: @$ }* w2 |  any day/minute/time (now) ----> (very) soon // in on time$ U' a- Q" j6 J* O( l
  apartment complex ----> building
0 ~6 w( G6 w; O4 g- q/ n8 x# @  apply for ----> try for
( L" C: A/ x7 S# m9 f  appointment // calendar ----> schedule5 [9 }* f4 Z- a2 Q6 e( _# ^# N" {
  approved ----> appropriate
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:27 | 显示全部楼层


  (A) be just the formality ----> (B) be not essential
) _( m+ `+ b( V  (A) be on the way (B) ----> pass by (A)
% o9 C. G- }3 S; s- d  (A) be worse ----> prefer (B) to (A)
8 U7 r5 b1 O0 G+ b  (A) cast on sth. to (B) ----> (B) get sth. from (A)
$ r1 S% v- `5 X% L2 C4 v! Y  (A) get sth. done ----> someone do for (A)
$ G' C" @  X2 l7 Q  (A) is far more important ----> should (A) before (B). D  ?$ P  T1 a/ s! V
  (A) ride with (B) ----> (B) give (A) a ride& g" B& U& s) B$ g/ L4 g: ]
  (A) send (B) to do sth. for (A) ----> (A) can use (B)'s sth. later  K6 V: U& U+ s) z  D) B* O; \
  (A) tell (B) a day ahead of time what (A) need. ----> (A) request materials a day in advance。
* n/ V, G; j" u) f# q0 ?" A6 p" w  (A) will miss (B) ----> (B) won't be able to go someplace& \& S7 B7 L# W) f* \
  (A) wouldn't have gone to someplace ----> (B) doubt (A)'d leave for someplace% Q( D3 l4 q: f, s$ ^" h; U3 F4 u
  (course) be cut // double the tuition ----> have financial trouble  E9 f2 x! \  I* f; R' ~
  (every) once in a while // (every) now and then // every so often ----> sometimes // (only) occasionally
! B( ?! Z$ O- a8 V* t; w  (parking) lot ----> (parking) place) R  U# |' Y& q1 U, U
  ... and ..., too ----> several$ b+ ?  p2 ]" i
  ~ not ...? // Have/Will/Sure/Is ...? // What if ...? // How/What about ...? ----> suggest // recommend // should // can // may // would like // Please ..。
( V2 ?7 `! Q2 V3 Z) O  3 quarters of a block ----> not too far
# b/ X7 \" T7 l4 s" P# g  48 hours ----> two days
- \: `- E0 r* x; V5 E6 l. T  65 bucks ----> too expensive
6 E: {# H3 |& @2 L3 n  a 2-ton trunk's lift off my shoulders ----> She is relieved that6 _9 M: m* @0 H' K+ m0 P* K; P' l3 N
  a beach person ----> often to the beach8 U2 Q' J) o& t0 z8 B( N/ r
  a certain thing // put up with ----> get used to
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:28 | 显示全部楼层


  a couple of ----> a few // several
: ^, g$ r, p8 @' P8 U; Z  a craft person and an artist ----> art and technology4 b, E- R( E3 E- O) M) Z
  a few days late // out of question ----> must be in time
8 T& _  G  r1 r# a' \4 D4 v' q  a few days to think about ----> time to decide
1 \) a+ m3 y4 b8 c9 \1 e  a good change of pace ----> as a diversion
* ?3 F9 s# {( M  a large size ----> not fit4 u, c8 _2 [' d; m9 C" P5 X& f' O
  a large waist ----> gain weight" e6 ^1 H+ e( w  w
  a later plane ----> another flight
0 B+ ]( T6 o" A0 l  a little forgetful ----> not remember
. F; P- C; z0 O8 Z$ ~2 e/ v7 R  a little the worse for wear ----> worn-out
) k8 `. ~' L/ Z  \8 X  a lost cause // have one's heart on sth. ----> not be able to change one's mind0 r* _" C1 D  e) W5 O  n( a
  a lot of courage ----> very brave
& }& c6 p& n& I/ `! L9 b  a lot of time // only every spare time ----> a large amount of time
7 v& j9 T4 C& W& c* m+ V  a million things ----> too much6 E& H7 \% P8 N2 ]! {( E
  a million times ----> very well
+ n7 O5 {: }) V1 x) W  A  A six-month membership costs as much as 5 individual months. ----> The membership fee is lower。- r7 ]: e3 U: U* U% l/ e
  a small group ----> several
* H; O! s, t, g) p1 `  a specimen from the past // demise ----> an extinct bird6 l- b. u/ N. m7 X
  a week from tomorrow ----> in eight days( d9 q4 z! w8 v* |
  a word I say ----> when I speak
! l" Y# f5 f9 }& C0 [  accept ----> get
" ?8 c/ y% v3 b3 a/ \  accept any more excuses ----> listen to any explanation0 q" L2 o: S# M* j. B- o
  accept the charges ----> pay for sth。, Z+ n8 B7 Z1 Y
  adapt ----> be used to/ {: V& Z3 d% Y0 z% i) V# Q
  adding a new wing ----> addition
1 ~/ n/ ~+ A2 j( N  admiration ----> respect) y& O9 m7 X4 J) p% d
  advisor ----> valuable experience
1 `" f5 f$ N$ p% Y1 W8 A  afford ----> cheap
2 t8 t: u  R* _8 [  after all ----> previously
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:29 | 显示全部楼层


  again ----> often
( R0 B$ m& D! h0 ~  agency ----> hire someone
6 j$ B& A( [! ~+ y# A' N  agreement ----> contract
. _, {' {5 L: @1 m. c9 C. _: e  Ah, nuts. ----> Oh, no。
1 d* E+ w( u' |7 [6 b  ahead of time ----> in advance3 ]4 D4 }3 y; D7 {
  air conditioning ----> cool
! ?4 b# {, Z% R8 Y8 N6 C  `  All I got was a sore foot. ----> He didn't buy anything。) t9 g& A8 i# v: A: v
  all sorts of different things ----> various items# Q7 F- k, ~% V+ L( l! o; Y5 y6 [
  all that in one sport ----> develop skills useful in other activities' z, h1 r! r. G$ z* e
  all those hours of practice ----> work hard( }& x8 |6 X! _3 X2 G
  all too often ----> always // frequently // many times // again and again // time and time again
9 s# m1 O8 p6 L/ a) e" G  almost everyone ----> only a few people
+ C/ m5 c# E2 L# _  alone ----> by oneself
  H6 Y, {, e' h3 f; x5 A  already ----> too
3 n2 k" S) V' M% R  always come to ----> never miss
8 k: S. {7 `" K# ]4 ]  always put things off until the last minute ----> never do assignments early& W$ ]1 {$ C  z
  always this deserted ----> usually so empty
/ }. U9 v- m6 B* @/ c  American Indian Dance Theater ----> Native American dance troupe
$ j6 ]0 v6 D7 B1 l9 }) J: o  an old colleague ----> used to work with
3 x* P8 e7 z; Y7 }/ E$ u, j2 i# r  angry ----> upset
: k3 M( m! U. y7 }3 _  another ----> next) J6 o0 u6 _- X; q+ {) U  ~/ X
  another delay ----> delay/late again; i: g% {* |; p$ q% Q+ d) h3 p
  answer the phone ----> take the call# O& {1 \5 u/ Q: C" ^& H
  anxious // bear up well ----> fall into some trouble  B/ k/ s/ P) H* ]% A; h0 [
  any day/minute/time (now) ----> (very) soon // in on time5 `& ]: g# }( [+ j8 {# B$ {
  apartment complex ----> building- [2 s6 D9 b' e
  apply for ----> try for# Z. r9 Y5 O% I5 X  A, ^+ F$ w. z
  appointment // calendar ----> schedule
: C/ o* E" ?1 h5 l' h4 f  approved ----> appropriate
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