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[托福听力] 新托福听力词汇替换集合:实战篇(J-K)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  jar ----> container
4 m! ~% n  o% ~8 z: Z9 [5 G! u  jazz record // songs ----> listen to music
+ u" K; @2 x; {0 N7 k+ R  job ----> work
7 R+ g$ ^8 p1 ~3 k6 E& j4 }  join us ----> with us
4 c) _) o. H% J+ `6 }2 P  judge ----> punish2 ?8 p; B6 \9 m9 G
  just a minute ----> soon
3 K( q- s# {5 s; m4 Y$ ^/ t# K  just half of the normal load ----> fewer sth。
' A0 h5 H! }( q! j3 k' ^+ r% l! y  just happened to do ----> be unintentional! f' A: J" {6 h3 `+ N; U
  just last week ----> recently
; |# I+ J3 _' z  just make a decision ----> quickly! S; h+ P/ j1 ?
  keep an eye (out) on sth. (for sb。) ----> help sb. find sth. // watch sth. t' C9 F/ E4 X& s
  keep current on the news ----> get reports3 u8 A' X6 k) U2 p
  keep jamming ----> be not working properly
( i( J7 M* l4 f/ g  keep on // carry on with ----> continue8 Q; t5 q& b( U# t9 t  K. f
  keep someone waiting ----> be late
% t" h; X! \# w/ Q' @) `7 D2 ?  keep to oneself ----> not sociable7 V0 l7 E: {2 ~+ l( f$ E# K
  keep track of ----> be cognizant of$ t5 s$ b$ \, N8 r, H) T
  keep up with ----> study
0 W# k3 N: W* v: Z  keep/prevent sb. from driving very fast ----> reduce the driving speed
: Z9 h) v$ k( H& E" I/ P, e5 e  kill time ----> need sth. to do
3 R4 ?# K3 F/ M3 M- y3 x( }  kind of // sort of ----> a little // somewhat

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