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[托福听力] 新托福听力词汇替换集合:实战篇(T)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  take ----> deliver* w' k8 S- q. D, D9 z% |
  take a break every once in a while // study so long // can hardly concentrate ----> stop studying for a while2 c) P  I- u/ K+ G
  take a close look ----> inspect sth. more carefully
% n7 k0 {0 |0 S0 J0 f* f  take a look ----> find sth。# b* A( {6 j; V0 o* _
  take a rain check ----> another time
+ j& |- v5 E- c( U8 F4 z7 ]  take advantage of ----> take care of
+ P3 H& j  e- K! ~  take care of ----> repair- U0 {( Z! I  g" E' l) {# _
  take care of pets ----> walk the dog! [9 x, {* E0 M, Z' x0 x7 b  g' o7 v
  take careful notes // Her exams are based on her lectures. ----> pay attention to what is said in class
5 m# f( P5 L; g' M# }  take it easy ----> (get some) rest // feel better% X( s2 ~% v  @9 P: w1 @
  take it out on sb. ----> make sb. feel bad
- a6 n+ N) O3 u. z3 B6 [, A2 S  E  take off shoes // have some lemonade ----> relax for a while
" d4 q! V1 z2 \/ k- ]- t  take one's place ----> fill the vacancy
+ B7 i7 J% @' s# _  take one's question ----> answer/discuss one's question" I# m: E- O" v4 X; Z% `6 P; K+ _' W
  take one's time ----> Sb. is late。
5 ~" L* v9 v5 d# i0 m' B  take over // take care of ----> fill in // find a replacement // dominate
- L# H2 _  k! t) a" R  take sth. into account ----> sth. be included
1 E- G/ S6 `1 T2 S, e  take the message off ----> not receive the message0 ?0 m$ C( v3 c' o- ^/ m2 |
  take the problem up with the dorm supervisor ----> discuss the situation with the person in charge of the dormitory1 L% D# s& \) H9 W
  take this package ----> make the delivery1 i7 o: g+ a2 ?: G. @2 e0 [
  take tickets ----> work

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:25 | 显示全部楼层


  talk ----> convince
% F) C4 {, m4 R6 P6 U0 _  talk about sth. face to face ----> speak to each other in person
/ o- ^2 \" O) Y+ ^% W2 n. A  q  talk sb. out of sth. ----> persuade sb. not to do sth. // dissuade sb. to do sth。& q, G8 U( G6 x
  teach ----> train
8 f8 C$ v7 R* |; I% \1 j; t  teaching assistant (T.A。) ----> instructor
7 {1 P- q7 N' H) G; e1 i8 \  tedious ----> boring // uninteresting
- @9 u% c( M9 p9 M. Q5 M  tell me sth. about ----> get some information! o. c, X4 G3 n+ o" l2 [0 H- _5 n& w
  term ----> semester
1 k: f. r/ x1 V$ \4 U: ]  terrible // better ----> good8 J* c5 M$ o) U6 J  J! H
  terrible sore throat // attempt to whisper ----> It's harmful for him to use his voice。) n0 x; a2 w% e7 G5 K
  test ----> exam
. s3 U% t7 h2 r0 E) n  J' R- B  thank goodness ----> relieved! @6 T# Z' e: i2 w0 ^! b9 h4 ]
  thanks ----> want2 c+ h5 T# X2 t% A5 i
  That’s a big job and you already over committed. ----> He does not have enough time for another activity。
8 T6 Y! P7 p5 |- t' N7 u1 L. W! s  That's nothing new. ----> Sth. be very common。3 p) k* B7 j: S8 m
  That's odd ... ----> He's surprised ..。7 X- g0 c* f( P* `# n
  That's one's opinion. // Most others think differently. ----> Sb. is practically the only one who think so。! @9 y$ {* u+ e( n# h$ k: p. |
  the aroma of the fresh pastry ----> be cooking0 @  f' J& @! X/ o4 e0 K
  the best ----> successful0 w5 t! o7 z& s. e
  the best news ----> be pleased6 _' l! r+ T- Q8 p" g/ t% j7 O4 k
  The boiler keeps breaking. ----> The heating system is defective。  b: X2 Q0 K0 ]3 H1 @& V
  the book is hard to get ----> find the book
$ P( [1 D% g- d* i  The bus doesn't run that way. ----> Public transportation wouldn't be available。
7 U( E: l8 f, P& ~! R  The course was closed. ----> The class was already full。
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:26 | 显示全部楼层


  the day after tomorrow ----> in two days
: o) ^2 i; P9 h  The deadline for dropping 's passed. ----> Sb. has to remain in the class。5 l- ], J) ]/ C; S. X
  the dorm supervisor ----> the person in charge of the dormitory; T) T; E8 m& e- A; _+ r5 R& \6 X
  the entire thing ----> actually longer3 H* {8 ]1 a2 q* ^! ~2 W6 Y
  the first thing in the morning ----> just after getting up9 L: l* w0 u7 H- b% ?% X' t
  the hotel desk ----> the desk clerk) w1 s- d& H8 z" L. Y9 ?6 b+ E4 m) ?
  the last ----> certainly didn't // definitely don't // doesn't // don't want // shouldn't
. {( V# o6 w6 Z  the last thing ----> definitely don't want to do
7 k# {$ |% k, t  h& K# O$ j  The lock ... is broken. ----> repairman! _; K* m0 _" {
  the more ----> the entire2 U9 N* {& S! k
  The more, the merry ----> Big dance are the most fun。
- M5 R6 H# |- `; {0 z  the most effective ----> the best solution
9 Q  u) d2 L3 z% P0 _  the most talented actor on campus ----> the best actor in the school
: U1 t  I! K' n% `1 h, Y  the noon ----> at 12:00
% T* B: e# J+ ^( m  the odds are against sb. ----> sb. probably won't do sth。6 ~8 i) z: R- g# I* C
  the only thing they have in common ----> be not very much like1 @8 C' p" ^4 T( j/ s5 q! Z( B
  the phone rings ----> answer the phone
0 Q( b7 s* F5 _  v; W0 h  the polite route is the most effective ----> Talking to the neighbors courteously might be the best solution。) P8 r& v8 ]! m* V' g
  the radiation levels 200 times what would kill a human ----> extreme conditions
; A! n% Y7 |0 C7 a. [& L. z- \  the right key ----> try another key& l/ j. p  f! @, l
  the rights of consumer and the analysis of the stock market ----> business
9 H6 K. `$ |- w& }' A; K, i1 o. l  the same as ... ----> change little
. K# [! G9 ~* G4 L* S2 q: B  the second show ----> a later show7 t. j, K2 w, ]' W5 K
  the sooner the better ----> as soon as possible
: t: v2 _9 |: X  k! h  the stationery place that just opened up ----> the new store) s& L& j* {* X) B& `
  the ticket counter // the lost-and-found items ----> the ticket seller
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:27 | 显示全部楼层


  the top grade ----> the highest score
) _% s* j" p) E9 Z4 Z- v9 R* r0 W3 T  the very beginning ----> the first part
0 Z  _" j. ]9 C' R+ P5 d  the whole day tour ----> a longer tour
& J/ o; X" `' d; \  the whole week ----> longer  N; V1 |" c% z" R$ R7 t+ Y
  The work crew is just finishing it up. ----> The workers are about to complete it。
8 _6 Z, d; d4 @1 Q" u1 w  There are so many different kinds of sth. ----> Sth. selection is very large。1 W. j( I+ a* _- e2 U# z" F
  There are two sides to every story. ----> Sb. may be partly responsible for the problem。  P" ^6 p% b% S. w: U6 z2 {! u) N
  There goes sth. ----> Sth. be canceled
; F. ^2 L) i2 Q' b3 x  ^' L# G  There no need to get nervous. ----> should not worry& w; u  }8 ^% |9 \$ n6 k8 [& l- O
  There tow sides to every story. ----> sb. may be partly responsible for the problem
% ?$ Z3 `- H6 A: P  these days ----> recently3 Q6 x- v( R/ G. a
  think ----> be confused
: Z9 \- n9 {3 f% D2 W  this month's newsletter ----> publish right away: U3 L: K4 a- E2 M
  thought ----> idea // issue7 p# F2 U* p: D) a$ \' |1 V4 w
  Thousands of times ----> many times- q# T" h  O/ a- t- h5 J
  three or four ----> more than one) ]; s- e. N# W6 a  J; K
  thrill and adventure ----> excitement
) g' G" G7 N% g  till ----> can still! n0 `/ v* T) {8 y) M' M5 m' n* b4 ^7 [
  till the soil ----> farm2 F. `( i) \9 l; x# |% I
  tiny ----> too small
7 j) P7 U/ k1 ~1 T) ^" X1 _  told me sooner ----> informed me earlier+ V: a7 b. O. G, N
  tomorrow ----> the next day) T2 \6 d3 P# J2 ^$ g
  tomorrow afternoon ----> soon
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:28 | 显示全部楼层


  too ----> also // either // not change
+ J2 E% K# Z4 h  ~6 P  too difficult ----> harder than1 i$ l! t7 ^9 a$ g0 t7 R' F
  too long ----> haven't time: R" K6 a& P/ _" p; o( B
  topic ----> background // subject
, e" j$ g9 V; X, j, t  touch on sth. ----> mention sth. briefly0 h1 T" ~7 L$ i( Z
  tough luck ----> be sorry* N7 d6 P; Y$ y* T7 b
  town ----> city% G4 N6 V4 s+ B( N
  trade it in for a new one ----> get another car // buy a different car- [2 z! s* ^6 e5 x, O( Z
  trade-ins ----> used bicycle
: B: h. y% H& k9 Z1 ]  transfer // another ----> different, ~, E$ U7 k& q  z/ K( Z/ U9 t
  transport ----> ship
4 Z$ B- D" ^. B, E  A  try it // stick with an old favorite ----> not like the new flavor
7 a9 ^/ C" h" U, E, B5 K6 }7 N  try the kind sb. use ----> switch brands of sth。/ J' f/ P. F; H. e$ G- r6 d4 S
  try to get ones resume right ----> make many revision to ones resume
& v* [1 L& `$ u6 w- b  try to meet each other half way ----> make an effort to reach a compromise" b$ Z  G1 e8 Z* w& S1 C$ d
  turn down ----> more quietly
3 H$ N! ^6 X7 \5 t& r, V  turn down sth. ----> refuse sth. // not accept sth. // not really want to do sth。
6 o- f( @; I( N' v; W( o  turn in ----> hand in // return
/ ^' A: E7 h7 ?+ {  turn out to be ----> prove to be. J+ }- K) p& O4 o
  turn sth. in to someplace ----> take sth. to someplace2 [0 i6 n9 j3 @# v, w) t
  turn the television off? // in the middle of watching a program ----> leave the television on+ r8 _2 ~5 E! c+ O! I
  turn things around ----> The situation will improve。! e7 q& y1 b. L' Z& Q
  tutor ----> help
$ |, R- A" R( H  twenty minutes ----> too little time4 A, W$ [. W7 M7 }; Q6 M
  twice yearly ----> two time a year
8 \) t" x' y8 w, |+ n" n  two sides ----> partly
, I4 J* l& [1 C1 q  two weeks ----> half a month7 d# o3 W; w. n* Q' H5 V( J
  two years ago ----> used to9 [6 r6 T2 H4 ~- g. {4 H' ]
  typos // processor ----> fix the errors
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