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[托福听力] 新托福听力词汇替换集合:实战篇(O)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  occasionally ----> sometimes
( a8 F' }2 R! G  occupy one's time ----> wait a long time  U  p4 Y$ v$ I: x
  odd ----> surprise8 f* m8 B0 U8 o  F$ M4 a7 R
  Of course not (mind). ----> welcome+ z/ L$ y  J  g% c/ x0 t5 r
  Oh, no. ----> sorry" X/ E( a/ K3 |% T6 v
  on edge ----> nervous
" {3 x8 o0 p/ Q; S1 L; C  on end ----> continuously // for some time // for quite a while
( U8 E9 M. u9 R/ m- c  on my own ----> herself8 a* ~4 ^/ ~, n7 U9 ]! _1 }+ X
  on one's own ----> (by) oneself' r' b; V9 e4 S* R
  on the courtyard ----> outside9 B8 e2 i7 C" @6 B% X
  on the news ----> on television
' ~+ [1 E' Q. ^% {+ q7 Z  on the second floor // take the stairs up ----> on the floor above
- f$ x0 G1 c% j  on time ----> avoid being late
# b* x: O' c! E' k: ?  on your desk ----> in an office+ I& {0 p) e, u
  once // no longer ----> not anymore# @1 B3 O; c) A3 @) U, I
  once and again // from time to time // on and off // off and on ----> sometimes // occasionally
4 S: p( u; w8 K  One day's as good as the next. ----> He's available any day。. c4 C6 a* o' [( O* R) `7 F
  one in a million ----> rare
1 x+ e& k; v+ ]3 g  N% E  one more ----> another
  o& i1 ~9 P+ v  one step at a time ----> gradually
* n) `7 r( G0 k" B' N0 K  One's job search was unsuccessful. ----> sb. was unable to find a job。
& z* N  m5 v: m, E* v. b. `4 \- I  one's schoolwork be suffering ----> be interfering with one's studies

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:25 | 显示全部楼层


  only ----> part2 V& ?# y& U& U9 ]) ]( @+ w: a6 k, T
  only a couple of times ----> twice // two times
. p) x1 i6 ~! @# C- M  only a ten-minute walk ----> not need to take a car, O& l! |' h) @* Z7 N
  only occasionally ----> once in a while
- V. r, s% ?1 Y- |2 H  only sb. can't ----> almost everyone can
( r) y! q3 d7 t4 u/ r  only three of ... ----> most of ... not
- O; H9 l" o/ ?7 E  only try to help ----> One's intention be good。7 i# p7 j1 c2 U
  optional ----> sb. can do sth. ... if sb. wants to, Q* P# c. ]# L: z+ V& u
  organize ----> take care of
5 ~* a) O5 J" w8 Y1 W, ?  other than ----> except6 c' {) \7 T$ T7 v- A: u) x5 b
  ought to be easier // unless ----> might be difficult
1 x- j1 e1 T- ?3 ?# n8 \; K  out of breath // run // rush ----> hurry" L6 k7 v3 ~3 D% F( P$ @4 {7 L
  out of date ----> up to date
7 H8 ~3 B9 s$ F. G" B  out of it // in another world ----> think only about" O; i* B$ {6 j* ^
  out of order ----> not work // break down
& F  T0 \3 P9 Q$ }9 s; {: {! w8 h' D  out of print for sometime now ----> no longer available% K  W: D1 T! g  I' ?+ X' U
  out of the way ----> finish
; F# T0 F( a0 ~7 z7 d8 _  out of this world ----> delicious // like sth. very much
+ }* R8 `2 b5 `+ Z$ b9 K  outcome ----> result# y: W( {8 R1 K
  outgoing ----> friendly4 k- y+ d) k+ d6 k& C# {
  out-of-date ----> up-to-date
5 u; x* J" Y) P0 K  outstanding ----> good
$ \  ^6 e  H  _5 N; I! U  over ----> end# Q' t# l" ]% u2 w
  over one's head ----> beyond sb. // not understand/ ?% k2 Q6 ]* l
  overcome her fear of public speaking ----> not afraid to give a speech
5 N7 f3 e9 N9 g6 T! v( X  oversleep ----> absent- M; `; n% @# V2 a- c: h& x
  oversleep // on time // in a hurry // inside out ----> be rushed
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