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[托福听力] 新托福考试Delta练习题听力部分生词

发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2.1 A  Intern 实习生,Internship实习机会, xylem(植)木质部, phloem(植)韧皮部7 m  a6 d# Y3 k* C( W
  2.1 B
  g7 |. w2 O& H) N  Battery jumper(电池)接电线, carpool合伙用车, escort护送, lost and found失物招领, rituals仪式/程序, permeate充满/弥漫, raids袭击, vision视觉, life insurance寿险, health insurance健康险, property liability insurance财产责任险, premium保费, dune沙丘, gravel砾石, fine细微/细小, windward向风的, slope坡, endorphin内啡肽(一种荷尔蒙), painkiller止疼药, chronic长期的,慢性的, placebo effect安慰剂效果, neuro-chemical神经化学的" J+ ]) L" m' h8 }+ B* P
  2.1 C0 C, _1 P+ h9 m0 ^
  Crack裂开/裂口, pop敲击, inflammation炎症/狂热, sheathing覆盖物/防护物, tendons腱, tendonitis腱炎, carpal tunnel syndrome腕管综合症, pinch捏/夹痛, numb麻木, tingling 感觉刺痛/脸红; N+ [1 c6 T6 A* g) e
  2.2 A 无' a5 v/ N. h5 u( A( e2 f+ ^
  2.2 B6 ^& m8 z- X% l' p4 [
  Moose麋, beaver河狸, elk驼鹿, snares张网/设陷阱, clan部落/宗族, animator动画片制作者, calling做事的冲动/热情, brainstorming集思广益
9 [5 v, b  j, H& B  }  2.2 C
# S+ A% I, |! e3 k  Sea breeze海风, land breeze陆风, ascent上升, descent下降, horn号, versatility多用途/多功能, ritual仪式, bugle猎号, tsunamis海啸, epicenter震中, eruption爆发, pounce猛冲/猛击, backwash退潮冲刷, wreck失事/沉船. ?% ]5 w( f- u, s7 Q
  2.2 D
9 e3 R0 S& X1 i3 A1 r& t  partible inheritance可分割财产, primogeniture长子继承权, cash reserve现金储备, inventory存货/盘存, retail零售, canyon trail峡谷小道, cramp抽筋, ranger护林员/巡逻队员, saltine cracker咸饼干, strenuous紧张艰苦的, lactic acid乳酸, fermentation发酵, aerobic需氧的. W2 j* v5 l, M/ l0 K# H
  2.2 E; `: F" H0 k: G  S
  Pigment色素/色质, tempera蛋彩画法/广告原料, dissolve溶解, suspended悬浮, synthetic合成的, indigo(化)靛蓝色, ochre赫石/赫色, umber棕土色/红棕色, tinting着色/染色, Tyrian推罗人
4 S+ v/ h- b3 X9 b& l! j! D. k& K3 F  Shield volcano盾型火山, vent火山口, cinder火山渣, cone火山锥, magma岩浆, viscosity黏稠, caldera破火山口, depression低洼地/底气压, smoldering 无火苗的/阴燃的, geyser间歇泉, hot spring喷泉
. ^' o- B! {7 [4 I- c4 u$ U) j  Quiz 1- q2 ~. J2 T( W) D5 Y
  Eyestrain眼疲劳, skin rashes皮疹, Renaissance文艺复兴, perspective远景/透视画法, vanishing point尽头/灭点, mandatory强制的/命令的
, T' ]2 ~0 Y1 H4 H</p>  83.save one's breath--keep silent because talking will not help
( ~5 F' m" j, |8 ^; @  84.hold up--(1)delay;hinder1 i7 T9 R; N  Z! t8 _( {- h
   (2)endure,last1 Z- W" H& c; e
  85.have one's hands full--be very busy;be able to do no more
* I3 j! e  K% _2 [, R. r  86.How come?--How is it?Why?8 W& c9 w3 x8 Q, |
  87.stick around--stay or wait nearby
7 P) I4 {) C# K1 c: l  ]. b7 B  88.make out--get along;manage
$ A$ E9 T- ~; }) Z  89.turn up--appear,turn out,show up# G. ~6 R7 s9 @8 c( [4 O8 W+ Y
  90.hold off--postpone;delay 1 h+ u3 k6 X3 |* ^
  91.over one's head--beyond one's power to understand# X* j1 K# K7 l  o) \, r
  92.stock up--buy up;lay in a good supply of
4 x. K! |! v$ I2 Y2 \( w% X  93.stay put--stay in place;not leave' s$ o+ W+ m; I: k
  94.keep up--continue0 N/ X- V* ]8 N) `1 F3 L' U2 R
  95.tie up--occupy completely
9 Z- A4 c5 \% ^9 H2 p  96.in and out--coming in and going out often1 O  M. S4 ]7 K% O* k3 @" i8 m/ @
  97.make ends meet--make one's income suffice without incurring debt' G4 f% ]$ b7 B* M
  98.on and on--without stopping9 I" F9 j+ l, o& A
  99.out of this world--wonderful;great/ Y5 b% j$ d3 v7 X. f* p9 T# f
  100.in a row--(1)in line;in alignment
% D7 h6 g* R7 M  (2)in succession;successively# J4 y. ~* y; _6 m+ |6 L. ?  q# D! P
  101.wait around--waiting in vain  m2 M, T4 |: F7 a$ ^
  102.cool off(down)--make or become calm9 _; ]( A  X- E3 u1 K+ G3 a
  103.hold the grudge--having hard feelings
0 Q5 k! `; p! j5 `! c  104.come a long way--show much improvement;make great progress
& W6 T: u  h. L& H& A+ ^  105.straighten out--correct a mistake;make you realize you are wrong- g: u6 o( U& b% l$ o* m' k
  106.once and for all--finally or decisively
4 |( F4 I, p* J) p  107.put...away--put in the right place or out of sight6 K' P5 d9 _! J* t7 N2 T: Q
  108.out of it--not concerned with;not involved in
; H3 }& e1 c, k+ q, z2 u3 N  109.bump into--meet by chance;run into
7 L- Z0 a+ Q3 F9 Y: Z- f& T  110.out of stock--lacking a supply of,especially temporarily% D8 ~6 L; m/ l1 q! f. O
  111.per se--in itself
( l. M3 J* G( E% d# v. Z& H  112.keep to oneself--avoid the society of others
# H. t" z/ B. y' `+ h+ ^  113.go out of one's way--make special effort to help somebody or dosomething
3 M# |2 x9 ^# M  114.put up--accomodate;lodge
# l2 b4 I1 S* S  115.under the weather--some what ill;in low spirit
" x# C2 Y3 t7 r" @! T+ U; p  116.come in handy--prove useful
( ~& G0 J! a% o! {+ s, Q: S) [  117.talk one out of--make one leave off or forego something by talking: t# J8 ^8 U* J+ X2 ?- z
  118.wait on--serve;attend as a servant- Z- n; ?9 @2 i0 X- J- d
  119.go all out--make one's utmost effort
, l# `2 _, C9 G+ @/ W* V  120.on sale--at a reduced price* e  [! Q0 k0 A3 d2 X
  121.try out--enter as a competitor
% C6 }$ n( _) Z  122.pass up--give up;renounce;reject
" g  r5 m0 T  B9 F. O6 ~, t  123.on behalf of--as a representative of
- J% g" G/ |9 L  124.stay up--not to go to bed  _( @9 A7 Y7 o2 x+ h9 Z
  125.the odds are--the chances are;the probability is% k9 A0 b- B: m: s) k
  126.hold over--postpone7 `3 m/ A/ s1 [: o
  127.out of order--in the wrong arrangement or condition;not working right
% X  @% u' \- X' j  128.booked up--have no seats or rooms left;have no free time left
' ]; R* e* s6 ^  129.fit in--find time to see someone' P3 W( }. c( p" z1 ?. m1 [
  130.go in one ear and out the the other--make no impression
% `; h5 N" X! W; ]0 v2 h  131.measure up--have the necessary qualifications3 u8 n8 [( T! ]# B3 J+ E* X- K
  132.change of pace--a temporary shift or variation in the normal routine or6 c/ e. v1 v3 r; g, B  ~1 S# Z9 r, {
  regular pattern of activity% I) k7 f$ R/ |9 N* D+ U
  133.run out of--exhaust the quantity or supply of2 l2 w( c+ Z: R5 f  t0 c' S+ G4 _5 U
  134.go by--follow;obey
# _. z9 F- n0 Y" Q6 i2 M  135.take it out on--cause someone else to suffer for one's own misfortune or
/ I* @- F& J/ ]( a, A  dissatisfaction: r8 |8 ~7 D0 J8 O' Q. v8 C2 [9 ^
  136.get around to--find the necessary time for
" Y# ^6 W8 c- r  137.put out--disturb; annoy

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