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[托福听力] 新托福听力词汇替换集合:入门篇

发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
' U1 Q/ W" z, u3 C6 d9 i  48 hours ----> two days9 A- N4 U  L1 O( w6 U3 H) d
  50% off ----> discount
5 g( t" e( s$ ]9 F0 J  a couple of times ----> twice1 J& N5 |4 S' X8 }, R7 O% d3 S
  a little after ten ----> just past ten o'clock, y6 t6 s" B& }( G
  a waste of money ----> not worth the money' Q! i! ]" R9 l( p( Z9 V
  a week from today ----> next week
. T. r( J6 m' K* P  K  a week from tomorrow ----> in eight days4 E) T% q! T$ m1 v4 l5 `
  age ----> era
9 m6 C6 {1 O# {, j3 x  F2 m" r  agreement ----> contract
- x2 [3 |4 {2 i: g+ T  h; T  ahead of time ----> in advance
9 V& x1 N  n1 F+ ^3 h! r  any day now ----> soon* }: n. {6 C( U& P+ `+ f
  anything but poor ----> rich // has a lot of money
% d9 D; ?& b/ A8 \5 f" L% r" T  apply for a loan ----> borrow money
+ B" k2 u+ B# X0 w; |/ G/ u  approach sb ----> talk to sb
- Y- H7 L9 p2 H- r" s, M4 n( ]* [  around ----> nearby" b; O6 w  i! D- s( R6 Q
  ask for a refund ----> get money back
" N2 A6 ?0 t  n( {6 y  astonished ----> surprised

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:25 | 显示全部楼层


  backpack ----> knapsack8 B* T. L$ [7 q& a( e$ ~
  be crowded ----> be well-attended' M5 B; I8 C( t$ d+ h
  be done ----> complete
5 K+ \3 d  j- ?! @( a  be free ----> not busy2 J+ p* j, L! a1 A2 I4 Y
  be in one ear and out the other ----> doesn't listen# A! I! c& I3 ], A. X
  be onto something ----> promising
8 e9 @/ e9 `0 l( z  be overwhelmed with ----> be busy with
: j6 J( l2 l' K& T  |$ S  beach ----> seashore
, o% |' X$ E8 ^9 d1 Y2 V/ Z  best score ----> perfect grade6 k/ V6 [9 A/ g# `5 Z  N
  beyond sb. ----> not understand
& ^% B, I/ i7 |* y* f2 d$ w  big sale ----> discount2 w5 g& b1 t1 k% M
  book ----> reserve
2 q2 ~4 n; w) }) `  boring ----> uninteresting) f; g, `/ `! ]" t, G3 V
  borrow ----> lend
! `4 E# _" {5 L$ o' v  breathe ----> air pollution" n3 ?# e% V0 W/ H% s$ V- J
  brighten one's spirits ----> make one feel better
% h( o& c9 @" u  L3 L3 C8 r$ U5 p  broke ----> no money8 w5 l# r9 c( Q0 Z( e2 s5 t5 q
  budget ----> money // price
; e0 i' T* Y0 s& E  bump into ----> meet // see
' O" O0 s9 H- L( f  buy ----> purchased' s) W5 o% R  A1 i! T& q
  by and by ----> in a short while# b' v, U: j% [; {: C9 G
  by leaps and bounds ----> quickly
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:26 | 显示全部楼层


  cake // apple pie ----> dessert
& v# |  {1 `( w" t8 Z  can hardly wait to do ----> look forward to doing // can't wait to do // be anxious to do
9 M7 c  N+ |$ [* j( `5 S5 H( w  can't fit it in ----> too busy
4 ~" B3 }1 T: y3 o: w3 A  can't get away with that ----> will get into trouble
* \# q# b* j8 [% f4 p" w  can't put the book down ----> the book is interesting
% O" }6 t7 ~3 F- ]& X( l& `" X  can't recognize ----> looks different
! T$ G7 Z5 m. n  z  can't stick around ----> have to go
# ^# i' C; Z% E+ ~) B$ {2 D% N9 I  can't turn down an offer ----> be eager to go
# H, c( C2 v7 k+ V1 }  l  carry out the plan ----> implement the plan
$ c1 n% m& A  p- T  casual ----> informally& r* X) \- k  |6 c  r' Q4 Q
  change ----> money
: u# A( x  L' P0 X  change of pace ----> diversion) f6 L$ G5 N* k% V- k
  charge ----> pay // fine% p3 A) Q* j* S
  check ----> ask" [- P* A0 s- T* B. @( _
  check it out ----> find out- D$ `: o5 ]9 f! P
  cheerful ----> happy; u7 V2 Q: Q! W& {( x6 E
  chop down ----> cut down
, r# z  ~" G+ ]$ {6 Q! n  l) ^! `  circulation desk ----> library$ ]6 m) B6 b, B
  clean out // a big appetite ----> eat all the food
+ q- q5 W9 t4 V2 ~  a! Q' R  clear off ----> reorganize
0 m3 S( z3 z+ ?* e- `; Z" Q8 e: D  clever ----> smart
- [+ z0 b; {7 M$ z4 p2 @) p  come a long way ----> improve6 g; ~- z$ D. {) C
  come in handy ----> useful // benefit
9 I6 A; ~1 m& J( e  come out ----> publish
# r& s+ O" O( Y$ f9 e  come up with ----> find
8 }, ]+ h# g5 |# L  contest ----> competition( S) F0 i% F7 o  a, J* ^
  couldn't make out ----> didn't understand' a" n8 t8 H$ p" ^% |. f9 v' G
  count sb in ----> sb. wants to go, too
3 l3 [' n9 X( W7 i1 ~  cover school expenses ----> pay school fees
# [# t: k5 l. X3 w  current ----> recent
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:27 | 显示全部楼层


  delay ----> late8 ?% s, }+ w4 ~  P
  deserted ----> empty
2 R. U4 a, b; j0 X" n+ `  detest ----> strongly dislike
6 o- ~6 G1 Y1 Q% n  did some shopping ----> bought sth
' ~8 F  w0 U7 d1 U  disagreeable ----> unpleasant
( n# E# }! T; ~% M( v5 N+ v  discard ----> get rid of
: Q" R, D) a% z* }8 {  discount // good deal ----> good price
. x" q: H' _, |- i  t4 h6 k  do better ----> improve+ Q0 P% e7 K- r' w& a7 I( E3 l
  doesn't figure out ----> doesn't know8 {. @4 Q# t1 q# _  `& |! L  C
  don't chew it ----> swallow
5 _  a0 V8 X0 }' s; E+ z! b) r  drop in on sb. ----> pay sb a visit: _) q1 r) \/ D+ u& `+ L" _! F- Q
  double ----> twice" x3 j+ Z" s* `+ H. B
  down jacket ----> warm jacket
& d$ |4 S5 q0 p* b# O. s/ q) T  drop by ----> visit, [+ v6 e/ f0 m
  drop sb a line ----> write to sb, w9 Z7 R9 L% j9 P2 ]  D
  drowsy ----> sleepy8 G0 z# u3 K) S6 ]9 {
  dry ----> wet4 S' P. V( \8 Q+ p' u+ @* ~
  duplicate ----> reproduce
& \+ Y! o, S1 }8 H. C  dust the apartment ----> clean the apartment
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:28 | 显示全部楼层


  enrage ----> angry
9 g2 Z8 m3 {6 b  error ----> mistake" A% M# u/ k, s1 q& E: \- u
  exact change ----> right coins
" H8 \: ]* J5 Q$ F3 A* ]  exercise strenuously ----> vigorous exercise+ n8 S9 k3 {6 B, p7 E8 m
  exhausted ----> rest
1 j/ t  S5 V7 ~  expensive ----> costly
5 j, ?- ]9 s" e( y! g8 @7 l* @% R  fall back on a dictionary ----> look up some words6 B6 z' v7 E( t; J: c6 L' |
  famous ----> well-known' y2 l, u! {% w$ _) b! I0 I
  fascinating ----> very interesting
6 B1 \4 n4 K8 o, W# D- v  feeble ----> weak
( n: {+ C' z$ D5 N4 }" u  feedback ----> opinion
" I! C9 _! W' d9 h  ferry ----> boat
5 p( G# P/ ~$ q" C  field trip ----> class activity
# V3 A1 X5 y+ m! }  fill her shoes ----> take her place! K5 F$ f$ t5 f& _
  fill in for ----> replace6 d/ s! f3 r  m: E5 i' \$ y
  fill out the form ----> complete a form
4 A5 `0 ]" f  x/ V! {! w& ]! l  financial aid ----> money
# y7 ?, \; v- j( S0 }- S  H# ]  fine ----> charge, q  U- r! u& l* z  ?0 O+ s
  finish ----> complete
1 D" o: J; j  ?$ P' _6 R  finish first ----> win4 i4 P3 A; j4 T: H/ x; s& f
  fix ----> repair4 @$ A: x% E3 D4 V& ]8 p6 K8 u
  floor ----> department store
2 y8 ?! _/ w7 {" }( m, y! d  fly by ----> pass3 m" n& z( N% E  c; j
  forget ----> remember) Q3 s; \7 @) D1 Q' p0 C
  four o'clock ----> that afternoon
+ H: ~! r: C, [# i/ _$ e) P  freeze ----> cold5 ?; u! t9 k) N$ x5 n
  furnace ----> heating system
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:29 | 显示全部楼层


  gas stove ----> cook food
# C5 O& w6 _0 V( G2 ?1 @8 O  get a loan ----> borrow money
# ~" R6 N' X4 t* O" B% B$ {- J# M4 X  get a move on ----> begin to move
; `. B/ O1 D% i1 r  get in that line ----> stand in that line9 i+ l+ c) Y9 ~4 J4 U/ P
  get indigestion ----> stomach hurts: @* w3 W8 y/ c8 W# f- f1 h
  get into shape ----> need exercise  Z8 v: o0 L/ d' v
  get moving ----> hurry( q5 n' ^$ `+ r' g9 b# ?$ X5 N
  get nervous ----> worry  k% }% T. P; o' g3 k1 o  g
  get off the ground ----> advance // go forward // have a good talk
1 r' }2 g( R" T! J' t/ p  get one's signature ----> take a class
6 X' m1 {( W/ ^3 [) l( D! g# C  get out of (doing) sth. ----> be excused/exempted from (doing) sth。
: W4 c! c. g) ~9 l7 P* K  get out of doing one's work ----> avoid work
5 J+ e* ~. @9 o: U- Q+ N, I  get sb. mixed up ----> confused$ ^9 U4 \1 n3 C" {* h/ c  c0 a
  get so backed up ----> put off work
( R0 J0 X* {+ E2 j5 \, V  get sth. right ----> revision2 N) c; `8 k! l& _  e2 |6 |: U3 n* t% a
  get there on foot ----> walk there
. ?7 p* H" j( Z. S' K8 b! ]  get time off from work ----> be able to take a vacation
8 d5 x( D+ h8 S& R# H  gift ----> present
+ J& N& X# _9 O/ J  give an extension ----> have extra time
; @% {% y* n7 T7 O. N  give sb an ultimatum ----> warn sb
6 ?5 J2 B9 [9 [7 X8 s  give sb. a ride ----> drive/take sb. to
- f: j" b; Y& W: V$ m  go jogging ----> run9 [  m$ l; ?. f2 x/ Q. V
  go to jazz club ----> entertainment5 H( y- n* ~4 H; k
  go to the movie ----> go to a film
: a; q' _% x9 i) Y2 \$ W  go up ----> increase // too expensive
1 f9 d- k; a5 m7 g. y5 H+ l: {  grade exams ----> mark tests+ L' y0 r4 W7 G7 n
  grammar book ----> language book
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:30 | 显示全部楼层


  half an hour ----> 30 minutes( E% o1 R* A$ I% }
  hand ----> help // assistance
$ ?7 l5 s: n! H) b- E  hand and shoulders above ----> much better than# r  P& A) f. A8 g; C0 w+ k$ r
  hand out ----> distribute; l( b( P/ _' q" L
  hand sb. Down ----> give it to sb
: K6 l/ M6 P% f- M  hands down ----> easily
. L( f' R& ?: R( m* ^. ], T& z  happy ----> be pleased# Z( G8 q5 i8 l* X
  has done all right ----> has been successful& y& {+ O# J- B2 B# L  l  l
  hasn't taken the prerequisite ----> not ready to take the class
/ B$ Z; ]" j- \# i  c( V) m  have a look ----> see6 t# O$ t$ ?  h( h% ]4 U
  have a way with words ----> have a talent for expressing5 c6 \  Q3 O) e" x/ h1 v2 ]
  have sb. do sth. // have sth. done ----> someone do
. V) R; Z& a0 j2 c$ ~  have sth. looked into ----> get sth. checked
0 z0 |9 J% u7 a7 P5 K  J* G  health center ----> doctor4 H% ^9 b, [$ ^' ?
  healthful ----> nutritious' `- }  S+ l1 T* [
  hold off // put off // delay // postpone ----> wait until
9 H+ q& H  ?0 }7 a" M3 ~  hot weather ----> heat* u% J: [1 ^3 \) M
  How come // What for ----> Why5 R" \0 U0 ]& }- |* ?
  humid ----> dry
. K" D; R7 c( K+ _6 Z. [. g  humorous ----> amusing
8 j  O# ~1 L, A( h* p  I had no idea ----> I didn't know' ~' t! h& n# b; |6 ^9 a7 `
  I'll burst ----> I've overeaten, S1 P: t0 q. c) v; g
  I'm about to ----> I plan to do. j9 H# X1 V2 _" e. r1 K
  in a little while ----> soon$ a4 q5 @/ L  m6 S9 ~8 ?, J
  in a minute ----> quickly8 p  d, A- _" t! U
  in the dark ----> not understand/ P( M: C( V  |/ Q
  inconsiderate ----> thoughtless
6 ?+ q2 p& F" c( |, }  instruction ----> direction% y) s% v1 K% u! \7 k& q% q
  interruption ----> bothering
' o& r7 L9 e* C0 O/ l  interview // resume ----> job3 Q- `+ }, [% b! J2 N; S0 G
  iron horse ----> train // locomotive // railroad+ q( A* |. ?4 W7 U
  irresponsible ----> isn't careful with+ o( W  `1 v5 }
  isn't warm enough ----> too cold
! h5 w( }$ Y9 @' o  It's one's fault. ----> Sb. be to blame。+ x4 _* c/ H/ R
  jeans and T-shirt ----> casual dress  ?! g) f# Y+ L  ?
  job ----> position
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:31 | 显示全部楼层


  keep an eye on ----> watch
8 q; J8 g. q" W4 l" j4 Q# A  b  keep an eye out for ----> watch for
. q9 u& o* Y0 z6 ], F  keep doing // carry on ----> continue
  ]( W! V1 A7 K$ E7 ?' g5 v8 @3 Y7 Y  keep to oneself ----> not sociable
* |' q7 d! t% M. W, ~9 m. |  larger waist ----> gain weight+ d2 M, K& B' T! ^' P
  last time ----> previously
& I/ O1 [9 g# s  e& W  late ----> delay
  F! V9 d1 B% T8 W+ ]: M! u( O, u1 ~  late this afternoon ----> later on in the day
7 _  a. `5 f$ L  lay off // le sb. go ----> lose one's job
' d5 z2 P: T/ @% g, o, w  line/little/step/word by line/little/step/word ----> gradually // methodically // in a logical way // one step at a time
' P0 @8 x1 t4 {. _2 ^+ E  look for a room to rent ----> look for a real estate agency
2 m% c2 }3 L( Y6 q$ h7 {  look into ----> check // inspect- M7 S4 E2 O$ F/ d% U% P7 w; @6 t
  look on with ----> share
6 o% a2 l0 H, v/ F% T" L  look over ----> dominated
% g$ \: z7 T+ X8 m7 E  look up to ----> respect // admire
8 P. t, ]* D/ v" i+ z. Y; p1 l0 g  look well ----> in excellent health
" p3 n3 |3 d1 v$ a; R# V  lost track of time ----> didn't realize what time it was) d; F' ]7 H3 t' G8 o1 k
  lovely ----> beautiful: W( g1 p  t9 }- Q0 d$ c
  make a choice ----> select4 f) l" F+ w: m2 U
  manual ----> book7 G+ [$ F; p  |& ~. e5 Q) \9 s
  market ----> business
0 |' u4 s9 L6 ]5 Y' P* C  meet ----> get to know/ i- [* C; W9 Z, |# i+ W" Z
  meet each other half way ----> reach a compromise
4 [6 n- x- g/ w/ Z# f  meet sb. ----> pick sb. up- i+ r5 k% C8 m' H8 e" j( X. @
  misread ----> not read correctly
  x; c5 V' m- ?9 a  money is burning a hole in one's pocket ----> no money& N  e* B/ ]# ]$ y0 e% l
  most fun ----> enjoy3 q' W. O4 p5 e7 ?' l6 I% a' [
  museum ----> exhibit
, Z# o; l( W( I0 ~- b' v0 p  mystery ----> surprised // wonder // not sure
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:32 | 显示全部楼层


  navigate ----> find its way
' {; r  A7 m% M) z$ I  need a second opinion ----> ask another person
. g1 U! h3 {" x: K; k: n  need another few days ----> need more time! R. G8 B, K- T, m; }) [" s# n
  next to ----> beside* I, C9 [8 L( w- _
  next week ----> following week) p  a+ c$ o2 v
  no danger ----> safe
. w7 j' t* K2 ], }) h" t# N. C  no end in sight ----> for a while
3 [5 W% v' x/ L" K* w( {3 D$ V  no pushover ----> strict! L- f+ E0 i% _, l' y
  noon ----> 12 o'clock
+ B0 d7 S. {! ?$ z1 Y  not follow ----> not understand- B5 F9 f# L9 @% c* W
  not get anywhere ----> without result8 J4 m) t1 j- ^' b/ A
  not push one's luck ----> not make too many requests
* }/ u& g* `4 |. T$ f  not sit still ----> nervous6 Z  Q, H- K! h* K- H' w: r; r
  not up to the task ----> can't do the job5 y! r& R! L- u! {( q% @
  nowhere near finish ----> there is a lot to do2 {, z' d8 W" x; \
  on edge ----> nervous // angry/ {7 t6 B$ H: w  Z, h- W$ d
  on her own ----> herself3 R1 r( v# P& [+ u" N, j
  on purpose ----> intentionally' k& Y' q! T8 r+ H9 j
  on sale ----> cheap
2 X; Q: r0 ^' M0 W. I" |2 k  on the dot ----> on time // punctual" ^3 ~: Y) s$ ~& d
  one step at a time ----> gradually7 Z# N9 M4 I4 n( @
  out of earshot ----> too far away to hear. m' h) D  `$ q5 G% {/ i; K0 N/ \! l" ^
  out of one's mind ----> crazy // foolish idea! u* w9 W2 y! Z. ^
  out of order ----> not working right' {' `7 r. @- ]0 K. c1 ~3 K" |
  outcome ----> decision* x. u6 e$ j8 `; u6 c. }, Z
  outgoing ----> friendly
2 ~% j9 Y# S6 ]9 t  over one's head ----> not understand
+ n, g4 ~* U+ I) `( _7 U) |1 K  overreact ----> too sensitive
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:33 | 显示全部楼层


  pace ----> speed4 Z% |* I9 R* r+ _' t
  paper ----> schoolwork
1 D! y0 ^& t5 L" h: a  parents ----> mother and father0 Q, V$ P/ R9 Y
  parts ----> repair // fix" X( a- c1 r0 h( T
  past midnight ----> all evening/ j; K7 c$ m. g: ~0 c3 y
  photo ----> picture/ F( x/ O( a$ H& {3 P
  pick up ----> get
+ {1 n* \) N( W5 \: q& H0 W  pill ----> tablet. ~7 Y; H0 q! T& b; l/ ^9 Y& K
  pitch ----> tone
* X3 L+ c/ x% J; G0 b  plant // window // table ----> light& i; w+ C' {; K; m. _6 u
  pollution ----> air
  y; e* O$ S  i5 W( z  prescription ----> medicine
! p0 c" A' @  Q  presentation ----> assignment
/ ?# x* [7 |8 H# q: Z  prices went up ----> expensive3 n( d; q: Q; ?
  proofread and correct the paper ----> check the paper: B+ o0 {# s& X" [) g4 }: y" w8 f6 X
  protest the rising tuition fees ----> be opposed to the tuition increase
9 ^" G* j$ o! t. x' ]  prove ----> demonstrate
+ {5 m% a& L# G$ t* H1 X  put a lot of hours ----> require a great deal of time) I* X6 M, H% \, x
  put it on paper ----> write ... down
3 k1 h: G) x' I5 V' \: m* V+ g  put money into an account ----> open an account
" ?$ K$ A0 b0 _- G3 z  put on a play ----> present a play! U. e. O. i" p0 E5 d7 x" Y
  put out ----> upset  i; M6 {) T" ?, ~. y7 }! ^9 @$ U
  put up with ----> tolerate* W4 }  D6 [: L+ X
  quit ----> leave the job
2 F' l: L8 L. g  radio ----> broadcast3 A9 l6 p' G/ E' X) Z! O! m" W
  raise ----> increase
' X' O( F6 Y8 E2 |: i$ Y  raise the roof ----> angry4 l) H! f- w' K
  reach home ----> come home
: A- V) z; z8 E( B/ y  refreshment ----> food
9 F4 F# T7 y- E2 k5 E  renovation ----> remodeling // refurbish( Y% E/ B- B: B
  rest of the job ----> remains of the work
/ b- y2 @4 o  T$ c  restless ----> nervous
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