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[托福听力] 托福听力备考:疑难词组大全06

发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 51,light up          =突然快活,高兴起来0 W: k  e: u- z3 W7 G: y( B
  -Those flowers light up the whole room
! J: ?( t, R' u. `- o+ d, W  52,like apples and oranges    =用来表示无法相比的事物$ M2 v: g9 e% m. e4 v
  -Which game do you think is more difficult to learn, chess or bridge; S# u) d8 h" f+ g+ L* o3 X
  They are like apples and oranges
' L; {: F& O- M. B" v  53,line up        =准备停当,计划安排
* p+ g: A+ D& X5 ~0 N  -I have this great job lined up to manage the closing door clothing store at them all at the mall
) q7 h+ h7 F, I1 Z4 F  =排列起来,排成队) I8 I% g, o; T- z
  -Look at all those cars lined up for the ferry (等待摆渡); There must be forty ahead of us
& }3 c* h  x: F' d+ O  Yeah, I think it's going to be a while  I7 y! Q% [2 B- n* d3 v8 x4 `0 g
  54,live by oneself         =独自一人生活
- o; v; t$ o! s% D, J' J7 ^+ l  -Mary said she wanted to live by herself8 b) K) W  _/ h, y
  55,look for a needle in a hay stack          =大海捞针
* r: g, `3 f: f7 g; c) o  -We are supposed to meet John here at the train station5 `, Z8 z/ k. m5 g+ t) B' V
  That's like looking for a needle in a hay stack  (干草堆)
6 R9 ~: }! N8 |. B+ c7 |2 d/ x0 P  56,look forward to      =盼望,期待
, T7 T/ _# }) M7 [  -I am really looking forward to the picnic tomorrow
9 m  _- P& M1 s1 ^% L% v- F: m  If we are lucky we'll have some sun this year for a change
2 l& U* S0 q/ u  57,look into         =调查,审查,研究5 n* u6 N1 w6 R+ j/ {# Z  O6 z
  -Martin is looking into the possibility of, x4 O: p! p% s8 {: ?& Q
  getting alone getting a loan(贷款)
% J9 G9 K& w) S& e. t3 Z$ B) e- ~0 i  58,look over         =检查,查看
& t# Z& L, @$ Z- ^4 [  -The professor asked us to look over our papers for mistakes
' s" o' F" `$ @2 K3 r  59,look up to        =把某人当作好榜样模仿 ,    尊重,尊敬5 h; o/ u9 J' ~# P3 _7 N4 y: S' r1 B
  -Dianna looks up to her teacher( Z, Z/ u: W. \
  -I hear your older sister is on the Olympic team and on the honor's list; she must be quite a person8 T, ~1 A2 y1 m! x/ t: G
  She sure is, I've always looked up to her

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