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[托福阅读] 托福阅读:Avatar and the sacred feminine(2)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  前段时间,《阿凡达》热播,一票难求,它不仅开辟了电影3D技术的新天地,也带给了人们划时代的视听感受,唯美的丛林大树夜景.跨越一切的爱情, 以及感动的最后一搏,像是原始社会和科技时代的大战. 可怜那些无辜无力却勇敢的潘多拉星球的蓝人们. 人类的贪婪自私与自大妄为在影片里暴露无遗.好在结尾给我们一个欢喜的场景。  The Sacred Feminine is alive in Pandora. Interestingly, Pandora is the name of an ancient Goddess later disempowered and demonized by patriarchy, which considers Pandora the bestower of all evils by releasing them out into the world. However, the etymology of the word Pandora reveals a more ancient understanding of this Goddess, meaning "all-giving." And according to Janne Ellen Harrison, a British classical scholar, "Pandora rises from the earth; she is the Earth, giver of all gifts."
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  Pandora is a planet inhabited by The Na'vi, a Goddess based civilization. Their ultimate deity is female, Eywa, the Great Mother. Naturally, their spiritual leaders are female figures, Priestesses, empowered women in communion with this divine energy. Women are able to express their own power beyond the confines of what we consider feminine, this is full embodiment of fierce feminine expression. The scientist's ultimate confession of dwelling in the deity is revealing. She said "I am with her, SHE is real." She dies in this recognition and is only able to truly see and accept the sacred in her death as her veil is lifted when she returns to source. The Na'vi don't need to wait until death to feel this connection."

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