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[托福听力] 新托福听力词汇替换集合:实战篇(L)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  lab report // class ----> workload$ R3 ^6 S2 J* m$ D! x0 J/ {
  laboratory experiment ----> project. V  y) V" V4 y4 S8 C9 X8 A: L
  lack of jobs // need work ----> employment opportunities
$ \( _" C6 M9 a8 O, V  last week ----> recently
6 \9 ~' ^& b  R, Q% u  last year ----> a while ago
" L6 y% y! Y& W) n! v  late ----> on time
+ ~, z1 d* c  N- K* ?  late this afternoon ----> later in the day
7 ]! j5 b# \' z- b6 {# H, J  lately ----> recently* u) u2 |: l# p% J. m
  later ----> postpone4 {* ?3 O1 b7 g1 s' J6 V
  later this week ----> future$ q: F4 P/ V: @5 i) f
  latest bestseller ----> recent book# g2 y/ [6 k- K9 s
  lay off ----> let go // dismiss // fire
1 E8 K% W& `6 E% I* K0 M  lay off sb. // let sb. go ----> lose one's job. Y6 e# z; D% x7 F  D2 I- N
  leave ... up to sb. ----> decide about sth. for oneself% H8 W/ G, d: U2 w. U0 z4 T
  leave // be so irresponsible ----> be not careful with
; B/ d7 N' r' j  leave for // make for // set out for // set off for ----> go to/toward
% D6 w- K( y- i  leave the studio open late tonight // get this assignment done on time ----> need extra time
- N( M- F0 L7 A& u% Q4 [  leave well enough alone ----> do sth. as is( V! T9 f3 U. Y: D5 ~% i
  lend // on loan ----> borrow
! B" s: I* R* {/ d$ i" V- K' H  Let me finish this point, then ----> He doesn't want to be interrupted。
# c) m" f; g4 ?/ M  let sb. use ----> lend sb。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:25 | 显示全部楼层


  letter of recommendation ----> reference
# O) B& ^/ }+ ^8 O# Z  life in the old west ----> historical novel
4 [5 ?: s; V% o7 o/ }0 j  lift off one's shoulders ----> be relieved
5 C  D! X. M/ u  t0 O  light up ----> smoke
, R" X( R$ M" Z7 s' S% _  like ----> best selection8 u8 @) N. i% @. f' u5 M) W
  line by line ----> methodically
! @! B! c. k& |( l  listen for one's phone ----> answer/take one's calls
1 F+ m! L; T6 B. m  listen to ----> follow: G, `: u2 P% y$ H
  look after ----> take care of
5 M- Y: i% I6 q: W1 |4 ^. Q  look at the manual ----> read the instruction
! M& D5 K+ e. w$ c+ O; v  look for a bigger apartment ----> has too much furniture
1 b3 |/ @7 v( |( T$ n" G, ?/ o1 X  look for a needle in a hay stack ----> be hard to find把托福加入收藏) M- l8 E- x: _" U* e# d8 H0 i0 R8 k
  look on with ----> share  p' c* a. i4 W3 e* z
  look over // proofread ----> check // review // look through
. w+ z" |3 I( G* A& K# \# t' m1 K+ x  Look who's talking. ----> He should follow his own advice。
; g5 z* [3 l5 y; S, |8 E1 x) c0 H: W  lose ----> shed  ~* _. d' |, |' P
  lose one's voice ----> unable to talk, U+ w- T: v: v# C
  lose track of time ----> not realize what time it is4 W! u& a, s- D8 i7 r; b9 |
  lost ----> misplace
6 q% f" p) t/ x  love // lover ----> like
/ |' [3 u( S6 m$ N9 a; |  love to fish ----> enjoy go fishing/ z+ h+ `& S4 v0 [  C
  Lucky you! ----> wish
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