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[托福听力] 新托福听力词汇替换集合:实战篇(F)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  factors ... lead to ----> causes
/ c) n0 k) s; W; X  e2 d# z) e  fail to ----> don't) R; V6 s& c% C. G6 N% h
  fall back on ----> turn to
- s: _; r/ K- [  fall back on one's dictionary ----> look up some words
  F9 k# S& H; s6 m& Y$ Z" m  fan ----> like to do sth。
8 c9 O/ t* ?" t! U/ `" H  far from being the only one ----> many people
6 z8 a. P$ [2 A  far from new ----> old
% w! @& ]/ f# Q4 [4 K7 W  fascinating ----> very interesting3 V. h4 ^# h3 L, C* ?! H
  faster than ----> exceed7 g* R' G  R! ?4 r9 Z3 f! ^
  feeble ----> weak/ |4 `( f* b. N' a0 u  r
  feedback ----> opinion2 ^8 w1 l4 t# }6 _9 r5 l0 Z
  ferry ----> boat+ i) T3 C) `: G
  few ... sit through // out ... entire ----> most ... leave before ... over; N2 j" D: n: W$ P
  few and far between ----> hard to find
/ X0 U8 S: b+ {% x7 J  figure out // have no idea ----> need one's help
* e; ~; w. H. a0 m, N+ |* Q. Q0 {  fill in for sb. ----> take the place of sb. // take over for sb. // take over (one's job)
& o! m: r, ^: k% a; b& d" Q: O  fill in for sb. ----> replace sb. // substitute for sb。
+ W6 X$ s) j0 P, s# |4 S: [+ J  fill one's shoes ----> take one's place
7 T% R, E/ @3 b: K  fill out the papers ----> complete the forms
) q5 C3 z5 c' m$ `7 c8 y& Y  fill sb. in on ----> keep sb. informed of // bring sb. updated/up-to-date on
" {6 E* G% K& Z3 |! z5 s  find ----> look for8 ~  T9 ~6 Y" d8 @2 P% Y( h
  find // come up with ----> prepare for
# q  g5 A3 A: i  find out about it ----> check on it* `; L7 n: ?% _- [3 d" p( a
  fine ----> charge
! U: X4 U( u+ [  fine with ----> go along with // agree; S% ]! R, Q$ S  e1 J' z; d
  finish ----> complete // submit // turn in
( S+ @# R. d5 X% |9 M. R  finish // put everything together // turn in ----> complete
! Y8 A  B: ]8 @& |  first start ----> right away
1 d5 m* U8 @, o5 y7 |  fit as a fiddle ----> in excellent health

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:25 | 显示全部楼层


  five ----> several
* Q1 A7 X) g) w6 R6 l' x  fix // take care of // handy ----> repair
, [3 I5 i3 C8 M, G7 P  fix up ----> work on) P* `; v, d/ a+ m
  float on the air ----> be excited! E# _$ v* C; @- p
  folks ----> relatives
* Y8 s" ]# |. s4 n' ]4 s6 A  follow the example of ... ----> follow suit
5 `* F- G6 m, f2 f' g  following the Civil War ----> Post-Civil War
4 a5 M- E* S5 L3 r8 S" J9 s4 g  for a while ----> at another time
0 J. A1 G4 c% R  for more space ----> be well attended
9 @! N2 ~/ Q4 i; T  for the third time this month ----> again4 j+ o" e6 ?/ L1 w0 F! P
  forcing the mixture through tiny holes ----> squeezing liquid through small holes; i# E. _% S9 ?. z( ~7 S- U8 c, [
  forecast ----> expect4 _* B, _! s1 p6 W
  forget ----> not think // quit
9 G# h& w- M$ ?; L5 K, c/ b  form ----> paperwork3 L* R6 g$ w/ ]4 Q: \  t
  forward ----> deliver // send$ A# }4 g, D; M5 k) y. a
  four o'clock ----> afternoon; h  ^/ F. \% n
  four weeks ----> one month
1 @5 ]% k6 D- q% [! V3 t# [  free ----> flexible
- ?6 s+ F& P1 }9 Q1 e# Y  free of additives ----> without additives
6 P& m' D+ ^- W: r  freeze ----> be very uncomfortable
3 \* U$ d; N5 h  from ocean beds that dried up long ago ----> in fossils on land% x* i2 B- C( P
  from time to time ----> occasionally // now and then& q! t8 R1 l8 ~5 p$ ~0 g5 B
  front-row seats ----> good seats
! v/ a7 r4 l8 I8 G( [. L  fun ----> enjoy // enjoyable( o, V! F; X* e: D
  function ----> work+ |, [  U; C$ s" R
  furnace ----> heat system
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