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[托福听力] 托福听力备考:托福考试听力疑难词组整理(6)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  100,play by ear =随机应变,看情形而定
' Y5 q- r& h% z: }2 J( A7 v  -Muddy, are you drawing doing something special for your presentation in political science
, j( ?( L. M, k/ E  Tomorrow
7 b# \4 m' \8 R& o  Not really, because the class so often turns into a discussion, I’ve decided to play by! M& ~8 q% P' O2 o
  Ear) k1 a' \; I( Q+ b+ h) d* p+ v3 O
  101,point out =指出,提起注意,说明
" P+ L6 Q# N% ?- w( L  -The first thing I'd like to point out is that the workbook contains of a very large
( }0 N1 E7 _$ R9 w  amount of material far more than you could ever handle in a single semester
- v$ p( f* J7 E3 M- c  102,pull away =开始走或行使6 c' I' `" B7 f0 _, w) }. [" ~; H+ k
  -Wasn't that the city bus that that'd just pulled away?" h$ W2 Y6 f$ L$ O7 b- }- _! l
  103,push one's luck =愚蠢的冒险,靠运气成功
3 U$ d' r5 ^6 G! v" R9 k  -If professor Thomason was willing to give us a three-day extension to finish the project, maybe he'll give us a few more days
' [0 i% L$ z4 R3 b  Let’s not push our luck, marry, ok
+ f  b4 r7 j# Q0 h$ k  104,put away =把....收起来,放好1 r9 R/ Z% D6 M8 d& M+ N* p: R
  -Is there a bus I can get to the station?
/ Z+ k7 l1 p' f  There is, but you can't rely on it, I 'all give you a ride if you can wait while I put1 O# n. w7 {: c$ T# ?1 V8 `; a
  These things away6 H# I) x" h3 i) M4 h+ a- o
  105,put on =排练,创作,安排7 Z0 R. g+ X& O( a! r
  -I think I'll put on some music now& e4 z) {6 Q8 b4 R3 w  }
  What do you have, I am a classical music fan; q5 l. z) o) N: b! ~! Y  W
  106,put up =做,从事,进行
' X0 S3 n0 r7 G1 W  -The city is going to tear down those old houses and put up a new shopping center
6 T" `) w( I" s9 O) M, C- ?  =为某人安排住宿,安排房间
! I% c# n! V. X/ N  -My company is flying me out to Hawaii on business next week8 e5 o: {1 Q" Y6 @* M. {; p7 r7 N
  That’s great, where are they putting you up9 z) ?/ E- f; k: [3 l( b
  107,put up with =迁就,忍受
7 ]/ b2 Q( x2 z# N/ }2 m  -From now on, I refuse to put up with your silliness- Y8 z. J5 N: R% y0 z1 p9 V
  108,race through =快速奔跑& U0 P. k4 s  ^, Y
  -Kevin race through the station, afraid he'd missed the train
4 a' n7 ~: @  }. L+ N+ W, ?  109,race the roof = 喧闹或鼓掌欢呼等,声音震耳欲聋1 H9 i8 x, ^* `& Y0 ^
  -I borrowed Peter's favorite pen, and now I've lost it
+ @8 g: e2 W; i% G5 O+ m  When he finds out, he will really raise the roof) t* G( T7 m8 Z. v1 p
  110,really nothing to it = 没什么大不了9 w, F0 P0 @! y6 d( o
  -I can run this projector, that’s really nothing to it
5 ~( x+ c. ~6 }% Y  111,return with regrets =婉言拒绝
  J. ?8 L+ k" g4 r  -I return to the party invitation with regrets) b% J" z* Z; s+ ]/ e9 j& n. m0 L! K
  112,ring a bell =令人想起某件事,听起来耳熟$ w' g* `7 M+ B
  -That name just doesn't ring a bell with me: c+ d' i! s. j+ t- H: z
  113,run into =陷入,受到影响
5 ?8 {" \5 W0 G3 y( N& k  -If you run into any problem, please feel free to stop in 顺便访问5 u- q3 u; i/ ]
  114,run out of =用光,耗尽
; B# }8 s3 Y! \! ?4 u/ u/ l  -Remember to bring along two or three pens in case you ran out of ink* R2 z/ L1 ?: i0 q, j0 o- D
  -Cathy is running out of time on her project
% R9 m! ^7 `  A3 p- g: p  -It looks as though we've run out of computer paper
* D, L" A; c* g; W  116,run up against =遇到某人或某事
- `- E& o6 l, K2 S5 |5 p: S  -Have you run up against any problem in getting you visa renewed?
, U, Y* e) w& D9 Q  Not yet
+ ~8 N% d3 G- O. L. Z  M  F) T, N6 g  117,rush hour =交通高峰期
& N6 g- ~  _4 H0 J# x9 X  -Why don't we drive down town now?0 k  _/ j( T. z
  Wouldn’t it be better to wait until rush hour?

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