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[托福听力] 新托福听力词汇替换集合:实战篇(D)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  dark ----> lack of light! v3 V: e% L8 m8 t
  day in and day out ----> all the time
/ O, f4 ~6 J" [- n1 t  decrease ----> slightly shorter2 x; p8 q! i( N4 g
  delicious ----> impressive
& E3 y  W% ~7 s1 n1 e; T8 Y* E  delicious aroma ----> smell very good
. [. f6 i# s: G* {! @/ g  deliver ----> send
; i5 T( d, R$ \- R  demolish ----> ruin
* {) w  W0 q3 G  B* t" U2 C2 R) T  depend on ----> reaction ... varied
; D( n0 X! b0 }( E( H# D  y# _  design elements ----> design features0 b2 U7 ^, w; T3 l
  destroy // wipe out ----> destructive7 ?  D( @9 ?3 e: u
  destruction ----> destroy
- y; A% w: g& y7 R; H# i  didn't recognize sb. ----> sb. looks different+ h0 @! o, \! j; S  C1 Z8 l5 s. a
  die ----> dead/ j! p0 j% P8 Y9 a1 ^
  different ----> not! `1 R: q# ~& f+ I; H
  director of ----> head of
! V9 D. m" u& ^; M$ Z  disconnect ----> turn off
8 l! ^; E1 t7 c& u  discount // have some good deals ----> offer a good price; m1 \: ~4 D: _+ n+ g# g
  discover ----> investigation0 P, n: r) W/ e9 q' e; R  t
  discuss ----> topic
; u6 k/ w7 w$ S3 b& U: t, }, }  diversion from // get tired of ----> have a change from
2 L+ K$ \- _/ {* T* O1 @& `- t' P  do ----> work, d  y1 A0 T. o6 b% H
  do a trial run ----> practice) Z' v2 n+ d0 H# Y/ l$ R0 i2 q. a
  do about ----> deal with
! I) ]6 K" e3 F! W* u  do good ----> usefulness
% Q1 k$ |7 y7 F  W5 V% `0 [  do one's best for sb. ----> be happy to do1 ?4 x* k4 q/ n& y/ ^& q* Q! a
  do some skating and ice-boating // below zero // stay by the fire ----> in the winter
! J7 e) I/ ?  q! r  f5 M4 U: `  do sth. over again ----> redo sth。
9 N4 M% E/ B  N9 p# a8 |+ b  do what sb. did ----> follow one's example
/ m) V# [0 L; T4 d8 m  Do you have a car? ----> Someplace be far away。
$ K, `+ b; [! W$ r: f( R  Do you have any idea ...? ----> Do you know ...?
% R1 `" k8 N3 s% b  doctors and dentists // orthopedist ----> medicine" m3 b& Q) s8 [+ V% `
  don't have the key to the post office box ----> be not able to pick up the mail
$ X) D- U* P+ Z# j2 J. {" e  don't share ----> disagree9 K2 n& S) N, _: L8 S7 X  U
  don't take it out on sb. ----> shouldn't make sb. feel bad0 N# D2 t9 \) P2 y% Q! B
  don't tie up the phone ----> end his conversation

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:25 | 显示全部楼层


  doubt ----> should
0 T7 \$ u) B0 X# Q; p  doubt // surprise ----> wonder
3 m+ e9 o- z* T  down jacket ----> warm jacket% A+ x: [! W: p
  down side ----> disadvantage
# h2 x9 k% _: L. ]" t5 A- y  downpour // clear up ----> rain
. G: j: H, t8 h# m" y( ?  draft a memo ----> prepare a notice
) b8 B$ N" W4 ?0 Z& h/ A* Q  drag one's feet ----> make very little progress' W3 A; m% g3 G1 h; n
  draw on her own experience ----> include some of her life! j% X3 k& ]4 j# y# I
  draw the line ----> refuse
3 Q4 {5 d* b# F8 g( v# h3 F! B6 o  draw to a close ----> come to a close0 ^0 f/ k3 t8 S0 A4 \" S
  drawing ----> sketch
! l5 G0 b3 R" p5 R  drive ----> ride
  E8 G2 E. N% `) e, x/ [6 ?5 E  drop ----> break  e6 ?3 B  G0 j$ L
  drop by // again? // It's only been there an hour. ----> It's too soon to go back there。, t/ c; s- F( k1 I: G9 |
  drop in on sb. // drop by sb. // stop by sb. ----> pay sb. a visit
7 J+ U+ M$ _6 R  drop sb. off ----> get out of the car
+ |& s1 l) P3 x& M; q  drop these letters ----> mail the letters* |) D2 k7 v; V8 L3 p  d
  drowsy ----> feeling sleepy // make sb. feel sleepy
/ P, p4 P8 j* ]: C8 \, S  drug ----> pharmacy
5 n$ }3 A# O. `! i8 X9 y  dry spell ----> not much rain6 p. G" Z; y; a: o7 w. {
  due date ----> deadline) T" A. ]: q( m* O! {7 U
  due date // hand in ----> finish
& s% f/ V  H- v( E0 J" B  due to ----> because of
+ o7 _8 x$ ~( @$ m7 C1 N  during ----> throughout
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