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[托福听力] 新托福听力词汇替换集合:实战篇(H)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  had been expecting more than just a passing grade ----> was harder than he had anticipated
. e3 f5 l+ W. q6 _* X% s2 S7 @2 `  hadn't gotten rid of ----> still had! y+ y# y8 ?  h$ g; t
  half of ----> fewer
" n, K" n8 s0 n4 }+ |; A  half price ----> half off // 50% off
! O  c$ U; ~9 g3 f- w1 a  hand-me-down ----> Someone gave sth. to sb。
9 U& X+ r* ^; S  hands-on ----> practical* c' }$ E7 A& J& J6 h  k3 k7 ~/ U
  hard ----> difficult
) ]; T% A$ q9 F. @2 Y) X& p0 z- W  hard feelings between them for years ----> angry with one another for a long time7 g7 Y5 G4 [% J% R+ n8 K. ~
  hard to see from back here ----> would see better from a different row
9 O- l6 _, y0 k8 @+ T1 _  hard to work outside ----> stay inside9 ]6 c. X9 t2 o, Q) m% x
  hardly ----> rarely // scarcely // seldom
# E8 |2 a. \3 X+ r# \+ p$ A  hardly ... dislike ----> like7 }. s2 q) M) J( S
  hardly contain oneself ----> be extremely pleased
2 k( b! N9 L* z6 W  have (A) take care of (B) ----> (B) be staying with (A)
/ ^, p9 [- H* L1 f- }, T6 i  have 3 papers due this week ----> not have time% [( n) W  S9 ]. n' O% `
  have a broken string ----> not usable+ a- |6 E' s8 h2 k4 }5 n
  have a change in one's routine ----> normally0 \8 W9 N1 h! r! s" N
  have a hard time doing ----> difficult
% h5 N/ h; S0 \/ {7 Y0 s4 h  have a pretty busy ----> have a lot of to do% K7 z4 t1 V0 r1 u  d. |/ \
  have a pretty busy ----> have a lot to do  o. }" n7 {! l, D( }  E; \
  have a seat // in a few minutes // for a moment ----> a short wait // wait a short time0 G9 E. }- I+ i& |
  have got to be sure ----> must be extremely careful" T9 Z, f* d1 o5 K- |! c. G) T; `
  have heard ----> already know
8 `  N0 x6 I, {+ A, B/ s" F  have many things on one's mind ----> have several things to worry about

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:25 | 显示全部楼层


  have no idea // in the dark ----> not understand
( B) F! P; x9 h- o  have one's hands full ----> be tied up // be occupied // be too busy$ B* \* a2 h8 ]; U
  have only one small ... ----> doesn't have enough ..。
6 r. W) @% |* ?7 T7 C4 U  U9 w  have paper identification ----> prove one's identify3 w+ |0 F3 b1 `: x
  have sb. do sth. ----> ask sb. to do sth. // sb. do sth. // talk to sb。
* d) ?/ A/ M5 x  have sth. done ----> finish // have sb. to do // hire someone to do
7 V9 m+ E8 @0 t* u5 v8 L  have sth. insured ----> buy insurance
/ M! ?4 d7 |3 j" X5 `, B0 @2 [& x  have sth. looked into ----> get sth. checked6 `; s1 h# `  s, y# c% y: T+ ]& ?
  have sun most of the day ----> have plenty of light
: w6 O0 w! F8 p' x# R  have these jackets cleaned ----> get his clothes cleaned
9 U3 \+ _& }9 ^& \" c  have to do the whole thing ----> not start working* J0 G) ~- t4 J9 e
  have to stop and catch one's breath ----> be not in shape" C7 C5 I0 }- n* ?7 J( [' `
  have won every game so far ----> be very effective( |5 s3 |  s( t* \' D4 K
  haven't graduated yet ----> be still a student
2 D7 M; j- ?: G  head for // head over to // head the way ----> go to/toward; X' C* ^# [$ x
  head over to ----> go to( P* R' |8 @. \2 U  W: i! A4 {4 ~
  health center ----> doctor( t- u% I% E5 Y+ F6 a" c+ e& q& e/ b
  hear ... mentioned ----> familiar
5 o5 I' J/ V) j8 n3 m# n  help ----> do good' D. R$ K- Y8 c$ V
  help // know a thing or two ----> ask  x8 T3 V: {( T% p
  help oneselves ----> on one's own
5 p0 t/ n( Z. L  A  help-wanted section ----> find a job, o. I1 ~( K5 S3 c+ j
  He's not going to last long time with that attitude. ----> His behavior could cause him to lose the job。
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:26 | 显示全部楼层


  hit it off ----> get along with. _- V9 S; F; E; @# i" e
  hit the spot ----> make sb. feel refreshed
, A; @5 ~- P. x2 a& l' u) a  hold off till tomorrow ----> wait till the next day8 H& ^% ~( P- @: N) c
  hold on // before sb. do (A), sb. do (B) ----> keep doing (B)& D( |+ e0 n, f- H+ i
  hold up ----> delay+ t+ ^" `6 s' A+ q/ Y& P) e3 a
  hold up well ----> last much longer, t, W+ k; u/ l( c2 ^8 O
  Hope you're feeling better now. ----> He was sick and unable to attend。8 q; u7 M0 l/ `" C  f4 }" j
  hot weather ----> heat9 f3 B4 x: X+ o% H5 E& m5 s
  house ----> address
1 O6 C5 d3 n4 Q* i# T6 p  How about an hour or so? ----> She'd rather go later。
: Q2 \, `  P2 k' q: j4 ?  How baggy // loose ----> too big
/ H; {; D  R  d7 [* C  How big ----> How much) Z; G5 m/ F2 n! k
  How could I turn down an offer like that? ----> be eager to do sth。
7 B+ }+ Q$ X1 J$ E! b  How did she do that? ----> What she had done to ... ?
' t2 L* I5 M; G% f( B+ p  How does ... sound? ----> can) G2 r7 x0 ~6 B+ G$ g: U. f
  How late ----> not be on time
, I  S+ Z, Z9 [  `+ H  How the glue is made // What their glue's made of ----> the composition of the barnacle's glue
! w, ~$ y5 C- h  How would she know? ----> There's no reason she should know。
; o" a# t- o1 `  u2 J: N2 D  How's that? // How come? // How so? // What for? ----> Why?% y  q9 W* y3 O8 Z- P
  huge // big ----> size4 y6 y/ g! p8 n  v
  huge stack ----> a lot of2 z* p* r: k: l' A4 t1 n
  hundred gatherers ----> many of them
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