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[托福听力] 托福听力词汇替换秘辑完整版(八)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
take down the informationmake notes of
5 M: ~3 o7 x( Xtake forevertime-consuming 5 w8 h! Y7 K  F
take it out on sbmake sb. feel bad
+ u$ N$ i- n# E" N5 ztake it to the shoprepair 7 ?( V3 j+ P  R
take one‘s placefill the vacancy 0 D* R. e2 i/ z  x( e2 z- Q; d+ C
take up a collectionmake a donation
" r( M* Y4 o3 ]; n; [( k9 b+ otalk sb. out of sth.persuade sb. not to do sth. ; a- d1 h' q+ g; H* M
taxi // busespublic transportation 2 b; I) \, x: b* L
terrificexcellent // outstanding // wonderful ! O% [5 d% R, [! w
9 f" L8 i. {: c+ N4 @; vthat‘s too badsorry
0 a/ X: J* t, w7 Cthe addition to the buildingthe new part of the building
3 l6 W% M4 E  ]the sooner // the betteras soon as possible 7 j. i) w  T' a4 m9 |
the student was absentthe student was not in class
7 K& E9 Q) i2 P% a7 Jthe very beginningthe first part : k  K; K% V. J8 ^% a
There goescancel
+ Y: g+ Z' }- _/ w9 V: X* q& Uthousands of timesmany times
" L) g0 O, \* T" F  A5 Stinysmall
" W" J+ ]* ^! K9 T; k8 Atoo good to be truesurprised : O3 M' w7 p7 y! K( P) ]$ K, `
trade ina used one ! N$ A0 R1 K: h' U$ j: X. c
trade in forget another one
* T5 A! c+ s8 W4 ^tripstumble " L5 F4 X7 f, R% N' `
turn downrefuse // quiet 4 s) c# _; k, z1 J: h* ]0 |! `2 y* w
turn the paper insubmit . i* {6 k- b% Z
  D& D9 c* S) [/ ?1 o9 }& wunderbelow
6 g7 q" l+ N! ^5 x, {under the weathera little sick 5 M2 p8 |' p  f! S$ F- \
up to sb.decide // decision 2 d# e. s6 R* |- g) X
upside downnot correctly positioned
1 j. N& F0 N2 W5 k3 {/ |vacuum cleanerdirty : d: T, u6 d6 \5 M+ H; G4 w
very raredifficult to find ; Y" y2 o0 Z9 v  @; N
2 R% Y: S  m2 }; ]& d; D0 `visitsee / X- \. j) s; ~# F- P' Q
warmcool 2 a8 q/ N# e3 _% `. A% n
warm upexercise 3 P2 j. H4 O. ]1 w- V. i
was released from the hospitalleft the hospital ; y: X4 k) f. X0 V: u1 V; U  t
waymethod 1 w  E4 j2 a- ]5 S- q& M
wear... inside output ... on the wrong way
# x; ^% n: ~  X# z2 }, h3 p8 Uweeklyevery week // each week
' q% \3 M0 G8 S, B5 qwent out of businessclosed down
. B! _+ v. T; C. Q$ nwhat a shameit is too bad that
+ H+ @" t( q6 N3 Z8 AWhat‘s new with sb.How has sb. been doing 1 P  w' A  X* P3 A0 N8 R& s9 o3 w
whisperuse one‘s voice
4 Y6 }, K, {1 K* n% \will be going oncontinue
1 Y  J8 Z6 Q* r, L( |- Rwill succeedwill do well   [/ j+ d7 F% k
wondersurprised 4 n/ v' \2 [; s5 _# W
worry aboutanxiety , D( U, x8 G+ U- `% _  G
you can say that againagree you don‘t have to dono need to do

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