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[托福听力] 托福听力词汇替换秘辑完整版(六)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
make a choiceselect   p8 }: [+ j; C+ F3 Z
manualbook * c  E0 B' S& s1 h. g8 }( e8 I9 |
marketbusiness : ?1 G6 I9 T9 _) M  G, b
meetget to know 8 M5 o$ H7 {/ H' x' `% Q
meet each other half wayreach a compromise 6 X  E: t4 H3 {; n& w/ h: I' ?
meet sb.pick sb. up ; O: Z- w7 N2 |' ?9 p
misreadnot read correctly
* {9 d- T: E" \- ]8 Rmoney is burning a hole in one‘s pocketno money
6 B! |, O& K, W1 amost funenjoy / \9 ?: U' f! b6 P6 N1 x8 t
, w" s' K0 @6 N9 Q2 l, E: ?9 o6 _mysterysurprised // wonder // not sure
) l. i  V& r4 k" a+ o# tnavigatefind its way   R2 Z5 j& N( Z+ P; h7 n# f4 w
need a second opinionask another person
, w1 h( `! G) f; f! Dneed another few daysneed more time
6 B- C% Z$ n3 ~7 `4 Nnext tobeside
8 @1 d( V9 i" l2 ^next weekfollowing week
0 x' Y  J3 _: X! a1 X( I" b% dno dangersafe
! G( u5 k) @: u' f5 j2 Vno end in sightfor a while $ g) ]/ X; `; p4 P4 L
no pushoverstrict - x0 T0 F: Y. m3 q
noon12 o‘clock + b/ H  H+ Z% K3 _6 H; Q5 g8 t
not follownot understand
$ d, |$ N7 @8 E# d% c5 vnot get anywherewithout result
, v9 W' |& T2 R% f) pnot push one‘s lucknot make too many requests / r) R$ i  W6 ~( H
not sit stillnervous
& O6 G$ R- K  x* W) m6 Q1 z* s: dnot up to the taskcan‘t do the job : l* A" N' D4 P7 Z, Q
nowhere near finishthere is a lot to do
; p) k) f+ d+ y7 R. Kon edgenervous // angry
( _) {' b; {, M' q# gon her ownherself
* c: ]+ c- T9 won purposeintentionally
( X- V1 m; c; son salecheap
+ u' u6 Q# H$ D6 q4 \% zon the doton time // punctual
" v# d( r, t8 e3 K; q+ fone step at a timegradually
% B5 D  m, h/ N. J7 e; x' J$ U  Cout of earshottoo far away to hear
6 T$ @3 j- s% S5 R7 P0 nout of one‘s mindcrazy // foolish idea * h- U. `) [% Y4 t9 ]0 k
out of ordernot working right . s( n" u' t  R; g& ^" k3 U
/ z/ k$ K1 p: N( R& `- F5 J& n, g) woutgoingfriendly
7 ]4 l2 w; b  Y' b8 e* Aover one‘s headnot understand overreacttoo sensitive

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