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[托福阅读] 托福雅思极速英语:谁愿意陪我去逛街

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Part I:极速词法   1、mind在意; 2、actually adv. 实际上,其实;
6 z+ B6 k: m- ~: a  3、would rather宁肯,宁愿; 4、stand忍受,忍得住;
+ F, v8 U4 U4 }* L8 P! i  C  5、smoking n. 吸烟; 6、give up放弃,戒掉
4 R! t- p- {4 x& I8 ]  7、indispensable adj. 不可缺少的;# W8 g1 D% s) v* T$ o$ ?
  8、health n. 健康,身体; 9、few很少的;
5 U/ a" U/ h6 T4 X. ~  _* L/ F7 m7 \& G  10、quit vt. 放弃,戒掉; 11、hobby n. 嗜好;
7 F7 y3 p# k, }+ \3 N; y  12、completely adv. 完全地,彻底地;
( i! r) a* D- _; s( R, I  13、do sb. harm损害某人,对某人有坏处; 14、do sb. good对某人有 好处;
  Z) c1 C" P( s1 K9 X  15、dozens of times几十次; 16、get rid of摆脱;
7 L/ |4 q9 b  h' W  D' M* z6 K  17、cigarette n. 香烟; 18、make coffee煮咖啡,冲咖啡;
/ r6 l, _3 Q, z& a  [1 m  19、get in进门; 20、be a mess乱糟糟的; 21、sweep the floor扫地; $ f" p. G5 O7 g% ?
  22、mop the floor 拖地; 23、tidy and clean整齐又干净;; {  n! @/ i/ C' p; L: s5 \4 l
  24、Korean adj. 朝鲜的,韩国的;& p' S: ^1 `$ m: ?/ j" |& A' N/ O# I
  25、soap opera 肥皂剧,连续剧;
, Z" v( t9 s8 Z1 Y& ^  26、all by oneself独自一人; 27、 turn off关掉;8 k2 v3 f) r  w/ S! f. [5 S! E
  28、close the window关上窗;. {' O3 @& p3 H5 i1 q
  29、wind n. 风; 30、absolutely adv. 绝对地,完全地;
2 U: W+ {* J, [' l; @( I: n- ^5 \  31、fail vi. 失败; 32、habit n. 习惯; 2 u4 k0 ^( X" |. p
  33、finally adv. 终于,最后
# {- C! S$ u& @" q+ \: w& @  Part II:极速句法4 i9 R6 h4 q- k" c" x, y
; K3 f+ ~- G) s! n  Kenny:Does anyone mind if I smoke here?
7 P9 A1 ]! m8 J  Carol:Well, actually, I’d rather you didn’t.7 l( b4 J( X$ a6 P8 q3 F8 ^
  Kenny:Oh, well, no problem. I can stand it.6 a) O& C% ^, f, S, g7 L
  Kathy:Say, is smoking that indispensable? It’s bad to your health, you know.
# v, |1 ^. Y0 o1 V. N. J  Kenny:I know that, but still, I don’t want to give it up. It’s one of my few hobbies.
6 J' v$ X# q# n* m+ g  Carol:You’d better quit it completely. It does you more harm than good.
/ o- Q, m, `. w  Kenny:You can say that again. In fact, it’s very easy to give it up. I’ve done that dozens of times!
0 T3 ~0 H3 A' ^/ o  Carol:But still, you can’t get rid of it!
  F' c  \+ L4 c  Kenny:I’ll quit it after I smoke one more cigarette.
, f6 o/ \. f+ t( ?- ^8 A  对话2- T/ T1 Q& c' r  r
  Joan:Does anyone want to go shopping with me?
- O6 ~  E9 i9 E  f: R% l# j  Penny:I’d rather stay and wait for the Smith sisters.
! {7 D4 k$ f8 e7 M6 K1 Q  \3 c  Kathy:I’d rather make some coffee now so that they’ll have something to drink when they get in.
# N2 _. D3 Y* Y  p$ a0 V  Jenny:I’d rather lie down for a while so that I won’t feel sleepy when they are here.) H/ E+ A0 q( \
  Susan:I’d rather do all the dishes so that the kitchen won’t be such a mess when they arrive.
  i5 @) J! X  U  Carol:I’d rather sweep the floor so that our living room looks tidy and clean.
- y, H: ~/ ]- |# e' Z, H! O' u. X5 d  Julia:I’d rather mop the floor after Carol sweeps it so that it will look even cleaner.
0 t. ^; j9 }6 M7 C( y4 J& a. {  Maggie:I’d rather do nothing but watch this interesting Korean soap opera.7 u# z% H. [9 F4 m! \- a
  Judy:I’d rather have something to eat now so that I won’t fell hungry when they get here.& a- [, L- e3 X4 i$ Y3 |% i* ^( C0 Z2 _
  Joan:Gee! It seems that I’ll have to do the shopping all by myself!8 A  P. {8 R+ B* c0 t$ V7 @3 X2 T/ a
  精美语句1 F+ \, m: x- ~! ~# T( }1 p
  1.Does anyone mind if I turn off the TV?—Well, actually, I’d rather you didn’t.8 g' x) {2 s6 h% b
  2.Does anyone mind if I close the window?—Well, actually, I’d rather you did.
( D( y4 w8 }( s7 {% F  3.I really can’t stand this wind. It’s so cold.
. |/ w# k( p4 l8 G$ n  4.Say, is she that indispensable to you?—Yes, she is absolutely indispensable to me.
8 W- D9 E# }  K6 `0 S  5.To learn English, a good dictionary is indispensable.$ M; P' R3 k4 i
  6.A good dictionary is absolutely indispensable to learning English.3 I9 c, p5 ~/ R- e: i
  7.I can’t work without a computer, so a computer is really indispensable to me.
) h2 X2 }5 l$ Q7 Y  8.Eating too much is bad to your health.
( R1 v. z! G% L7 O2 J& c8 x8 O  9.I’ll give up smoking. It does me more harm than good. In fact, it does me no good at all.
8 d3 m2 ]/ y7 @# \7 i/ X  10.It’s so hard to quit smoking. I’ve tried to do it many times but all failed.. j4 |; ]3 D8 p6 M
  11.Never give up hope until the last minute.
6 E  e4 ~/ Q( b1 U( _# L5 X% k  12.Never say that again! I’ve told you that dozens of times, but you don’t seem to remember it!) n# @+ [: |9 w
  13.You should get rid of this bad habit.
0 N, {( x" D6 ~$ q$ T  14.I’ve finally got rid of him., B& d# q# c* O) _1 u9 E
  15.Let me make some coffee for you.

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