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[托福听力] 新托福听力词汇替换集合:实战篇(S)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  save wear and tear ----> protect // not require very much maintenance( O3 t, P# x2 ?6 O
  say ----> speak to5 Y/ V. G/ B: J0 @4 h
  say ----> agree
8 w+ y, x0 K0 l1 |8 i  G# S! A# w  sb. be away ----> not see sb。0 O: z3 U+ `. t6 K
  Sb. be going into business for oneself. ----> Sb. plan to start one's own company。
+ C4 \) S* k+ e9 t1 a  sb. be new here ----> sb. be unfamiliar with someplace
( u/ d0 K9 G+ n; J9 j- f  sb. be the only one ----> sb. has a lot of work to do
7 U+ t$ n0 b& V4 q5 l" _4 }  Sb. have been there a million times. ----> Sb. knows the route very well。
& ^/ }# B9 x+ R  [! S# E  Sb. insist on being so independent. ----> Sb. should get someone to help with sth。" A# v. O# O0 U3 {9 n* L  S3 B& o
  sb. would have attended ----> kept sb. home
) m/ P: d2 Y- w( o3 x" p  schedule ----> plan) \1 [$ m" S* _8 p; r: g
  school work ----> study5 D0 j1 B: j+ I8 r  r! a! U1 N
  scratch the surface ----> far from enough# {% k  q8 P: ~* i% g# i$ ]' K4 J
  screwdriver ----> tool
, p0 A" b5 Y* }& j5 o  seam ... come undone ----> repair
; q/ W$ k! Z6 h2 v5 B( I  second ----> another // later1 e+ K+ d  R6 j- U+ [
  see sth. easily ----> Sth. be highly visible。
3 o$ J; c! z0 S: |  seem a bit inexperienced ----> be not impressed6 e+ S2 f8 A6 m/ u4 K) X
  send out ----> mail
2 V0 h* ^5 @9 v4 n$ k9 o  separate // distribute ----> sort* D7 s9 M8 `$ c2 g+ o3 i. o- t! v  C
  set ----> definite
1 v1 {3 b" C5 p  V6 Y! {6 y  set a place ----> arrange a seat4 H5 K3 r6 I' E# n/ |  C
  set a place for sb. ----> make room for sb。
; j3 `) `+ `( V- J  set a record for attendance // be not an empty seat ----> many people go to do sth。
4 p# l" s5 a1 f, F8 v% Y7 ?  set out for ----> go toward
8 M& B$ ]# P8 G1 V- z" {' C2 \  several ----> a variety of
  C- O* g* v# u  several years ----> how recently

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:25 | 显示全部楼层


  sew ----> make sb. a new dress
5 u- P: _. I; [/ }: t# c  shake off ----> remove some of the water
# d6 ~, `9 `2 ^# L/ c: r4 M  shake sth. a little ----> move sth. around
8 |8 R1 @0 [" X. Y  share the expense ----> pay for some of the good% d( f' z  P4 n( B6 k) {
  She is still in high school ----> She is younger then he is。
: B/ f! `+ b& Z4 q  She probably enjoy anything on campus. ----> He doesn't know what she likes to do。  t9 M6 \' J" j) a1 ^( X
  shopping ----> buy
0 R' S; Z3 z6 {! j% W  short handed ----> too few employees
+ D- o4 }$ K) ]! M  should have read carefully ----> misread7 x  g1 Z3 V- J1 k3 J
  show ----> tell // teach // be a sign of; \7 H7 T8 o3 `2 n
  show up // turn up ----> appear
4 q( ]7 H# u; `- C( p, I' w1 }" d4 y6 E  sign up for ----> take0 T; o2 O6 K4 L1 c( N4 y3 E
  significant part ----> importance$ b4 Y: P( f+ l+ ~3 x+ |
  since ----> no longer3 \0 i8 E+ p0 I9 b  P% X6 q
  since the week before last ----> for two weeks- l. m- @) I" v# y( A- M# C
  sit ----> seat
2 r, `' `# e& S4 h$ b. Y) x( W  six credits // really need it ----> not do well in& I2 F! x- _" s$ q/ a2 T
  six miles away ----> far from) n# q' h8 ~! s! S" Z. n
  sketch // assignment ----> artwork
$ O% ?7 i9 d% P  skip it // get up early tomorrow ----> go to sleep  Z) j) W0 t  @+ f. I) P
  skull ----> head1 f( M2 z# S3 i
  slide ----> transparency( I# I) f) z3 s$ y5 A3 }
  slip one's mind ----> forget
& g# c  ?/ A8 ]: D8 j  snap out of the bad mood ----> feel happy
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:26 | 显示全部楼层


  so ----> both8 J+ l5 X) A( O  V; _
  so happy ----> receive a good evaluation
8 I9 N: s( `% A' M( h  c- |  so it can go around it ----> to find its way
1 D/ e  w3 B& j* d) L  so many // extra ----> fewer
2 [- y' [/ |5 z) l' j9 c- M  so many awards ----> very good8 m& ?  c2 L. x/ G" ^; G! @$ g
  so much ----> such a large amount of
. D; E/ o3 p7 y1 D/ E  so overpriced ----> not be necessary to buy
7 X: Z. D' J0 u0 e2 O' G% }  so tired ----> too exhausted) c' `6 D  s/ ^' {! d& s  O
  some good deals ----> a good price* L# |# |$ f' m- P( q7 F9 s: L0 u
  some of the other ----> more
; L( ]% r( K8 e# f  some other time ----> later# V" M/ P* b4 Q( W" }
  Some school is very selective. ----> Sb. may not get accepted there。: g! k* e8 O; a( Q5 e. |
  someplace be right down ----> go to someplace
: ~$ U- S+ G  J% f7 E9 a( Q$ ]. E  sooner ----> quickly8 G: ]7 ~4 ], P4 b' m7 r
  sorry ----> regret
' k  P, I( k  O. j& r  Sounds great ----> wish# w6 X1 b* H- Z: K- q+ R
  source ----> raw material: M$ w/ C0 c4 f; K
  spare ----> another ... can use // extra
7 |- \5 Q* s' V8 a  speak before a large crowd ----> speak at meeting
4 A  a4 z5 j0 G$ |; ^  speak with ----> see
: F. [% `; \- w! [* ]+ G  d  speaker // I’ll be honored. ----> like to give a talk
% u  l( F1 u3 n5 p3 y  speakers ----> audio equipment) X7 ^7 p1 s/ [- i
  spend a lot of time doing sth. ----> really do like
( V5 r% \: Z. P$ S9 {; z  spend hours on ----> for quite a while
" W7 J6 A  G% T1 K2 b; q  spend most of one's afternoon // practically have to move into the lab ----> The course takes a lot of time。" U+ @8 D; N0 k; W2 A- M+ c, q
  spend several hours ----> long trips
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:27 | 显示全部楼层


  spot ----> location
. V* H+ `3 E8 w3 @9 p: T  spotlight // for years ----> background information% ~# ?" J/ ^# ?
  squint at // wear glasses ----> poor vision
3 _" T. j) `" c( l" p) f- }  stack of papers ----> throw out
  c5 M' F7 O$ ?  staff man ----> workers- X& n; I* M5 k
  stand at this concert ----> be crowded$ w- i2 ?' d9 t' L6 z4 T
  staple food ----> main source
0 I2 r: Y7 ~7 Y" m  start ----> be on schedule; u; [1 z0 y% Y6 C0 |
  state park ----> national park
( u" `1 I( l/ A& v5 X  stay in the same place forever ----> never move from one location
) E# S9 f& }3 v) }  stay put ----> not plan to move
. M( P( o7 x+ K3 l+ r( N  stay up all night ----> little rest/sleep/ R0 u+ n  i( n! `  z
  step by step ----> carefully
  U1 B4 L) w. n5 R; g6 T, r0 c  step up one's efforts ----> try harder to do sth。3 ]$ S5 i+ Q- C+ e/ f3 Q8 E7 R: Y
  Sth. be a bit beyond the reach of most sb. ----> Very few sb. could afford to do sth。6 @+ r  s( I, R- i1 m
  Sth. could be worse. ----> Sth. may not be as bad as sth. seem。. a% c0 M, m. H2 m1 B/ J
  Sth. don't like direct sunlight. ----> Move sth. away from the window。
5 u! R) h! G0 V; t  }' ~1 o! Q6 J  sth. fall on the ground // sth. doesn't work ----> damage sth。
4 D9 E! l, I" C* b  Sth. is not for sale right now. ----> Sb. plans to keep sth. for the time being。
# P  k0 y, Z4 O$ D9 n  Sth. may be for the best. ----> Sth. is probably a good one。
) i' v* w; M3 z  sth. suits sb. ----> sb. looks good in/on( q' J5 F: S* [- T1 f  P
  stick around ----> hang around1 [; B" D* F. c# J6 e  P
  stick with sth. // eventually ----> It takes sb. a long time to do sth。
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:28 | 显示全部楼层


  still ----> yet
$ X* m* D9 P, w1 K7 `- H0 m  still immature ----> not completely developed
+ A6 ]" |6 E+ A  w  still on ----> continue
, N7 L5 x$ k; f6 j+ t# d& k  still work ----> keep one's job
4 S6 I( ?. g6 ?1 ?: `  stock shelves ----> put the groceries out on the shelves
# M: C& G' x0 t4 S) i: @5 T- I7 l/ E4 l  stock up on sth. ----> buy a lot of sth。
6 w! v, b+ b5 T2 b! Z: f& R  stop buying ----> no longer buy
" B: J/ B! }0 S2 T2 d! I8 r  stop by ----> visit // talk to
, r3 R( K" W  f9 `8 ^6 ~% f& x" K  Stores closed. // Downtown shopping areas became deserted. ----> a decline in the number of customers
" z0 V- J. \/ {6 y. o- A  storm // front lawn // room ----> move ... indoors0 W& g0 B3 `: j& `
  street ----> road
& U( x7 _" Q# p' ~: A" R  study ----> academic
* a" y$ m: L6 Z: `  study more ----> spend more time on
3 M2 B8 ?, N7 }. `7 d2 b  stuff // nurse ----> medicine% Z+ O) U& W  {, F" \( z( d
  sturdy bike ----> The streets are not in good condition。
1 n4 [+ {/ {* ~9 ^  submit ----> get5 [% h$ l5 Y% ~$ O$ G
  successful ----> refine6 D9 d5 o! ?7 u+ @" P
  such a+n. ----> so+a。
% ^! q2 Y6 G" X' I: t% U  suffer ----> decline3 v! u# b: g/ ~
  suit and tie ----> formal occasion- j4 _+ W# D2 Q* N- B) c
  suitable ----> appropriate* Q3 X) M% C! J, _
  sunny and warm ----> clouds and cool temperatures& K3 O& Q  Y7 T9 O: H8 x6 T) @
  supervisor ----> work
# `- y/ s+ x9 y/ j1 q  sure ----> certain
% L% K1 b9 `4 O7 `  N4 ]4 x* E  Sure thing. ----> It's okay。" y6 s% M8 G- Q
  surely know how to do ----> indeed do well7 X) f& l- |6 b$ o4 W6 ]2 m# F3 X2 s
  switch ----> change
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