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[托福听力] 托福听力备考:疑难词组大全01

发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1,give credibility to                  =相信1 s( J! F9 _: W/ g  ?
  -did you hear about jam(拥挤,堵塞)  Jim    你听说有关Jim的事了吗) c( V' i3 L3 s/ A2 x
  I wouldn't give that rumor any credibility0 K8 V1 W* R' V* l& R" a$ i$ ^
  2,give out                   =分给人们,分发& F6 g+ V% L3 c6 M$ U
  -The dormitory laundry service gives out clean sheets each week, doesn't it?
9 F/ p* j* m* |  3,give sb a ride                =让某人搭车
% }+ J. ?* w  M4 G8 t* H0 k  -Can I give you a ride over there?! f4 Y3 z, E2 }3 _" |( `/ F
  4,give someone a break             =行行好吧, 用于口语(与人方便)
4 S9 B, W& l, R" e  -Give me a break; I am nervous enough as it is?   行行好吧,我已经够紧张的了1 C/ G0 p: W5 q- r
  5,give up                    =放弃,投降,屈服
& \$ O. Z4 P, \4 P  -You are not going to give it up, are you?& e6 [2 S& y: J' N- P2 B  T
  -I think I am going to give up playing table tennis I lost again today) {1 x4 s4 \3 l& F( V! h
  Just because you lost, is there any reason to quit
5 a1 A  H: M6 S1 s( D$ F  6,go ahead                       =开始做某事
. h2 h; d# S, ~+ l! W$ ]5 C  -Do go ahead before with your dessert?   吃点甜点吧5 c- |) v+ U! y& y) x+ k& X- i
  7,go around           =足够分配
/ m  \6 M1 j2 h: D. g8 F9 D  -Are there enough assignment sheets to go around?; Z0 v! N1 W- [9 Y. ^1 H; Y5 M. J! c
  8,go in for           =从事,致力于      参加,追求
; W; A1 @+ ~  _/ i9 f8 w, ]  -What he wants to do is get someone to go in for him just pass back the mid-term exams
/ H, O* k3 a& ^  他希望有人可以帮助他通过期中考试5 I6 `* a. R/ l* x
  9,go off           =开始响起来
( C4 w  E0 o& g5 m  -She never wakes up before her alarm goes off
0 h: `, R) ?( H* p6 Z5 w  10,go out of one's way   =  格外努力,比往常多做( G) [# p- r/ k6 O6 r
  -I was touched that our neighbor brought over a dish when we moved in5 F+ h: }6 ^% {, U0 K9 h
  Yes, Miss Smith really goes out of her way for others

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