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[托福听力] 托福听力词汇替换秘辑完整版(七)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
# h' _) Q" ?# p- jpacespeed - b: E+ Y6 G3 X* }2 _' Y
papershoolwork 0 r# R! _( g& r
parentsmother and father
* s8 C' b6 C6 u# j5 H2 _! dpartsrepair // fix 1 P8 X0 n$ X. c% E
past midnightall evening # M/ `4 e5 J- S0 [* g0 T
photopicture 8 R5 g/ ^! y, Z2 }- N' A! X6 M* e
pick upget
; `+ {3 E% h# v1 `5 rpilltablet $ M3 A9 C, Q6 W, _
5 e" w) S+ u& ^" L$ e8 k$ iplant // window // tablelight 6 d' s! r& J6 z9 s6 f1 o# I
- ~6 h3 q4 Q9 E& D" g2 Z$ i# _% mprescriptionmedicine . D9 s- x! b' @, E
presentationassignment   P2 v# J1 I) ^* Z
prices went upexpensive " k0 J0 {5 ?( ?% \: S$ ^1 R0 g  X  g
proofread and correct the papercheck the paper 3 [3 _; x- k% o2 W, y/ V# a
protest the rising turtion feesbe opposed to the tuition increase
& v* }/ I, d6 `  M0 Qprovedemonstrate * r! F: `8 S1 _/ W8 |4 V) Z
put a lot of hoursrequire a great deal of time - \8 X# j/ W" b+ @5 V( f
put it on paperwrite ... down
! H& {1 w/ X* p) l0 d0 n8 B( q4 Eput money into an accountopen an account 8 `/ h% J  t8 E- a* V
put on a playpresent a play 3 H/ M3 z0 J; Z, y
put outupset
. c6 a* ]  q9 T; t9 uput up withtolerate
0 [, i- r( [8 {) W, j# xquitleave th job
# {+ _5 y+ ]$ tradiobroadcast 8 B& P6 _1 E" O9 z: ]; S% S& S
raiseincrease - Y9 V& G: _( J0 p* d( g3 _( \
raise the roofangry
: [8 s) U" N4 J, Qreach homecome home 5 h1 h+ v9 C1 }* K
refreshmentfood / }3 {$ Z6 q5 |- S3 E( o
renovationremodeling // refurbish
* X% S( ~6 [$ Krest of the jobremains of the work 3 e( M) ?- U: b" H; h! a
$ p  O6 J* L4 g( m; g7 qreturntake ... back
/ ?1 }' z0 `+ V8 n6 s$ I+ R/ qreviewcriticize
- X* N) }. ~" d1 C( ?8 Yreviewinggoing over ; B2 P4 M( e* Z8 q0 D
right awaysoon * H1 J5 z$ j+ @) Z  B7 a
run out of // out of pointno more // no longer // doesn‘t have any more
/ k5 d, b$ {1 T0 f( Arun out of steamtried // exhausted 8 w5 J5 X* `/ h4 q, K0 Q
run the committeehead the committee
0 [7 }! ^; A4 Q% O* H0 j- |rustylose some skills
( t6 ^( ^+ v% N; N& [( v9 osave the explanationno need to explain
: X- L8 b* i9 G% v2 Y2 a: X* A6 Jone‘s bookedone‘s schedule is filled . l4 q/ m, s9 K- o9 |8 v% N# X
schoolwork is sufferinginterfere with studies
* `5 A0 r7 @' W$ e7 T8 C+ G; Y" X( ?6 Iscorcherhot // heat 8 G, m# a/ T3 j' O5 x0 ]
& o. q' Q  S; H6 i( o7 A* z- F  b$ D: Vsevere weatherbad weather 0 v' A4 b/ u  V/ r3 ^6 K! |
shadeaway from the window
( S5 V% [+ @" `1 e, L+ Xshakemove
% O# N) r7 c  kshake it offremove
' d. C3 N8 l- y* r7 c( N' C, Wshare the expensepay for some of …
* Z- s! N4 U" w  \+ f6 X# Ushow upappear
2 k" h+ J. O3 L/ Tshutclose
& ?- B8 x1 C, j/ }2 L. rshytimid
" f; G8 e6 `0 l5 b" Y, hsign up for a lessontake a lesson
& I- C* i+ f: a% V' B  B$ y7 qsimultaneouslytogether
" `  C, h. U5 [' l- zslip one‘s mindforget ' k! Z6 a2 \5 E' x
soboth ) a. Y! X( I. S! [
$ V; j! w+ M* @% v2 q( Jsorryregret
4 G1 K( k# Q4 d! ^soundproofnoise 8 x  B- H* a' s8 J- w* \
spareextra // another one - `8 Q: ^% j  F1 ^' l
speechlessunable to speak
4 c+ V# I* ~, f7 O! R" tspotlessclean , Y' J/ D# u  S% w* {' A$ b4 f# u
squint at sth.poor vision ' ^: v$ N/ I$ i: ?" ]- T
standng ovationstand up and applaud / J, l( @! K; Q/ Q4 I
" P! }# V& g- ystay on top of sthkeep in formed 8 [, Z* Y2 B" Q8 e1 Q! c& L
stay putnot move
; T# z7 t$ O- n6 a0 y: n7 ~sth doesn‘t ring a bell with sbsb. doesn‘t recognize sth   ^& q4 p) O+ N  y
stick with itit‘ll make a long time to …
" `9 M5 u6 [* L: f" J" Q0 W4 p% _stood up fordefended + e6 `) h! R8 U' k* q5 ^4 [, t
straighten outpay
) L+ H% I8 M  t. \. x0 esupervisorperson in charge of … switch offturn off

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