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[托福听力] 托福听力备考:疑难词组大全13

发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 1,save one's breath -因说出来没用或没好处而保持沉默,省口气
/ a, u7 i/ t5 d- Y9 p( v  -Donna should save her breath because she can't convince her friends2 T8 c9 E! J6 n- F2 T5 s
6 D4 I7 L2 B4 c) d# q& O( s# i  Save your breath he's out of ear shot earshot9 Z, e; ?0 P, V9 \4 L- g
  2,say something about -说明什么有问题6 Q5 \4 D: [- M9 L
  -It's hard to believe that half the class couldn't do all the exercises, isn’t it Charlie& w3 o/ z6 H: o7 K% F# E: A! d1 @& B6 ?
  I am afraid that says something about our physical fitness (身体状况)
4 _0 C; Q! Z9 B; k7 b( p  3,see around -看见什么在附近
6 C& u$ d, `. f5 k  -Have you seen Jam around, we are supposed to play tennis?/ U, [& p: ]$ I7 }8 n) w+ B' i% j
  Well, his racket is here on the table
5 c2 y7 z/ j* S; R. O  X4 B5 O  4,set in  -开始,发生  y9 x* t5 s" h0 O: I
  -our exercises aren't enough to increase metabolism before fatigue (疲劳) sets in' T, y4 q/ u+ l- o: }
  5,set out for  -动身,出发+ \6 D9 n8 \0 c% Z7 Y1 t. b
  -Which hiking trail did Karol's group take?2 o/ w% U% t4 c9 h; d
  I think they set out for the lake" Q9 M+ V% P% c; H+ D1 h+ y
  6,set up  -建立,开设
! c6 `9 E& L  q: U4 M* S  -I think I've got six experiments this experiment set up right now- p/ n7 Z7 A+ d6 Q  J* {1 Z
  You only think it's right? In chemistry, you’ve got to be sure
5 e- a7 ~+ n4 a9 V1 p, K. t# {0 v  (你仅仅是认为?,对待化学,你必须有十分把握才行)
) F+ ~' n; M9 j3 i7 v( s: C  7,share a common outlook  -有共同的观点' {6 j" s& r+ k' o
  -Jeff and Alan share a common outlook on life* k" M' l0 R4 u' I
  8,show off  -炫耀,展示,展览6 c- n. C. ~9 K$ v; h4 W
  -What a show off
: a0 r1 `& p4 b& Q0 K. Q  9,show up  -1显现出来- |" x. V9 E) @" F
  -How would the snale snail show up in the photographs if they were transparent?! u9 g2 }8 ]3 |+ y( }+ W2 S
  - 到来,出现5 z* ]: D1 {7 j
  -Did David show up at the game?/ W4 Y- a$ G' W% }4 J
  -The speaker showed up late for his statistic lecture. n# x/ l, L# {/ y4 v
  -Mike promised he'd help on this rush job, but he never showed up5 q/ [! L% d( T; _6 V: I
  Some friend he is+ G, \0 }! l' D
4 Q5 H- d- l" p; _2 q  10,sick of  -对什么厌烦,厌倦
& j8 G# }" Z3 t8 E# R9 v% E' u  -he is sick of his job# @. g1 P* c9 J4 d
  11,sign up  -报名参加,参加
, |, v2 A1 q3 x" Y' L6 n  -I am in a chemistry major, but I enjoy join and the course description says that any student can sign up
- P; O6 Y3 K0 r, z1 _$ n  -I am signing up for a non-credit(不记学分) string on sanble string ensemble(弦乐合奏) course that needs meets once a week on Wednesday nights
* C: N5 f2 y: q- U8 \5 q0 ^  -I signed up for a month-long course but Katy signed up for the one that's eight weeks
+ ?% D2 w  \. I0 k" g7 C  Long% \, n$ r4 d; F7 i
  -Hi, I’d like to signed up for the film selection committee, is this the right place% c" }1 r  m9 a" T+ a6 I9 @
  Yes it is, there is lot of fun people on that committee, but you have to put a lot of hours, I hope your schedule isn't too tight& m- z4 R3 U: c9 m
  12,sit in on  -列席,旁听
& J& o! g2 w* I% l6 l2 [3 F  -Maybe I should sit in on his class some time
- e$ i) k" f  {; _, v  13,six of one and half a dozen half-a-dozen of the other -半斤八两,没什么区别
3 X1 j# G) d6 [: B2 w0 @' O  -I can't decide whether to take anphology anthropology(人类学) or geology this term
4 w. e8 Y$ b4 J  It’s six of one and half a dozen half-a-dozen of the other

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