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[托福听力] 托福急速听力:有好狗等美文两则

发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
5 K8 T4 ^/ V! U5 A% T9 z  x' `4 V- D! c  Part I:极速词法
. G; d" C1 t2 i1 Q# r  1、New York 纽约;
7 _* @& o5 o  N/ }0 C0 Z  2、something of a musician 算是个音乐家吧,凑合着算是个音乐家吧;
* R3 U& S  c% z9 J2 ^) d4 R  3、be highly praised 受到高度称赞,受到好评;1 R! |# I. ^- S3 w) ]1 j7 a2 t
  4、afterwards adv. 过后,后来; 5、music n. 音乐;
* Q: Q; s6 W8 R) Y3 u3 ~  6、stolen 被偷(steal的过去分词);
8 p" L* z! F  W4 |  7、be repeated to 传给了,被重复给了;
/ [- c7 i1 _; V  8、ask for an apology 要求道歉;
5 l* d- H. c+ ?+ x' V  9、take back what I have said收回我说过的话;, M; @# n6 d, a; \( Y' ~6 X
  10、mistaken adj. 错了; 11、strong adj. 强壮的;
& ?4 M! n! C# s7 g+ j9 f  12、follow sb. around vt. 跟随某人到处去;
3 o/ H- S. Q; R) Z( R2 g  13、later in the evening之后在晚上了,晚上稍晚的时候;5 O) n! \# C3 }- J; `. y% G% s
  14、miss vt. 想念; 15、look everywhere for 到处寻找;
. \" y! \- t2 |/ y+ n* E  16、pocket n. 口袋; 17、carry sth. away把某物给拿走;
4 V# ~/ B+ d1 q( g! u  18、dancer n. 舞蹈家,跳舞高手;" I# |6 o/ ?2 N9 V+ l
  19、singer n. 歌唱家,唱歌高手; 20、dare 敢于(做);
0 N( ~; y/ n7 z" W1 c  21、mosquito n. 蚊子; 22、village n. 村子;8 P( ]0 W# Y: ~# ?' K9 T* C
  23、empty adj. 空空的

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:25 | 显示全部楼层


  Part II:极速句法+ F3 \/ o6 ?4 `3 o8 O
* ]. k0 l: \5 e$ n3 M6 o" X  One evening a young man in New York, who was known to be something of a musician, read one of his songs to a small group of his friends. The song was highly praised, but afterwards, one of his friends said, “I was very much interested in Jack’s music, but it was stolen from a book.” These words were repeated to Jack. Jack was very angry and asked for an apology. “Well,” said his friend, “I don’t often take back what I have said, but this time I must say I was mistaken. When I got back to my room, I looked in the book and found that the song was still there!”
7 x8 {9 m" K" [4 U) i  段落27 M' |: t& a6 y% x7 z7 V
  Tommy is my big black dog. He is so strong that he can carry me on his back. He likes to run and play with me. He likes to follow my father around the fields, too. One day, my father took off his coat and put it on the ground under a big tree. Tommy stood watching him. My father said, “Watch my coat, Tommy.”
  y1 k4 m8 [, o4 D  Tommy sat down on the coat. My father forgot all about his coat and went home without it. Later in the evening, I missed my dog. I looked everywhere for him, calling, “Tommy, Tommy!” But Tommy didn’t come. Soon my father wanted something that was in his coat pocket. Then he remembered what he had done. He went back to the big tree. What do you think he saw? Tommy was sitting on the coat so that nobody could carry it away!
& ~$ s2 U5 K0 ~* m! x精美语句
- E% _; g- S5 `  1.Jack is known to be something of a singer.
( ~& P. S/ J  J( U4 u1 C) g- l  2.He is something of a dancer.
4 o3 d+ a  o) _+ r4 T) W  3.I had a get-together with a small group of my friends.! J% W2 j, P8 `# {$ ]: h1 G
  4.His English is always highly praised.2 M: E  m4 [* U8 V* \4 g' }
  5.He is always highly praised for his English.
3 j6 }3 V# g' {1 E: i* f# ]+ p' u  6.We highly praise him for his bravery.+ C$ {9 V" w9 c' ^
  7.He gave me a present but asked it back soon afterwards.
, s5 G6 N' k- s( u# a# U  8.My bicycle was stolen last night.
6 G( I& M: V& ~; \- \% ?( ~  c) u, _  9.If your words are repeated to your boss, he’ll fire you.% w9 {$ {9 G% w) J# J1 b, [+ F- \
  10.I’m here to apologize to you for what I said. I hope you would accept my apology.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:26 | 显示全部楼层


  11.I never take back what I have said. It’s not like me.: D& K. ?1 q- R/ C1 m+ B9 C
  12.I had thought it was Jack who took away my lap top, but I was mistaken.8 j( b' D$ Q1 R
  13.Jack is so brave that he dares kill mosquitoes.
/ S" q0 y3 l* E5 A) W1 Q, ]  14.Well, I’d like to follow you around the village.' ]. T  V$ x% P; _
  15.I went back home with empty hands.8 `$ R" i" |% B8 @6 d3 F" \
  16.I always go to class with an English dictionary, but today I come without it.( o/ N0 H/ V9 q! T8 U( R; C0 I5 x
  17.We went to the beach and swam for a while, and later in the afternoon, we had a barbecue there." K! J- Q# B2 x$ R' k, G
  18.Who do you think you are?. h+ u; t' [* L
  19.What do you think you can do?" \% E- _! ~, p
  20.Where do you think she is from?
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