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[托福听力] 新托福听力词汇替换集合:实战篇(P)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  painter ----> art
* L8 z8 n2 S' C9 m1 |  painting ----> picture$ K/ }. d2 \; _" _' ~% x+ ~
  paper ----> form // newspaper // assignment3 y  M' f: ~/ Y/ J% {8 A8 U
  park ranger ----> park service employee/ z9 [+ D8 T; w2 T1 j
  parking meter ----> park the car0 T, Y' @, K" a+ k0 b
  part-time job // get ----> hire7 s, ]* p% H+ h' M+ d" v+ \. O  _
  pass ----> ticket
1 x) P/ m! h6 t* t  pass ----> not fail% Z$ k  r5 z% {& ?- W3 J% A
  pass ----> go without6 b- f& A3 ~7 H' k. e: }
  pass back ----> return
1 x: v8 T# h8 ~  pass by ----> detour& s: n4 _1 S. S% M
  pass down through the centuries ----> conventional
( }5 y5 ~3 d! M" J0 @. C7 L6 U& @0 ?7 d; \  pass out ----> give out
9 k  S' _- r4 ^  pass with flying colors ----> do extremely well

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:25 | 显示全部楼层


  passion ----> hobby- }# K, j0 `( \! }
  patronizing ----> customers
3 ^/ M1 m% l3 W/ E( A* ^( B  pay sb. a visit ----> talk to sb。
& G1 N! V% d8 Z2 {  perform ----> play
% F1 K8 `# n7 P7 _7 e& a  performance auditorium ----> concert hall4 _0 T8 k' l+ f$ ^/ K* y2 m
  permanent home // has gotten bigger and better every year ----> for a long time* @# s4 T& c1 s% D
  personalize // his ~ days ----> his past
7 w' M1 U% u3 i3 L4 ^! P  pharmacy ----> store: P* b" [4 b( t, {. Q: ]% @0 A
  phone ----> tell
0 P2 p  o" E* ~" L  phone book ----> telephone directory
* J4 r- m/ D5 @$ p' |+ H  photo ----> picture
% ~  h+ H# Z* o# D* V8 N& z( z  physical activity ----> exercise
1 m0 [' I# U; t  physical fitness ----> physical condition: w& e5 F3 b- U. }( W
  pick up ----> get4 j1 B4 _& E; g" w( U& `
  picture ... as ... ----> imagine ... as ..。/ u# b9 }0 u) }& m
  plain ----> easy
% W; c9 O; X% P4 ]0 Q  plan to ----> want to
# f" c6 |/ Y/ b  plates and bowls ----> dishes
5 r2 I0 T$ k) |3 [  play it by ear ----> do sth. without a plan
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