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[托福听力] 托福听力成语精选

发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.flying colors--success, victory
, C7 {1 j' W: C3 V/ q/ |' a1 X  2.little by little--gradually) a* A, {: F" b/ v
  3.call off--cancel8 U  y" L) `' t) u7 ^. H4 j7 E
  4.come into--receive, especially after another's death
5 u* @3 x$ n2 D9 @8 W  i$ g  5.put off--postpone
, |" K/ U( W$ W4 Q  6.stop by--make a brief visit on one's way elsewhere5 [: Q% R8 @, M0 M2 B
  7.tie up--hinder
# v# u4 N; q1 E3 e/ ]" ^; _: n  8.be out for--trying to get
  B& I; R% Y7 ~  9.fill in for--take another's place
9 t: M7 U; k) _6 ]' Q- G  10.turn down-- (1) refuse or reject
+ A" x1 J2 [1 @( [, l# B6 A7 F   (2) reduce the loudness of! m( c4 m! A; ?9 g/ S( d3 N% M
  11.go off--begin to ring  h- [) y5 y, h! c- U7 N
  12.cut down--lessen; reduce; limit1 D1 y$ z. F3 K6 c9 @" A$ j
  13.come up with--produce; supply
* x4 @* p, b/ _, ~  14.make it-- (1) achieve a specific goal- w- O1 b: e/ v2 L2 a* I) S1 ^$ w) X
   (2) succeed in general2 g( e) M/ E) [$ [
  15.catch one's eye--attract one's attention& \/ b; G/ B* [7 h. K
  16.care for-- (1) like; value! l/ s6 w: r; G- u& E% W
   (2) look after; take care of
0 v$ p5 k* D( L+ S  17.head and shoulders above--much better8 w- @7 H: b) |7 h4 {1 M
  18.catch on--become popular  ]: {! t9 w9 L
  19.on the whole--in general2 r3 V# |% z1 [# V+ T! D" A
  20.fill sb in--tell what sb should know& ~7 V$ p) i! o/ H. E0 C
  21.in a nutshell--in a few words
* }# L/ n5 z( ?& Y4 i  22.from top to bottom--completely; entirely
# O# t% g8 m, d6 G8 x; `4 j  23.take the plunge--enter with sudden decision upon an unfamiliar course
. o: U+ A& R, ?+ _$ R8 Z7 n0 aof action8 \" u  n$ [; R1 S) L  q- b- R2 F
  24.on the tip of one's tongue--unable to be recalled
3 G% F1 O9 B0 ?6 x. v  25.cheer up--feel happy; stop being sad or discouraged; become hopeful, P* \- W0 [+ v3 ^' O9 `3 S
  26.hold off--postpone; delay
1 Y) o& u3 J( f) Y7 b6 H  27.on cloud nine--a state of perfect happiness
/ q* e" ~9 v1 M: ]; X4 s- `& [$ E4 J  28.back out--withdraw from an undertaking9 d" z8 {' {) m' f
  29.grin and bear it--be as cheerful as possible in pain or trouble; do s
) x0 ^- C2 i" r. r6 ~1 k  w* Domething without complaining
6 Q- p0 y7 j) r" }# }. [* A! H  30.turn out to be--come to be; prove
8 q) N+ ~& r# a* O( I8 `. f  31.bite off more than one can chew--attempt something that exceeds one's ab: n) t$ _# ]4 u# [1 J3 |6 ~5 d: U
ility1 J3 G1 i. \5 q2 D
  32.in the air--uncertain: o* f" b7 f! w6 I6 X
  33.get hold off--find a person so you can speak with him3 s( V$ N! K7 u9 \8 p' w
  34.learn the ropes--acquire thorough or special knowledge of a job4 a7 c4 \8 s/ V- H' k4 h
  35.tear oneself away from--depart with great reluctance; force oneself to le% Z3 Q! n9 U' c7 |, v5 Q  u/ _
# a: s" l. c% V' l3 a- Z* R1 W) Z  36.tie up--engage or occupy completely 8 N! H- V& |$ H. M1 J' a6 F
  37.touch on--mention a subject briefly or casually
4 D2 n" K, h2 Q5 S5 v9 q1 b  39.see to it--take care;take the responsibility;make sure% z* s# i# H2 u# R" w9 X
  40.get along with--live or work in harmony with
) Q' M( t* d+ q, n1 q8 r  41.give away--give as present- N+ Z2 s0 a2 t" n  k* m# b- {, l
  42.account for--explain! m( B; ]8 C8 [6 Z; e& a
  43.out of print--no longer available for purchase from the publisher
5 H- A, k1 ]3 M% i  44.send out--distribute
' p) n3 B) {9 B% v/ q+ @- J& L  45.in no time--in a very brief time;almost at once
1 Q' T4 M* F" D' H% U  46.before long--soon;without much delay' p* \8 A+ r. b) J. y0 Y* S
  47.play by ear--(1)play an instrument without using written music (2
# N2 }' ]! U+ d3 Z+ T. \)handle a matter without adequate preparation or guidance( D; N; v' O, L
  48.wear and tear--loss or damage caused by use5 s1 Z6 X! I9 v0 J8 z
  49.come what may--no matter what happens' z7 ?9 x, |6 R' g" P+ T3 j2 O% H2 n
  50.drop by--make a short or unplanned visit0 Z8 x! d: @1 g2 B: c8 _0 S% j7 G
  51.be short of--not having enough7 ~. Q" ~  ~$ E' c* ?: h
  52.cut it out--stop doing sth) h+ t/ @# ]4 G, T
  53.be sick of--be tired of;having a strong dislike of
3 y5 N3 w- q$ c# |% X  54.look for a needle in a haystack(a bottle)--search for something in a plac
! D" U8 E8 N6 i4 |+ g6 z# Q& ve where it is hopelessly lost.
/ G: h5 P% O) q: T( K  55.knock oneself out--work very hard;make a great effort1 G9 o9 K& q5 V: e
  56.run up against--encounter1 J7 X7 {+ }3 `9 u' g" T
  57.far from--anything but;not at all- \. f* p$ H" v
  58.far from it--by no means;not at all% M2 v+ s5 o. b8 F! J
  59.hang on to--hold tightly;keep firmly
+ a: X9 s. j% e  60.get nowhere--be unsuccessful;obtain no result + C1 o3 C  h0 s2 W
1 j* G/ G8 ^( w; q7 J
  61.day in and day out--every day;all the time
; _0 `! f" U/ j4 H8 B  62.break down--cease to function
, i: f, o! y$ r3 d5 d5 s4 P  63.get going--get started;begin to move
. r8 L  ?+ ]0 n2 ^4 S4 o* P7 k' A  64.take one's time--not hurry
# d; A6 d6 v8 }  65.boil down to--indicate,especially as a final judgement or analysis
2 S, R# z. R" ?  66.make up--take a test for the second time
( Q! @& m* d/ S0 i( o  67.put up with--bear with patience;tolerate
1 B* b/ g* ?. c. C5 F: b1 M( B" M" z  68.by and by--before long
- U1 _. N' d) T. d; |' N7 Q2 X" F  69.give someone a hand--help;assist; [( g* O$ E& |  u$ b
  70.ring a bell--sound familiar
7 Y6 ]" q1 R& @; _  71.snap out of it--
5 x1 s% q8 p) z1 i6 }/ R! d(1)change one's habits,attitude,etc,suddenly
+ Y& f1 I/ j& z5 v, i5 C- o  (2)regain one's composure,energy,or good spirits;recover5 f; _- f  g& [0 t5 @- C- J
  72.raise the roof--make trouble;start a fight or an argument
  a0 O" I4 S- B5 Y# I  73.get away with--escape without punishment5 }% D5 g. |1 Q( f! Q: H( q
  74.on business--with definite work to do: h# @& G) I1 p4 l( M0 ]0 l
  75.look up--search for;as an item of information,in a referance book, k# o/ }# s* a7 Z
  76.let up--(1)cease;stop
8 P4 y3 J& c7 }; D/ t' G& U   (2)slacken;abate
) s/ j7 h- Z1 j& L8 X+ c6 H  77.in any case(or event)--no matter what happens
( v) C  f: \% K) @+ O! k  m  78.come out--be published
# X9 a0 {6 f+ H4 r1 Z  79.look into--investigate;inspect
8 ?- Q9 D) g( b0 Y  80.fall back on--rely on- t% }  W/ X$ I2 r& f0 B) z0 B! n
  81.spell out--explain very clearly or in detail
( J6 m$ c) [! u0 l/ N  82.wrap up--bring to end,especially a successful conclusion

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:25 | 显示全部楼层


</p> 83.save one's breath--keep silent because talking will not help1 H+ b8 i2 t) O, R3 F! d8 u
  84.hold up--(1)delay;hinder
( W+ b. Z* E$ V0 U* C' {   (2)endure,last
) w0 F( N' a" z1 I/ f% ~  85.have one's hands full--be very busy;be able to do no more# D1 _. d# ]1 u* U
  86.How come?--How is it?Why?
. ^! G% v' T( \) I) S  87.stick around--stay or wait nearby
: ~! z8 X+ n6 `$ C1 {  88.make out--get along;manage
( w( P2 `, p* X- T5 W  89.turn up--appear,turn out,show up
8 ^, w0 c2 J5 y! M) N  90.hold off--postpone;delay
/ f+ d5 a6 y, H! B/ G# s  91.over one's head--beyond one's power to understand# O9 K2 b) f: ~  h. z
  92.stock up--buy up;lay in a good supply of
8 \1 p" \3 |8 I- A  93.stay put--stay in place;not leave$ _# J+ l% Z. {1 t! ^* S9 E( Q
  94.keep up--continue
2 m4 G5 W, R- t) t. p! G. F  95.tie up--occupy completely+ S1 I; h5 t0 x6 d: l
  96.in and out--coming in and going out often3 _9 u) P* H# D; h: O; b
  97.make ends meet--make one's income suffice without incurring debt3 y8 W- X9 Q. `
  98.on and on--without stopping7 W$ Z( O1 _* N: d4 b( U
  99.out of this world--wonderful;great* d& g+ A" J0 ?& ?
  100.in a row--(1)in line;in alignment
( G; h5 E' C# \) Z" L" q  (2)in succession;successively+ p+ x: P0 t5 U! e# B
  101.wait around--waiting in vain% ^7 ~  t+ ]1 X9 q' ?
  102.cool off(down)--make or become calm5 U, y5 C% D  N  P# N. I
  103.hold the grudge--having hard feelings; r5 l  o# n( r8 [- v0 n# l- P
  104.come a long way--show much improvement;make great progress
# N( n8 N$ [3 V/ a8 `  105.straighten out--correct a mistake;make you realize you are wrong
( U7 C  b# o! }' Y8 l3 z9 O9 d  106.once and for all--finally or decisively
2 ?  B& q6 G! U3 w/ i4 V$ k  107.put...away--put in the right place or out of sight
/ }- t) w# C% t& f. h  h  E. G  108.out of it--not concerned with;not involved in  U) |5 F2 z: ?
  109.bump into--meet by chance;run into
6 E4 S* M5 U- @& w  110.out of stock--lacking a supply of,especially temporarily
, C9 r7 K8 E: Y8 L: I7 s3 B  111.per se--in itself; n! f5 b9 ~+ W, |9 [
  112.keep to oneself--avoid the society of others
+ w  j9 G/ p  I  113.go out of one's way--make special effort to help somebody or dosomething8 x# b2 n6 d9 d  z
  114.put up--accomodate;lodge2 D. T8 J; w$ b6 Y/ x! N2 R
  115.under the weather--some what ill;in low spirit
, g9 k* }( `) i  116.come in handy--prove useful
+ Q5 [" b5 V0 k  w! N  117.talk one out of--make one leave off or forego something by talking
# Y+ B" b) `. i6 u0 g/ s1 l$ |  118.wait on--serve;attend as a servant1 l" H: }/ I" J# q. `4 {
  119.go all out--make one's utmost effort# ]& {6 T1 M  X- K2 m
  120.on sale--at a reduced price
1 ^( L4 K/ \8 C( K& |$ e  121.try out--enter as a competitor
, R9 W% q: |; I" t4 ~9 x7 m  122.pass up--give up;renounce;reject3 \( K$ h. ^: o, u  d$ |
  123.on behalf of--as a representative of. _% l5 }$ V; S2 X
  124.stay up--not to go to bed
5 t, H& \. d7 j/ }  125.the odds are--the chances are;the probability is4 o, w4 X2 f) x. w
  126.hold over--postpone# W: b3 r( S) v5 s/ K0 M
  127.out of order--in the wrong arrangement or condition;not working right
& P" e& @# y  e  O( X/ p  128.booked up--have no seats or rooms left;have no free time left
. @5 A: }1 s6 J5 `3 g: Q1 ?  129.fit in--find time to see someone% c. s" h+ V/ o% U( M
  130.go in one ear and out the the other--make no impression
. t  A" |) A; m( Q# K5 p  131.measure up--have the necessary qualifications
: i( v, a: g# ]0 P7 p; ^4 p  132.change of pace--a temporary shift or variation in the normal routine or! f5 j$ j1 p# P$ c2 `  N
  regular pattern of activity& M; E: k3 q* W0 D
  133.run out of--exhaust the quantity or supply of% H5 P2 {, e8 ?9 v8 l, i. ~. K; j8 q
  134.go by--follow;obey: R+ `3 m4 q2 ]7 a% s
  135.take it out on--cause someone else to suffer for one's own misfortune or. L. F6 g* f& S) R3 x
  dissatisfaction; \( G. u  @, ?% T% l) e7 q
  136.get around to--find the necessary time for
. y0 {, @! X. Y/ e& \  137.put out--disturb; annoy
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