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[托福听力] 新托福听力词汇替换集合:实战篇(N)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  naturally // spontaneously // not planned in advance ----> individual self expression
1 p( c9 p0 ?: F  nay ----> does not" C+ X+ u5 h+ u8 R, ~$ f
  nearly finished ----> barely started7 H6 B0 s- R* D& X# f9 o' ~
  necessary ----> facilitate
/ x; Z4 R; @/ @- X, w  need one more class to complete one's schedule ----> sign up for (course)
1 k  h- g: l$ H4 y9 @; ]  nervous // shake all over ----> extremely anxious% t6 l; ~( f2 \9 y
  never mind ----> disregard
' |) n! p1 k$ O/ k+ y8 D6 u3 r/ w  never realize ----> mistake+ x+ l: e+ S3 _# K9 f
  never retouched his prints or made copies of them ----> be unique. \+ r/ B( q  H% q1 J1 |) S$ t  _
  new ----> another/different8 |! e' t" m  W9 C: v$ K- R
  next ----> following // right away  p6 O; l5 j7 J3 t4 |' H5 \. q
  next month ----> at a late date$ s; k& q  V% B3 h% B0 p& G
  next term // next time ----> in the future# S9 Q5 c9 J# z
  next year too ----> continue* L( p7 j6 e4 i( }% a0 h2 C
  nice ----> good
. w! `* z/ @5 {5 u  nice // exist only in one's imagination ----> exceptionally good
1 Z2 _$ R+ ]1 ]1 }% a8 I; }( Z  nightmare ----> avoid5 S! H+ p! [9 @: d  ]2 a
  no end in sight ----> for a while! B" _( _' R4 h: {# f; W
  no one can dispute the fact ----> undeniably  J0 V' t7 e' M: T" P
  no one is unwilling ----> everyone agree
# i' K$ c' s! k4 y  no pushover ----> very strict) y5 `, f$ _; i! K  c# W: K" h
  nobody ... not ----> everybody

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:25 | 显示全部楼层


  not ... all ----> share
. L, t1 @" L- M0 f; U: I% B  not ... alone ----> someone assist8 |8 C! l: }* `7 i3 ~8 O1 F
  not ... amuse ----> serious1 F: M0 C# x1 X
  not ... any major revisions ----> only a few changes4 b% |8 P. I. c' }, ^! q0 b
  not ... be up to // fill in for sb. ----> replace // substitute  y+ c& G9 J. n
  not ... both ----> only one( h- N( @- C# R  Y, a( ^# a# v
  not ... clean ----> dirty5 \, P) }; W8 E
  not ... think of ----> disagree
, S* l) n; t7 y" J  not ... trouble ----> well
2 \9 T. E$ E" z. ?! t- ^  not a single cloud ----> sunny& {, m* k( h1 w- z: X
  not as much as experts have predicted ----> not as bad been anticipated as had; t% |! |, h$ m; w: `3 g
  Not at all. ----> Not a bit of it。
7 _+ z! D% S) P7 t+ c2 J  not be compatible ----> reject4 ^& {7 w  E! h6 [* Q' B5 @+ L+ A
  not care for ----> dislike9 `2 c) E" D8 W6 ~; y
  not count sb. out yet ----> sb. may still be able to do sth。: t, F! I1 w7 C" C' h
  not discourage/keep/prevent sb. from doing sth. ----> want sb. to continue sth。5 C" _, |( M6 r! [( V8 R
  not do sth. until ... ----> do sth. later" S% D, i9 x2 x! y5 K5 I
  not everyone ----> some people/ D! `/ ?7 V8 W* c1 R6 l8 |
  not full ----> vacant
2 V# h2 B1 g' W4 S" A  not give up ----> continue
( D8 [+ v; S. \! l. f  not go unrewarded ----> be well repaid* [; s; M6 Q6 G& j9 {8 L
  not have the time ----> too busy: l) c* p4 k) W4 P
  not hold the grudge // forget ----> forgive people
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:26 | 显示全部楼层


  not let it show ----> hide his feelings
: ]: n- @$ x/ T7 ]' C7 H  not likely // not much chance of that ----> doubt- i% R3 ?5 G6 _$ \8 N
  not likely rebroadcast ----> miss the chance
$ ^7 p& E- I1 W$ s4 x  not make much money // a small stipend ----> not pay very well
/ e1 F- H' M* Y. e" J3 h% Z  Not much chance of that. ----> probably not do sth。
' j6 y" S( T* U+ Q  not much longer // make time for sth. ----> go to someplace soon8 a. ^" ~8 }  H1 K: ~+ e( Y, i
  not much of a sth. fan // far from ... favorite ----> not like sth。
, S) H2 w* G: U. ?  not one student ----> nobody
9 K: z0 B, @% t- n  not oversleep // catch the flight // wake up call // front desk ----> hotel staff4 X- o' t: R& B; _0 S9 c9 a
  not play very well ----> poor play
# F# \# l7 E- o2 a0 T( l  not really like ----> be dissatisfied
8 w+ E$ F4 k8 T! G  H( X  not recognize sb. ----> Sb. looks different。
& R, `, X0 T/ g  o! N9 ~$ w  not serious ----> all right
2 `8 ]. i, {+ _: x) l; ~/ H3 O1 d1 L% e  not stand ----> hate# E' d- \5 b* i% E4 O) e( q
  not taste anything // not worth the wait ----> not very good
9 u& |+ @  S  r; S6 ~& D  not tell sth. apart ----> seem identical+ N9 e& c" [# U7 k* z  G
  not think much of ----> disagree
6 n& x, r. i( u& d  not unknown ----> have already heard of
8 E* C0 F& }. U# g$ o+ f; {4 D  not wait until ----> early9 q  S* G: D6 [7 k+ J# P
  not wait until the last minute ----> early
3 s9 Z+ Q% `9 }( U  nothing short of brilliance ----> really wonderful
% ~3 D4 b8 Z0 Q. \* v# Y) O8 U6 B  notice ----> realize, q2 p$ }5 f+ d0 n
  novel ----> book7 y1 {3 u$ T5 {3 e; a+ n+ ^: ?: S! @: I
  now ----> right away8 X8 n* ]: F5 l# a, C1 a' ~
  Now's as good a time as any. ----> He'd like to do it now。
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