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[托福听力] 新托福听力词汇替换集合:实战篇(G)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  get ----> furnish // receive, ~$ ]2 {: x: ]5 v  S) T: @
  get a good night sleep ----> be well rested
, ]' K7 H! y4 t7 \7 x# `/ L  get a lift // take up a collection ----> make a donation
1 R/ e" M! ?$ Y  get a ride with ----> go with // get a lift with // give sb. a ride9 `! [/ @" ^" _& z) W
  get an acceptance letter ----> be admitted/ x/ r7 p3 \" @2 G
  get at least a month ----> many things to do
2 P9 _% X, l( {! _( Z  q  Y  get away with sth. ----> get into trouble5 s5 P3 F! r% n$ q! k! r4 O
  get backed up ----> put off0 f3 o. S8 F7 q1 ^2 W- k
  get going on ----> start* ]) j+ S5 x6 V
  get in touch with ----> call
" q$ C* B: S5 c4 l5 p5 [  get information ----> obtain data
, h; W, `; U; l  get into trouble ----> be in hot water  B$ k8 w! X$ q; y% t8 c: m- w; B
  get it over with ----> not delay any longer
$ P3 h$ v: N$ M: j  get it to talk ----> teach the parrot to talk
+ m: X" A& D/ ?7 }6 d) V0 g  get moving ----> hurry" N2 W4 y+ _# Y. x3 [) m. N
  get nowhere ----> not get anywhere
  G% {  ^! A2 O* u: a* w  get off the ground ----> have a good talk
6 [9 Y) @3 m7 A0 l: d  get off the phone ----> hang up7 L; u; Q9 ?" E, T. w: e+ p0 {
  get out of ----> take one's place
# r/ z0 B9 ^% f7 n  get out of having to do sth. ----> be excused/exempted from doing sth。; T1 k6 |& @+ T2 D
  get over with sth. ----> not delay any longer
3 _9 ]4 T$ U+ [2 o" S  get rich quickly ----> quick wealth; a% N, V& L7 o' g  R) j2 w* ^. \% n
  get sb. to do some of them ----> both (A) and (B) work on them+ A! Y& ~: J9 n7 c# o
  get sb. to do sth. ----> someone do sth. // sb. take care of sth。
: h: p; I8 Z9 X, C) k5 I5 R. C  get sb. to do sth. ----> ask someone else to do sth. // persuade sb. to do sth。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:25 | 显示全部楼层


  get sth. back ----> Sth. be returned。
, A: n! p1 u$ }5 `1 ~  get sth. in order // clear off sth. ----> Sth. need reorganizing。4 B7 |7 P9 B# S" r: F2 |+ u- o0 T3 t
  get sth. out of the way ----> finish sth。
0 Y% K& R) [! z7 }3 p6 d  get sth. started // switch // do the trick ----> turn on sth。
1 Z! w- a, K6 u/ P7 |  get there on foot ----> walk to someplace
( h/ \. P) a! b  get time off ----> take time off. F# v. z" A* W' l! \" U  F" G
  get to ----> make it to
" c* Q: K0 d0 P9 U' r* j* t! v  get to a phone ----> access a phone // call sb。4 n3 y6 k& M! u; w7 j, Z" e2 w$ H1 K
  get to someplace ----> for directions
  p) l6 I3 X/ S  gift ----> talent# W+ [0 n- B4 g$ [
  give back ----> return% f' g2 t! P% C" J8 t
  give guided tour to new students // orientation ----> welcome new students. i; C- `2 K& V
  give off ----> contribute' p: s. j4 P$ }3 Y$ D2 C2 {
  give sb. a few more minutes ----> wait a little longer
! H# [3 Z/ X9 e' \  give sb. a hand ----> help with
1 A  Y" w- M5 R) _0 O9 M  give sb. a ride ----> drive sb. to& A3 U  F9 |4 L$ F1 ~) O+ x, w# L% F
  give sb. a ring ----> call sb。; G; `" q* o+ C: c/ K9 y. b
  give sth. credibility ----> Sth. be false
4 I- k/ s! }( B" \* w4 _# f, A5 r4 g5 |  give sth./sb. credibility ----> trust
* ^$ }6 p' ~& |7 S6 f* [4 R( t8 _; |  give two-month notice ----> tell the owner two months in advance that she's moving1 a0 {4 L- ]+ ^8 U, ]1 E
  give up ----> quit // no longer // not anymore' [! ]. F7 }7 |! }% A6 X
  glance through sth. ----> read sth. hurriedly, r4 l8 n, w6 v1 u; `+ |
  go back another time ----> not wait so long
1 K" U4 ~& g8 |  go easy on sb. ----> lightly! J. A4 n8 K4 H) v2 D7 b
  go home ----> leave for home
  E- L- g3 ~& U. \6 |0 H2 X  go in one ear and out the other ----> not listen to sb。
! G& L9 |+ t1 N% E0 D: G. n3 \2 g  go out of business ----> close down
2 {" N& p- b; V  go out of one's way for sb. ----> help people2 B7 W2 l! i" [4 F0 c3 Y8 a
  go through money ----> spend money
1 Q8 {9 P3 p  y  go through the proper channels ----> follow the official procedure, N1 C0 j$ S% @6 F" L
  go to bed earlier ----> get more sleep
) ^+ |/ \7 `. e8 |! I  go to dinner ----> ready for dinner
2 j3 Y# G" [6 a& h- \9 s: t  go to sb. ----> see sb。& D) ?2 S' O6 h9 G4 R) F
  go to the concert ----> attend the performance
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:26 | 显示全部楼层


  go up ----> be too expensive // increase // higher
' R: o) }0 B4 C7 g" r; {  go up gradually ----> increase over time
" L9 _3 H" |( l4 B  good ----> delicious // usefulness& |: |, Z) j# h9 X% _- q2 A% X
  got three times as much snow as we did here ----> bad weather
* W! ]% o+ d1 y0 E, C. f% |$ b  gourmet ----> taste better# e& m* m5 V( T& l1 [1 o
  graceful strides ----> coordinated steps8 N7 y  g+ Q9 h9 }5 p
  grade ----> study+ T7 F+ M8 q9 w9 g1 J
  grade exams ----> mark tests# P4 M3 I3 `% x7 i( w
  grandmother ----> relative+ \1 ~9 |: o/ w& K1 L2 W
  great ----> attractive // excellent1 A& K) J3 p/ `7 s
  great adaptive ability ----> adapt easily8 y5 |% ]& g+ J7 b
  great gift // has a heart of gold ----> generous present9 W/ x* {4 i1 ]
  greater numbers ----> more students& }$ A, C- }0 f1 I$ a
  groan ----> complain
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