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[托福听力] 托福听力词汇替换秘辑完整版(五)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
I had no ideaI didn‘t know
2 u, y' K  a2 w& n( z. P+ Z1 sI‘ll burstI‘ve overeaten
9 [' O$ a1 b$ aI‘m about toI plan to do
" N9 U3 U. P5 ^% j  din a little whilesoon
! v  p1 }. z" Hin a minutequickly
, k7 k, o6 H9 {, u* `6 Jin the darknot understand 2 x) h# N& j5 f. ^( I# b
inconsideratethoughtless , g  a$ `( W! l7 {3 B
instructiondirection ) U4 `2 ?9 a+ b6 `
5 Y7 J7 ^! j5 u* J& B9 q% Yinterview // resumejob
% S1 w1 P6 J# z4 Xiron horsetrain // locomotive // railroad
' w: R! A) h, ?/ m9 _8 {irresponsibleisn‘t careful with ; U: r& ^( i% D
isn‘t warm enoughtoo cold " c' O4 {; ~; T
It‘s one‘s fault.Sb. be to blame.
. ~3 O, P) g. z; ]2 u' b; kjeans and T-shirtcasual dress ) D: O1 c- i$ M1 i
0 R4 F7 y' [9 X/ p9 i* J3 H3 W0 gkeep an eye onwatch   D; m6 w9 y- y: }8 e8 t  E2 \; e, r
keep an eye out forwatch for # U% D. I( d8 q3 }
keep doing // carry oncontinue
0 |5 y. O; J( Ykeep to oneselfnot sociable $ f% c/ L6 C2 ~0 G& q0 t
larger waistgain weight * J# D+ i' \/ ?8 E* z
last timepreviously
4 A2 E! |1 q9 H) G; O  j" Hlatedelay 5 T; r" p+ b% ~
late this afternoonlater on in the day
: `. o3 Z4 z8 o( A* ~: `8 p7 Wlay off // le sb. golose one‘s job 6 t: c( i7 H$ `, ~; }8 B
line/little/step/word by line/little/step/wordgradually // methodically // in a logical way // one step at a time
, ?( _) a1 O4 [look for a room to rentlook for a real estate agency % t' K+ R7 f) Y% j3 |2 h
look intocheck // inspect ) S( Z4 Y  S6 G  \1 l8 \
look on withshare
7 \2 i6 [2 {8 F% h( V' dlook overdominated
: d& x  `$ N& a  S/ R* m- _. l- Ilook up torespect // admire
, M6 O% Q9 t4 e$ Hlook wellin excellent health : `# U0 p0 U+ N) G0 X
lost track of timedidn‘t realize what time it was lovelybeautiful

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