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[托福听力] 新托福听力词汇替换集合:实战篇(W-Y)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  wait after rush hour ----> leave later to avoid traffic
/ E/ N& f" z4 D  wait for ----> happy$ t, ]5 B* G# [; k% I. W
  wait on me ----> bother people
8 S) B. ]8 E+ ~8 [8 u  wait till morning ----> do sth. tomorrow
& f" d* y/ k3 {( j* h* c  o: X  waive ----> make exemption from5 y: \0 ?0 U8 C: x4 b5 X) O9 b: W2 }
  Walking is out of the question. // Do you have a car? ----> far away3 O0 U" D6 z5 ~2 i
  wandering aimlessly // carefully planed moves ----> planned their migrations
4 x6 t/ _' P8 q: y$ S. u  want ----> welcome! I+ x4 b' r; i+ U( G4 p9 R; G
  want to (A) before (B) ----> not going to (B) immediately4 n4 k/ [4 y+ g2 M" y  e7 Q+ J! O4 `
  want to go for a swim ----> would like to swim: {* `8 Q1 r* W! U
  wash off the chemicals ----> clean vegetables with water
: K& K! w7 @) Z  p  waste indoors // make the most of sth. ----> spend some time outdoors4 }/ W2 i3 R7 }& K% c
  waste one's money // team ... lose ----> This game won't be worth seeing。
6 w& F4 v& W. s2 l% h9 l6 P  way ----> route! _4 H' P& |- I2 T! k
  We can't hear the singer very well from the balcony. ----> Her voice doesn't carry to the balcony。4 w4 m9 F& ^7 E+ |9 B
  We hardly ever see them here. ----> They don't come here often。, K, A% v# A3 i  s
  we would have all been late ----> kept us from being late
/ L9 v$ v( l2 Z7 \- z" G* ~4 H  F( ]  wear glasses ----> poor vision
- X- w# V1 ~6 K4 w# \  wear out highways ----> the repair of public roads! v* V, T" Z; [& P7 \& r5 ^" v
  weekly ----> every week! i7 w) d4 d" Q- f! P! f
  weigh a ton each ----> too heavy for her to lift1 |5 k0 Y: ]" O+ q' j7 J8 E" b
  well-dressed ----> be particular about3 }8 U# A, f5 y5 u
  what (out-of-the-way) place ----> where

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:25 | 显示全部楼层


  What for ----> why
( v  R1 ]6 r3 d; ?" i  G. t  what happens to the atmosphere as a result of burning gasoline ----> air pollution( M! L) e) x" ?  W2 O
  what I don't understand is ----> I don't know- h. J0 r) f4 F% U1 X( `& C
  what out-of-the-way place ----> where
4 ~, Q, E1 k- V  What? // You mean ... ----> surprise
8 D3 D( Q2 l. U$ t4 v  What's new with sb.? ----> How sb.'s been doing lately?) V. S% _$ E, f) p
  when ... be over ----> after& v+ }$ G& `% d
  when sb. start working ----> in the future2 l! R  w8 _2 O% r  l
  when the bus leaves ----> the departure time: l- u2 {$ Z% b& e  e
  When will ... be ready? ----> I've waited too long for ..。
) O& v7 w4 M7 P. g0 r  whittle ----> sculpt. {" i( \# H0 C* `
  whole ----> entire // much
, f6 L/ O: |* w; G  whole weekend // haven't finished ----> very long# d2 {$ C6 o" v! J1 h, t
  Why get upset? ----> over-react
" q2 Z% e* j- O' G2 e  Why not ----> anyway/ @4 {& G3 i. y- h# B  b8 a' j
  Why you wait it so long? ----> very useful; `/ G# o2 U2 g5 Y2 x
  will take a while to learn the ropes ----> be not familiar with the work yet
  n% x6 c8 H3 y  win ... first ----> always lose
) C& F- n+ E* s. S/ i3 \  window ----> light  ~2 q) T' D* s& J0 B3 e# C) J
  with all the other expense ----> can't really afford
9 g' i6 K) v' F& e- L  with finals coming up ----> near the end of the school year
7 V. u: k( X$ U+ b  with traffic this heavy ----> not be able to drive quickly
0 R. Z, m) ?0 u- P+ {  without ... dangerous ----> safe' [: F  b' ^% {+ t0 A; A7 t" s
  without affecting ----> relatively little harmful effect
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:26 | 显示全部楼层


  without breaking up ----> remain intact& n6 Q2 H+ i; [) X9 v7 k
  without one's assignment ----> not finish ones assignment9 [* K4 y, b; y: y
  without shouting ----> not to shout' R& U/ M/ J* k5 V$ s/ P3 ^; h0 e
  without sth. ----> unless sb. have sth。1 Y; g8 y* h9 B( \0 s+ E
  work ----> practice
+ X8 d/ p: H( @" `$ e9 K) d1 f* {  work force ----> worker8 d2 [: y% K. V& o( l7 {* v; h
  work on ----> do
8 ~' D: {  E0 e+ d9 }  work out ----> figure out // turn out
$ d9 X/ ~7 G+ ~  y  E# h  work the machine ----> use the machine% j9 B6 G* u0 l$ ~$ x
  worry ----> be relieved
9 k$ F- \8 ~, K; Y  worse ----> harder
9 p# x5 Y5 Y7 E  E5 n! T! S  would ... sunny and warm // not ----> clouds and cool temperatures! E% z8 \& @& R# S0 @
  would be so easy ----> be unexpectedly difficult8 }# ]8 G5 i, y$ ^& ]- G; y$ k2 a
  Would I ever! ----> like the suggestion
! r! W& ^  x8 e: v, t6 ^  wrap up ----> be finished with // be through with // be done with2 V% A% O1 p$ q( b
  wrap up ----> complete // conclude // finish/ k( A  X  w% {# c: u# b
  write ----> draft
. y6 O+ d) b7 b% b; o  h8 R6 D  write to one's folks ----> correspond with one's relatives
7 r- E+ O6 L  N) q  writing // composition ----> work
( h! y9 m5 U# g7 v; D  you and a few hundred other people ----> many students2 t1 z9 |& P, D/ D& n
  You are telling me. ----> agree5 P( L7 S7 k4 g0 |
  You could fry the egg on the sidewalk. ----> It's extremely hot outside。
' M9 A9 z% s" a2 K9 G5 h$ c' A  You might say ... ----> agree
1 |" H" H: M4 u! c  o  You said it! ----> also find
6 U7 m5 E+ [. F  Your university program gives you a well experience and corporation. ----> She will probably get the job。7 m1 ^. T& M+ L) e; P
  yourself ----> someone
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